Gambling Addiction discussion

The happiest people I know are those who don't have regrets. Unfortunately, I regret working so hard for over a decade, and there's no real gameplay solution for that.

But it's all good - once I work out what, if anything, I want to do - I'll snap out of my funk and I'll get it done. Just a matter of finding something I'm motivated.

So then QUIT regretting your past.

It's made you who you are now... Now go forth and enjoy life.

Find something you like doing:

Maybe it will be doing Stained Glass (have you ever tried it?)

Or Fly Fishing in Alaska.

Or hiking up mountains - or racing sports cars...

Maybe it's making something - or making things - or it's buying a business and watching it grow.

Maybe it is writing a book - or telling your story.

Find it - and do it.

But seriously - apathy leads to destruction - if you want to self destruct then that's winning.

But - finding what you want - out of life --- even if it is only for RIGHT NOW... Cause as humans we change our minds daily, hourly, weekly and monthly... That is the definition.

Maybe you should learn how to surf or sailboat or play badminton.

I fell in love with badminton - and being over 40 - I now play harder and better than most 18 year old boys. LMAO - and I joke not.

Just find it and do it.

Choose to eat the damn sandwich - then choose to think about doing something exciting - or at least LESS boring than sitting in a hotel staring at the same 4 walls...
And - I'm truly sorry if I offend you in any way for saying the things that I do.

Only a moron would get offended at someone spending their valuable time to try and assist with advice or discussion - you deserve thanks, not offence. But I understand that some people would take offence - I just think they would be idiots.

The simple fact of the matter is, and I don't want to have an excessively chick flick moment on a public forum, but I have been looking for what you advise in your previous post for the last 6 months - with no success (as yet).

My entire life, I have been driven to succeed - at everything I did. But if I'm being perfectly honest, it always came down to succeeding for monetary success. Even things like competitive sports or hobbies that I enjoyed - were never really conducted for leisure (except maybe I guess drinking heh) - all the things I did (and many were 'fun') were all motivated by that desire to succeed in a field / pursuit which was likely or maybe just had a possible chance of delivering financial success down the track.

Now that huge motivating factor is gone; when I discovered it was a fallacy from the start for me, and I am now back at Square 1. I enjoy most, if not all, activities I experience. But the massive problem is that I get bored of that activity VERY quickly, whereas most people find a hobby and enjoy it for many years. I'm usually no longer enjoying it after weeks or, if I'm really lucky, a few months. So whilst there are lots of things I think I'd enjoy, my motivation to bother is low as I know each activity would just be a temp stop-gap measure and I will be bored with it very quickly.

Look, in all probability, my next 'activity' is probably going to be 'writing'. So I'll go back to uni at some point and study. But I'm fairly confident that when I'm no longer writing in my ranting style that I enjoy...but instead writing for school or for a project of some kind, that I will very quickly no longer enjoy it and perhaps even resent / be bored by it - and round and round the merry-go-round I go :)


To 4 of a Kind: holla. cheers!

And - I'm truly sorry if I offend you in any way for saying the things that I do.

Wager , your post and advice are great. Don't worry, I would be very surprised if JHV took offence very easily. He can dish it out, and by mostl accounts take it. Not always gracefully, but he can take it.

JHV I'm glad you are considering writing. Actually IMO you are still fairly young. Even if that's not your thing and you do get bored, so what at least you tried. I'm confident that you will be happy doing something at some point. It may take many many turns at different things. That's OK as well because its doing something. No pressure:)
Get on a PLANE...

Come to Kodiak.

We are going camping this weekend...

You know what it sounds like you need?

A freaking vacation - where you just sit outside - you have a campfire...

You fish for trout - you put the dang trout you just gutted into tin foil with some butter... and seasonings - you put it in the fire... put some corn on the cob on the top part after soaking it in water ---- you carry a couple of gallons of water and make hot tea...

You open the cooked trout - and eat it peeling it off the bone with your fingers...

You go hiking on a nice path the next day - looking at all the wilderness...

You buy a cheapie rubber blow up raft - and you get your fat butt in the raft and row yourself out into the middle of the small lake - being totally uncomfy and wet - with cheap arse oars..... And you have your fishing pole in the water - and sometimes you don't catch crap...

