Gambling Jar


Meister Member
Feb 17, 2012
cyber space
I am seriously thinking about instead of depositing for 2 months , putting money in a jar for every time i want to deposit to see how much i collect. I have been playing on line for years trying different casinos and never seem to get a decent win. I have tried increasing my bet down to penny rolling and still the return on my deposits is meager at best. I do not like RTG games they bore me to tears but i do see some interesting new games. I have been trying to get a few things in order (see attic) so i think the break would be good . I might can save enough money up to treat myself to a much needed rest and relaxation week end. I don't know if anyone else has done this before and it would be my first time trying it. I have been depositing more trying to keep my mind off of everything else . I will update this thread at the end of the 1st month (if i remember to ) so i can let everyone know how it went. Good luck to everyone.
Ended up spending it on gambling or other things? Sometimes the best way to cut down on one hobby is to replace it with another. Even if it's something as simple as tv, movies, music, or games, it may help keep your mind occupied. (Though some of those "free to play" games can be just as bad as casinos these days).

In any case, best of luck with attempt #2. Hope you won't feel too discouraged. It's not easy to ignore the habits and mental associations formed over years of time, but eventually they can weaken, and perhaps even be replaced with something else.
ill have small interest my self as my id has run run im left with no choice but to get a new passport,

which from what i can see will take anywhere between 8 and 10 weeks so be interesting for me anyway

to see how much i save, or not as im prone to buying pretty much all kinds of gadgets and crap off ebay :)
I do not like RTG games they bore me to tears but i do see some interesting new games.
For about 2 years (2018-2019) new RTG games were mostly total drivvel or clones, with just a couple of good ones in the mix.

From the start of this year they went in a different direction and started releasing games with new types of mechanics which we hadn't seen from them before: Pulsar, Dr WinMore, 5 Wishes, Diamond Fiesta, Vegas Lux & Wild Hog Luau - all with the sort of mechanics that NetEnt introduced to the slots scene.
They ARE more interesting - but they also all appear to be VERY low variance with very little or no potential to pay x100 or very big wins (x200 or more) :(

On Wild Hog I had 4 lots of consecutive free-spins pay $0, and the next lot only gave x2.5 on the last spin :mad:
They ARE easy to hit (my 5 lots came within about 50 spins), but even so you would expect to win SOMETHING most times...
I have it on video - might post at some point.

I've had Diamond Fiesta expand to the maximum reels - but still pay only about x50.

I have found the best one to be Dr WinMore - I made $500 profit on it last night! But due to the severely low variance, I only managed to do that by playing $10 spins and going nearly $200 down before turning it around. (My biggest win was only about x15)

I still think most of the older RTG slots (more than 4 years old) have better big win potential.

For about 2 years (2018-2019) new RTG games were mostly total drivvel or clones, with just a couple of good ones in the mix.

From the start of this year they went in a different direction and started releasing games with new types of mechanics which we hadn't seen from them before: Pulsar, Dr WinMore, 5 Wishes, Diamond Fiesta, Vegas Lux & Wild Hog Luau - all with the sort of mechanics that NetEnt introduced to the slots scene.
They ARE more interesting - but they also all appear to be VERY low variance with very little or no potential to pay x100 or very big wins (x200 or more) :(

On Wild Hog I had 4 lots of consecutive free-spins pay $0, and the next lot only gave x2.5 on the last spin :mad:
They ARE easy to hit (my 5 lots came within about 50 spins), but even so you would expect to win SOMETHING most times...
I have it on video - might post at some point.

I've had Diamond Fiesta expand to the maximum reels - but still pay only about x50.

I have found the best one to be Dr WinMore - I made $500 profit on it last night! But due to the severely low variance, I only managed to do that by playing $10 spins and going nearly $200 down before turning it around. (My biggest win was only about x15)

I still think most of the older RTG slots (more than 4 years old) have better big win potential.


