
RIP Lanidar
Sep 5, 2003
Avenel, New Jersey
There are FOUR sperate GF casinos:

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Each casino has a seperate bonus for new users.
You can play in all four casinos and collect the new player bonus's in each was what I was told by support in Costa Rica.

Phone support 1-866 407-6455 just to be sure the proper bonus's are in place for each casino.

I have found customer support to be "EXCELLENT" and informative.

They all have a very fair bonus and low wager requirements.

I am about to play these four casinos in the next few days.

I will keep you up on the results in EACH casino ASAP.

I took a look at this site ( Selective Casino ) but I did not find any information on this site which software is used. So may be this software is rigged. N.B.: unknown software

I rather prefer stay away or play only for free for now.

There is many other site that offer similar bonus which wager requirement is higher but you that the software is not cheating: Cryptologic, Boss Media, MGS, RTG, Playtech and a few well established site like Casino on Net and Global Player.
There are actually alot more casinos in their group. Some of the others are Pink Lady, Gambling Online casino, Lucky Gate. I've played there for a few years now, mainly at the first two (could never win anything at the 3rd). While they did seem to be great then with good bonuses, reasonable wagering requirements, etc., I think they have gone downhill in the past year or so.

After a major software upgrade, their BJ went from what seemed to be a fair game to what now appears to be a less than fair game. Though you could play multi hands, it didn't seem to matter whether you played one or more hands, the dealer was always coming out ahead. Their slots, which used to be fun, cost as little as a nickel, and payed out fairly regularly, got MUCH tighter and their videopoker also seemed to have a less than expected payback, despite the seemingly excellent pay tables.

I went from having a good time there and actually winning once in a while when playing regularly, to not having a winning session EVER over the past year or so, no matter what I played. Something definately changed there with that 'upgrade' and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I'm curious to hear about your experience.
Hi everyone,
Please keep in mind, that any casino which is licensed in Costa Rica, does not have a "gambling" license. Costa Rica can only issue "business licenses", and there is a big difference between the two. Bryan has emphasized this many times. You are basically gambling at your own risk, as there is no organization that can help you if you are not paid should you win.

Transnet casino used MGM Systems software; I'm not sure if they are still in business as a lot of casinos using their stuff were in extremis earlier this year.

Last time I looked GF was using iCrystal software.
Well this is what happened when I played these 6 casinos:

Casino Freedom $50 Dep $50 Bonus wagered $500...$25 pft
Videopokerclassic $25 Dep 25% Bonus wagered $ 65...$ 1 loss
Selectivecasino $25 Dep $25 Bonus wagered $112...$25 loss
Goldenballs $50 Dep $25 Bonus wagered $225...$28 loss
Pinklady $25 Dep $25 Bonus wagered $250...$110 pft
Luckygate $25 Dep $25 Bonus wagered $100...$25 loss

Net Profit $56.00 on a $200 investment. :(

Well considering how fair I think their BJ plays these days, I'd say you did pretty well!'re probably right.
But with all the time and effort I put into them, phone calls and all ( just to be sure of the T&C in each one) I would have liked to have done better.
Maybe it wasn't them...maybe I just had a bad day.




Hello To All:

I have come here to help clear any confusions and also to let you know a bit about GF and its casinos as well.

First of all, we are using Icrystal software.

we also have never used RIGGED software either!

Selective Casino for example is getting to be more well know everyday for its great free$10 offer as well as its 100% bonus up to $150.00

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We have paid out a whole bunch of cash to a whole bunch of happy people especially lately witht the people taking advantage of our free offer.

If i may share a posting from another board I discovered well surfing the other day:

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Here you will find some commments both good and bad, we will let you decide on our fairness.

We are also known to work with several forums as well as far as sponsoring contests, free casino account giveaways etc...

Therefore, please once and for all, anybody who has played with us and won can tell you that they had the greatest gambling experience ever, anybody who played with us and lost will tell you the complete opposite, this you see of all online casinos and sometimes its surprising the length people will go to....

However this is part of the online casino industry so be it.

Gambling Federation has been know as a prompt payer , never have I seen posted otherwise as I am sure many of you have as well, GF pays, that would be the first question I would ask myself before spending any money at any online casino.

also we have had many huge winners, all one has to do is sign up for our newsletter to receive info about the casino and our great promotions.

we also have progressive jackpots which have been hit for large sums of money and have all been paid in full!