You have a couple of beers or sodas - or Rockstars on ice in a cooler...

You have sunflower seeds in a bag...

And you get wet cause you can't freaking row with cheap arse oars.... But you're smiling the whole time - cause it's fun as all get out.

Then you shiver as the night gets colder - you pop in a propane bottle on your heater - pump up your air mattress - crawl into a sleeping bag - and play Yahtzee or Cribbage or cards with your friends in one big tent... Or you sit around the campfire - roasting marshmallows and getting all sticky... or you talk - or you just sit there listening to the night - hoping a bear doesn't like campfires - and Oh well, if he does - hope he pulls up a chair... LOL!

And you watch the sun rise - and you see deer cross the Forrest area right next to your campsite..

You talk about maybe going salmon fishing the next day... Or not... Yanno - whatever you want to do... you'll do it -- Maybe - maybe not - it's ok either way...

And you sleep as the sun comes up - until about noon the next day - and you enjoy waking up to the noise and activity of the squirrels and birds.....


And it costs you hardly anything...

And it's beautiful..

It's fun...

And it's recharging yourself.

I believe --- and this is just me.... I believe that sometimes we just have to let go of what is going on around us and RECHARGE ourselves... OR WE GO ABSOLUTELY NUTS.

That we just have to live IN the moment of "NOW"...

and we have to let go of Technology for a little while.

I think we have to "recharge" ourselves sometimes - by letting go of EVERYTHING and enjoying "just being".

Sounds stupid - I know...

But I think - if you haven't experienced my trout - with my BoyToy - and all the fun things that we do - even though I have disabilities now --- Then you haven't experienced life.

And if you aren't experiencing life - then you're bored with life - because you FORGOT what it was like to JUST BE...

And enjoying Just BEING.

Open invitation for anyone who wants to go camping here - I can pick you up at the airport and drive you to the camp spots - or to the stores to get your gear.

I don't have a lot of money right now - So I can't tour guide you - or give you huge dinners or take you out --- but you can certainly enjoy life...

For me this is what it cost:

Tent: 165.00 (huge tent for me - 2 roomer)
Bed and 2 sleeping bags: 60.00
Propane heater: 105.00
Propane tank for 3 hours of heat and cooking hot water: 3.14 each (1 1/2 per day on warmer cool nights and 3 - 5 per day on cold nights)

You bring water, food and voila - you're camping...

Bring Tin Foil and fishing poles and bait - and Voila! - You're eating fish!

I wake up out there recharged - ready to go and content.

It's cheap - and it's life...

I think it's about letting go of all of the stresses - and saying to yourself - THIS IS WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW...

This is WHO I am right now...

And I'm OK.

And for some reason - waking up out there - in the fresh air - and the birds squawking and the squirrels chattering away --- and knowing you're gonna go hike the simple trails and just wonder at the beauty - no matter what time of year it is...

It's therapeutic in a way I can't explain.

Anyhow - think about it.

If you can't come to Kodiak - or ANY OTHER enjoyable place... Find yourself some way to recharge yourself.

Find a way to enjoy the simple things...

Things that a rich man - or a poor man can do.

Find a way to take a look around you and find the beauty in it...

Whatever "IT" is.

But step away from whatever you are in... a hotel - work... and relax...

Let yourself just exist --- and not in that I'm sitting in a hotel - waiting for tomorrow so I can play or work - and make money existing...

The if I wanna do this or that --- or do nothing --- or whatever it is that "I" choose to do way...

A kind of drifty way...

I will do it if I want to... Because I ENJOY IT!

Like taking a walk or a hike... with someone - or by yourself.

Invigorate yourself.

Nothing else is like it in this world.

Once you lose it as a child - where you open your eyes in wonderment at everything... Then until you MAKE yourself relax and FIND IT again... You will be uncomfortable in your own skin... Bored... Blah blah about life.

Trust me.

I know - cause for awhile I was there too - that Blah blah blah life...

You just have to open your eyes in wonderment again - and stop chasing an adrenaline rush to enjoy life.

Things - even in the middle of busy times square - have a majestic beauty or wonderment about them... It's YOUR perspective that you have to change.