I was winning nonstop on wild hog when it first came out. Now every time i get the bonus I get paid zero and it says "better luck next time"

That diamond fiesta game is probably my new to go to game. The bonus with the free spins is not that great, but just the diamonds thats tack has good potential and comes up a ton. I built up to 1000 quite a few times on that game
ill have small interest my self as my id has run run im left with no choice but to get a new passport,

which from what i can see will take anywhere between 8 and 10 weeks so be interesting for me anyway

to see how much i save, or not as im prone to buying pretty much all kinds of gadgets and crap off ebay :)
My local charity shop is full of shite I bought off ebay when I had 5 minutes spare on my hand - the plus side is however at least I had it in my hands and enjoyed it for a while, as opposed to gambling money which just disappeared from my bank account and went into someone else's :)
Snorky had a similar thing going didn't he. I wonder if his box has been filled yet?
Ooer missus!

I had to adapt my idea slightly to make it more effective and efficient. It now works extremely well and you can also have the best of both worlds, in as much as you can still play slots and save money.

It’s not rocket science and it is the best responsible gambling tool ever but you won’t find it at any Casino.:laugh:

The thread is called ‘DON’T open the box.’ Maybe someone could provide a link? That’s to technical for me. I updated it recently and if you are serious about saving it’s worth a look. It has worked very well for me and I fully recommend it.
I was actually thinking about doing this last month. Just put money to the side every time I want to buy in. The problem is I use crypto or my bank so I dont have the cash to put in a jar.

Maybe just buying 100 in bitcoin and then not using it. Every time you feel like buying in just grab like 50.00 in Litecoin or something.. alternate buying different coins. After a few months you would have a healthy random crypto portfolio.
For about 2 years (2018-2019) new RTG games were mostly total drivvel or clones, with just a couple of good ones in the mix.

From the start of this year they went in a different direction and started releasing games with new types of mechanics which we hadn't seen from them before: Pulsar, Dr WinMore, 5 Wishes, Diamond Fiesta, Vegas Lux & Wild Hog Luau - all with the sort of mechanics that NetEnt introduced to the slots scene.
They ARE more interesting - but they also all appear to be VERY low variance with very little or no potential to pay x100 or very big wins (x200 or more) :(

On Wild Hog I had 4 lots of consecutive free-spins pay $0, and the next lot only gave x2.5 on the last spin :mad:
They ARE easy to hit (my 5 lots came within about 50 spins), but even so you would expect to win SOMETHING most times...
I have it on video - might post at some point.

I've had Diamond Fiesta expand to the maximum reels - but still pay only about x50.

I have found the best one to be Dr WinMore - I made $500 profit on it last night! But due to the severely low variance, I only managed to do that by playing $10 spins and going nearly $200 down before turning it around. (My biggest win was only about x15)

I still think most of the older RTG slots (more than 4 years old) have better big win potential.


Yea this new crop of rtg just do nothing for me ,I try them and they just seem weak, no real hit potential at all. Old rtg Is still where its at, I always can make cash outs happen on them for the most part
@snorky510238 Sorry i did not mean to post a similar thread as yours. I did not see your thread until after i posted this one. I think it is a good idea. It is good you were able to save some. My idea came about because even though i have been a border line recluse even before Coronavirus i was hit with a lot all at once and increased my depositing. Luckily i am still not over budget but i figured after this is over maybe i should live a little. I do have a bucket list and my son said it would be good for me to start marking some things off. One thing he did suggest was that i take my nose out of books for a bit. I do confess i will read anything i get my hands on and i enjoy writing poetry a lot. My local book store will call me if they don't see me in a week :p . I will not lie and say i have been able to save much but i did decrease my deposits back to normal range for me. We all go thru things in life it is how you handle it that makes a huge difference in it becoming a problem or just a passing inconvenience.
@snorky510238 One thing he did suggest was that i take my nose out of books for a bit. I do confess i will read anything i get my hands on and i enjoy writing poetry a lot.

I like to have a gamble and I do it all online
I'd like to gamble a lot more but I just don't have the time
I watch a lot of streamers and they never seem to be down
Whereas my history of win and loss just makes me want to frown

So I'll get myself a gambling jar and fill it up with pennies
and with all the stress of gambling gone
I'll spend much less on Rennies :-)

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