In the end , it depends on your own judgement where you play or if you even play at all, I certainly wish to take the opportunity to say HI to all who have played with Selective Casino in the past and to all who have not, we welcome you aboard!

GF Bonus rule:

You may receive the fre $10- a max of 3 times in 3 different GF casinos, however you may have up to 10 different casino accounts.

I hope this clears things up.


John Picken

Selective Casino Manager
I have to agree with jpm. Their BJ used to be fair but after the upgrade, it is very unlikely to be fair.
Even with $1 per hand, their payout stay at 90-92% after thousands of hands. It is very unlikely they offer a fair game.
I strongly suggest anyone NOT to play their video pokers. It's not random even before the upgrade.
Dear hhcfreebie

Can yo uplease be so kind as to inform to us where you have managed to come up with this information?

I would greatly appreciate it if you could personally email me with all you findings at :

I myself will be more than happy to post your findings here on this forum.

Best Regards,

Selective Casino Manager
I couldn't agree with you more hhcfreebie, the video poker there never felt right. The multihand vp was particularly obvious. I could never get anything decent no matter what I was initially dealt.

I think they lost too much with all the bonuses they used to give out and had to tighten up all the games. The slots are extremely tight now. I used to be able to play all nite on the nickel slots with $100. After the upgrade, it wouldn't last me 30 minutes.

Same with the blackjack, it is absolutely brutal now. Cleans me out whether I play one hand or multiple hands at once. It has definately changed since that last major upgrade about a year ago. Haven't been able to win anything since then.

I can say that when I actually did have something to withdraw back then, they did process it very quickly. But I wouldn't know how they are now.
Hi members,

I am Victor Perez, the manager of Golden Balls Casino, one of the GFED casinos.

The upgrade done on last october was only for the bonus structure. For example, our casino offers 50% up to $200 on your first purchase with a wagering req. of 3 times the bonus + deposit. The games system was not updated, so it is having the same payouts rate.

I think that everything is matter of your luck. At Golden Balls we are having everyday winners of big amount. Believe me, because I manage the daily stats of our casino. We are trying at GFED to be the best of the industry...with the best software, good odds and fast delivery of your winnings. Of course, as Selective Casino's administrator wrote...if you find someone who won it probably tell you that our casino is good...and if it lost, then you must hear the oppositive.

Our Casino offers an automatic $10 added to your account. If for any reason the system doesn't add it you must fill out the form to request it at Old / Expired Link

Most of the time, the reason for not receive it automatically is that you have received it in more than 3 casinos of GFED group. But you don't lose anything fill in the form and waiting that our support contact you talking about the reason by wich you have not received the FREE $10.

We are having a good wag req because we don't want to give you a big bonus with a hard wag req ...we prefer to give you little bonus with an easy wag req. This is the reason and not as you maybe think that our software is rigged.

If you have any further problem or doubts, don't hesitate to contact me at

Thank you for your attention and have a nice & lucky day.

Remember, visit our casino at
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Victor Perez
Golden Balls Casino
Casino Manager
I was talking about the upgrades done in 2002 which DEFINATELY DID change the games system. Among other things, it increased the speed of the blackjack game tremendously. That is when things changed.

And its not a matter of luck when you cannot win on ANY game of a matter of many MONTHS of play. Even the odds would say that you'd have to win something at some point over that long a period of play, not just over 1 or 2 sessions.

Note, I'm only referring to play at 3 of the GFED casinos: Pink Lady, (un)Lucky Gate, and Gambling Online. Never played at Golden Balls, so I can't speak to that one specifically.
Hi again,

JPM, I am not talking related to you specifically...I talked in general to put the things clear.

The update made on april 2002, for Golden Balls Casino, was done for the plataform of the software only. We have now our software in C++ and within a short time our software will be upgraded at all with better graphics and sounds.

Im sure our payouts rate is about 97.5% or higher.

Maybe, next time, jpm when you play at Golden Balls Casino, you will win some money and you will change your minds.

And remember to write my email address if you need further assistance.

Victor Perez
Golden Balls Casino
Casino Manager
Well I've never signed up or played at Golden Balls, but the only way I'll play at the other 3 I mentioned is if they give me free money to play with!

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