My only hope for you Scooter - is that you find that sense of wonderment again - so that YOU can find your life again - it is THAT important.

No matter how much or how little money that you make - if you've lost the drive - or you're not happy - it doesn't matter.

Offer is open - Especially for you Scooter - because I think you REALLY need to rethink and relearn happiness or contentment in your life - until we leave the island in September/October.

I'm really glad you didn't take offense to what I said up there.

My goal in life - is now... and probably ALWAYS has been - to help others.

You - my new friend - TRULY need some help (and not in that therapy kind of way) - but more in the - hey - take a breather and just relax kind of way.

Whether you do come out or not - find it for yourself.

You - my new friend - TRULY need some help (and not in that therapy kind of way) - but more in the - hey - take a breather and just relax kind of way.

Whether you do come out or not - find it for yourself.


I absolutely LOVE and kinda envy your obvious passion about the whole camping thing. A few points though:

1. Although I enjoy lots of things, some things I could never enjoy under any circumstances. No matter how good the company, or the fishing, or how beautiful the landscape - it would be a cold day in the Sahara if I ever went camping again :)

You hear people say "I'm a country person" or "I'm a city person". Never is that MORE true for me when I say, "I like huge cities ONLY." I've been camping lots - I think if I was dropped into 'nature', I'd die extremely quickly. Out of boredom if not for eating a poison berry or drinking water I was too lazy to boil (assuming I had a lighter to create fire). I not only like 21st comforts, I REQUIRE them - and that's to the point where if my net is even slightly slow, or a/c units aren't working as fast as I want them to, or a specific cable channel is even slightly fuzzy, or the texture of my pillow cases aren't my personal preference, or (well you get the picture)....then I'm very much like "&*$()*$()*$*)P*$#@)!!!!!!!!!!" and not "zen" anymore until that problem is fixed :)

Every tranquil or otherwise beautiful island I've visited (and the number is many), I've HATED all time spent there. I'm only happy in cities with population > 5mil and modern infrastructure.


Finding that sense of wonderment you speak of, or finding inspiration again - THIS is the key.

However, and I hope to hell I'm wrong, is that I'm fairly certain I can't ever find the wonderment again because I've experienced too much. And, I cringe as I think how arrogant this might sound to some, the simple fact is that my intelligence negates a lot of the beautiful feelings of "wonderment" that so many (luckier) people experience.

I was actually explaining this exact disability (and I do consider it that) to my girl who's been visiting - that I honest-to-god wish I was a moron, and that I couldn't understand or be able to simply Google something to understand how it worked. Because if you can't understand something, it can appear magical and beautiful (like a thunderstorm - which I freaking LOVED as a small child...I'm sure the lightning and thunder seemed to be fantastic forces battering our Earth in fury) - however, once you understand even the rudimentary science explaining what a thunderstorm really is, after the initial 5 minutes of "oh, that's interesting" - thunderstorms hold 0 interest for me since that point in time. I would give almost anything to be that child freaking out with excitement and pure happiness outside in a thunderstorm again. I'm not writing that well today, but I hope you can extrapolate this crappy example of mine to EVERYTHING about life in some ways - hell, if I could trick myself into believing in an afterlife or religion, I would do so - I just....can't. My stupid brain and it's stupid obsession with 'logic' and 'reason', which it conveniently ignores when losing 6 figures on house edge but kicks WELL into gear when I try to trick it into ignoring the lol of 'religion'.

Same thing with flying - for as long as I can remember as a child, I was fascinated with flying (aircraft - I wasn't a wannabe Icarus). I would stare in wonder and PURE joy at tonnes of metal lift magically into the air in front of my eyes. Well, I got into the military as a pilot (lasted about 1.5 weeks flying before booted off course - untreatable airsickness mostly but also a realisation that I didn't enjoy it enough to sign a min 15 yr contract with military over it). Since then, I've never piloted aircraft. And I find 0 interest in the fact that thousands of tonnes of metal can appear to magically lift off the ground. Some damn fool teacher (or more likely a 14 yr old geekier version of me studying in the library) ruined that 'wonder' for me - when the 'magic' was blown away by immediately understanding the (ironically extremely boring and common-sense) physics behind it all.

And so feelings of 'wonder' - suggestions? I would love to experience 'wonder' again. But although there are MANY things I couldn't (at this moment) explain the physics or the reasoning behind their occurrence - I know the answer is gonna be hella boring when I discover it on a Google search :(


Inspiration, on the other hand, might be my saving grace. I just have to find it somewhere. Inspiration can come from anywhere, I just haven't been inspired at all lately. And again, I apologise if this sounds arrogant, but the simple truth is that the absolute VAST majority of people are simply not inspiring (to me). Actually, it's very much the reverse...a contributing factor the whole issue.
Just as I speak of not being able to find inspiration or w/e, I'm being sent 2 emails from friends which were both inspiring, in the "damn I think I might really like to write seriously" way.

The first was this unpublished short story which I read last week already (very long short story), just the email reminded me how awesome it is and how amazing a talent the young author has and how I'd love to have that kind of talent one day. It's insanely long, but if anyone is interested I'll post it in an Off-Topic forum - and if you like writing, you should be interested imo - I think it's the 2nd best short story I've read in my life.

The second email was a cut/paste from some kid's blog talking about "That Hell-Bound Train" by Robert Bloch (will need to add this novel or short story to my list). It's an awesome story and, although I'm not quite sure it has any answers to my little existential crisis, it's related and topical in some ways, so I'll post the short review here - it's a great story.


(Review written by Michael on

That Hell-Bound Train by Robert Bloch

Kick ass story by Robert Bloch that won the Hugo Award in 1959. A classic man dealing with the devil tale.

A young boy, Martin is thrown into an orphanage after his father is killed by a train, and his mother runs off abandoning him. He quickly escapes the orphanage, and grows up as a drifter, and committing petty crimes to get by. He has a fascination for trains, and remembers a song his father used to sing called That Hell Bound Train.

After years of drifting Martin decides that his life has been pretty worthless, and he contemplates joining the Salvation Army and contributing something with his life. While thinking about this an all black train stops near him on the tracks. Martin soon finds out that the conductor of the train is not quite human, but some sort of agent of Hell, if not the Devil himself. The Conductor offers Martin a Faustian deal. Martin can have anything he wishes for but when he dies, he must ride the Hell Bound Train. Martin thinks he is clever and tries to trick the Conductor by asking for the ability to freeze time and live in the moment eternally when he decides he is happiest in life. Surprisingly the Conductor agrees, and gives Martin a pocket watch which he can use to stop time whenever he chooses.

Martin then goes on a life rush, getting a job, and several promotions, and even meeting the girl of his dreams. He thinks of using the pocket watch several times during this phase in his life, when married, when his son is born, but he holds off thinking things might get even better. Eventually Martin gets old, and life starts going bad. He is caught having an affair, his wife leaves him, and he loses almost all his money in the divorce. He wonders if he has missed his chance to stop time while he was happy.

He eventually makes more money, enough to travel the world looking for the moment of happiness when he can stop time. Although he has good times, he cant seem to find the ideal moment to stop time, and he continues searching. But before he can find that moment he suffers a painful stroke that leaves him hospitalized. Upon recovering he escapes from the hospital, trying to find some moment of happiness to stop time, knowing that he almost lost his chance. He decides just being alive and free is as good as it is going to get and decides to use the pocket watch. Before he can activate it, he gets hit with another stroke. He knows he is about to die and is faced with a horrible decision. He can use the pocket watch now and face an eternity of physical pain, or just die and ride the Hell Bound Train. He cant bear the pain however and doesnt stop time.

The Conductor comes to pick Martin up for his ride to Hell. He informs Martin that his deal wasnt so clever, that many had tried to cheat him with this deal before, but that like Martin, they were never content with a perfect moment, and always waited for something better, until it was too late, they died, and took the train to Hell.

Martin thinks of how stupid he was, all the chances he missed, and why he even took the deal in the first place. Looking at the other passengers on the train he realizes that at least the trip will be fun. Sinners are gambling, whoring, drinking, and generally having a good time on the way to Hell. Its at this moment Martin shocks the Conductor by using the pocket watch and making that train ride last forever.

Focus on the journey, not the destination.


I'm going to write. Or at least try. I want to write novels like Hell-Bound Train, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Picture of Dorian Grey, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird....and so on.

And even if it's a 1000:1 chance I could ever get to the point where I had the skill to write a novel worthy of being in the company of those fine books above, it's worth at least x amount of effort taking that shot.
I absolutely LOVE and kinda envy your obvious passion about the whole camping thing. A few points though:

1. Although I enjoy lots of things, some things I could never enjoy under any circumstances. No matter how good the company, or the fishing, or how beautiful the landscape - it would be a cold day in the Sahara if I ever went camping again

You hear people say "I'm a country person" or "I'm a city person". Never is that MORE true for me when I say, "I like huge cities ONLY." I've been camping lots - I think if I was dropped into 'nature', I'd die extremely quickly. Out of boredom if not for eating a poison berry or drinking water I was too lazy to boil (assuming I had a lighter to create fire). I not only like 21st comforts, I REQUIRE them - and that's to the point where if my net is even slightly slow, or a/c units aren't working as fast as I want them to, or a specific cable channel is even slightly fuzzy, or the texture of my pillow cases aren't my personal preference, or (well you get the picture)....then I'm very much like "&*$()*$()*$*)P*$#@)!!!!!!!!!!" and not "zen" anymore until that problem is fixed

Every tranquil or otherwise beautiful island I've visited (and the number is many), I've HATED all time spent there. I'm only happy in cities with population > 5mil and modern infrastructure.

Then I double dog dare you to try it... LMAO!

Only reason I say this is because I - too - am a TRULY citified girl.

I grew up in Anaheim, Cornado, Huntington Beach and La Jolla - Virginia Beach and Norfolk...

Then I moved to Barrow (Don't ask - long story)

And eventually made it to Kodiak.

I was such a city person that I stayed indoors rather than go camping or fishing or anything else.

And then...

I got sick. I mean REALLY FREAKING sick.

I had Hepatitis C and didn't know it for years - and my health degraded dramatically.

(before anyone asks - NO - I did not get it doing drugs... LMAO - I believe I got it from a Gamma Globulin shot when I almost lost my daughter - I'm a negative blood type (b-) and ex was a positive (O+) anyhow - I almost lost her and had to have several shots of Rhogam.)

Anyhow - Before we found out it was HCV - we went through every possible test - thought it was cancer, etc.

My health degraded.

I ended up finding out - and had to go through the chemotherapy for HCV - which for some is so-so - for others, it is horrible.

The chemotherapy left me with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and Neuropathy.


Following so far?

In that time - My ex couldn't deal with the fact that I was sick... He sat on the couch - and drank beer and watched sports on television.

When the doctors said - you need a hysterectomy - he let me FLY on a plane to Anchorage BY MYSELF and BACK...

I realized then that life wasn't always fair - cause I'm a nice person - and in no way deserved this kind of crap and decided I was going to change my life COMPLETELY.

I did.

Someone a very young man - took care of me - making me walk when I didn't want to walk - took me fishing when I could care less about anything except turning on the computer and gambling because it took too much energy to do anything else... And when the slots were turning - it was the only time my mind got off of all of the daily life problems.

He held my head over the toilet when I puked -he carried me up and down the stairs when I couldn't walk.

He was basically - a pain in the ass.

But - Those moments fishing - learning to hook a hook - how to bait a hook - how to take a squirming fish off a hook when my hands didn't want to cooperate - they were accomplishments that I never thought I'd get to.

Then I divorced my ex... Realizing that while he was a "NICE" man - he wasn't the man I wanted for a husband - and if he couldn't take care of me when I was sick - then he didn't love me the way I wanted to be loved - and everything I was living was a lie.

Anyhow --- I started fishing - and started making fires at the campground area - eating the trout or silver salmon that I caught - and there was a total satisfaction at doing that.

Then we started camping... We bought a tent - and we made the camp setting as comfy as possible - yanno - adding a queen mattress, adding a heater - a little at a time.

And for some reason - waking up out there - with all those sounds... it was GRATIFYING.

I don't know how to explain it.

It was like a spiritual awakening.

And while it doesn't solve my problems - it lets me feel ALIVE.

Trust me when I say - I HATED CAMPING.

Trust me when I say - 3 years ago - if you had told me Camping would be something that I enjoyed... I'd laugh in your face.

Trust me - when I say - I'm surprised that I'm enjoying doing this - and it has been an eyeopening experience...

Every single one of us has our trials and tribulations. No matter how much or how little we have.

Every one of us must find what it is that makes us happy - or content.

I am going to say something about large cities and large populations - that it took me a long time to realize - and I think you might be suffering the same thing:

ADHD... Not your typical crazy teenager or child type - but SENSORY ADHD.

The way information is processed.

It's like if I don't have 20 things going on at once, I can't concentrate, I'm not content.

That many people - all those noises and smells and movement - they lull me into a sense of "alright-ness"... I know that might not make sense... But it's true.

I felt more comfortable in a crowd of people... Safe.. All of my senses were being forced to work - or shut down... I was "used" to it - and IF it wasn't there or isn't there - I feel "weird".




There are a lot of people like "us" out there.

That need - NEED - that type of stimulation.

But I think I found something in this simplistic camping (and trust me - it is simplistic, but it's not rustic - LMAO!)...

It's a slow down...

It allows me - for a moment to just "SIT" and "BE".

It isn't "country" it isn't "city" - it's just me - alone - out there - with or without friends...


I have to face my disabilities - I have to face my own thoughts - the way they race and associate things with each other... and move at a lightning face pace.

At first it was uncomfortable.

Truly... I don't just "CAMP"... I actually move my house out to the tent and sleep in the damn tent... LMAO!

But - I'm out there... Late at night... With just my thoughts.

And with those that make me laugh - or let me think - or whatever.

And I've found more peace - in this time of turmoil in my life (and trust me - I'm living in turmoil) - by just camping...

And I thought I'd share that with you.

Because no matter what you have or what you DO not have...

You have something in common with me.

You just haven't found it yet.

And you will - if you just let it happen.

I haven't found EVERYTHING yet - but - I'm content now...

I know that no matter what I do - the world will still continue - The Universe will still keep on keeping on - with or without me.

And the only thing I can do - is just ENJOY every single moment I have.

Whether it be being angry - happy, sad, melancholy, jolly, excited - whatever it is... I just have to ENJOY it.


And not by just being in it.

And camping here - on Kodiak Island - has been the first thing that allowed ME to do that...

It's not the LOSS of wonder...

It's the GAINING of wonder.

Religion (meh) I don't believe in organized religion - I guess - well - I guess I have some spirituality - but not RELIGION as it is understood by everyone else.

But - KNOWING how things work - isn't wonder.

You can learn EVERYTHING an know how it works... That shouldn't SPOIL the beauty for you.

Instead it should FASCINATE you. Even knowing about it. Even knowing how it works.


Because - there is still something AMAZING about it.

Don't listen to the Blah blah blah...

Think instead - WOW - how did someone manage to think of this or that... Who made them think of it - what was the inspiration... And so on...

Don't just stop with the simple explanation - go in depth.

Superficiality was once my major problem.

Now - I know better.

My offer still stands - get your butt on a plane - come with the clothes on your back - a small amount of clothes - and enough cash to buy food/tent/bag/heater/fishing license and pole/bait - and the BASICS...

Double dog dare you.

I'll give you one hundred bucks if you do that for a weekend - and you say it wasn't worth it.


Ok - A hundred bucks ain't much - but - I'll bet you that - it's all that I've got to bet with - and YOU WOULD have fun so I'd win.

Bring your girl - or whoever tickles your fancy to be around....

Leave the rolex at home it won't do you any good here.

But - the whole concept isn't "CAMPING" - it's letting go... and seeing things for what they are.

It isn't "NATURE" - it's exploring.

It isn't hiking - it's thinking while you're walking and seeing pretty things that you CANNOT Buy.

It isn't leaving the city behind - it's getting fresh air.

It isn't camping - it's pretending to survive. (yanno - Survivor Man and all that... LOL!)

It isn't about the marshmallows - it's about sitting around a campfire and watching the flickers of the fire.

And letting yourself feel PEACE with YOURSELF.

This particular way (camping here in Kodiak) is how I found a lot of it.

And figured - you are in the same boat - maybe different circumstance - but you're in the same boat I was in - except you ain't got any oars - not even the cheap arse ones... And you're just sitting there with no hope on your doorstep.

So - you gotta find that hope.

LOL - sorry - to snag the thread this way - I just BELIEVE you CAN find it - because after everything I've Been through in the last 3 years - I KNOW if I can find some of it - YOU can find it.

By the way - that is way more info on me than most anyone online has.

Those who have met me will contest that I am a decent person - and easy to get along with...

There are a few here on this board that have actually met me in person...

They know about me - and about my BoyToy - LMAO - but I don't usually share online the information that I just posted.

I just wanted you to know - that we ALL have our trials and tribulations...

And it is how we deal with them - and learn about ourselves from them that makes us who we are...

And it is the truth - life hasn't been all rosy for me.

BUT I MAKE THE MOST OF IT - and now... lately - I'm learning I can laugh and smile every day - regardless of anything else... I'm learning how to be happy with WHO I am -- with what I have - and looking forward to tomorrow - because it is going to be a new day - and maybe - just maybe...


Maybe - I'll go camping.

Just a quick comment about the revealing personal information online thing, I don't know why people have such a big problem with it. I *suspect* it's because they're ashamed of how they feel or w/e - don't you agree that's such a silly position? I mean, unless you're a bad person or you're having thoughts you should be ashamed of, how can you be ashamed of how you feel? I've just never understood it.

I've understood the need for masking how you feel in a social situation or around family as to be unnecessarily truthful in those spots can be selfish and have negative results - it's no fun hanging out with a sad sack, and that can be contagious - just as positivity, inspiration, wit, humour, etc can be contagious.

But in a responsible online discussion where there is an outside chance you might learn something or improve your lot, feeling low or down or unmotivated or unhappy or w/e shouldn't have this negative stigma attached to it, and I laugh at those that contribute to the stigma.

I can honestly say there is not a single thing I do that I'm ashamed of, or a single feeling or thought that I'm ashamed of - to the point where I would hide it or lie about it. At times, I wish I could have acted in a more appropriate way, or a more honourable way (I would like to be a Saint, you may be surprised to hear I am not one), or think more positively or feel more inspired - but this is who I am. As long as you're not hurting anyone, what the hell is there to be ashamed of? People are idiots, imo :)

(Caveat: I had this attitude and level of honesty in posts on my poker blog, and whilst never lying or hiding or omitting was an obviously unique style of writing and was part of the reason why the blog got so huge, I actually had to shut it down - the fact was I was wrong about one thing. Talking honestly about financial position or net worth in terms of wins/losses on a blog that is in no way anonymous is risky - you can set yourself up as a target for those who might discover you care about something or someone and threaten their safety to use as leverage against you. I found that out the 'hard' way, but not really - I was lucky the attempted extortionist was an idiot harmless kid who didn't have any clue what he was doing and, as such, presented no threat. Prior to that, especially because I never really thought financial position defined your value as a person, I could never understand why people are so often squeamish to talk about how business is doing or how much they earn doing (random interesting / rare job) etc. I was naive and stupid in this respect. It's information best kept to yourself if you can be leveraged against. Thankfully, I have very little money left to extort - and if someone can leverage the fact that I'm currently uninspired into giving me money, good on them lol.)

I had Hepatitis C and didn't know it for years - and my health degraded dramatically.

(before anyone asks - NO - I did not get it doing drugs... LMAO - I believe I got it from a Gamma Globulin shot when I almost lost my daughter - I'm a negative blood type (b-) and ex was a positive (O+) anyhow - I almost lost her and had to have several shots of Rhogam.)

Perfect example of what I was just talking about. SO MANY people would be shocked that you would proffer this information - as if your terribly unfortunate luck somehow was something to be ashamed of. Idiots. Furthermore, thank you for this - almost disturbingly coincidentally, I was just talking with my ex-g/f the other day who found out her Dad passed away last year from HCV and she was (understandably but perhaps morbidly) curious as to how he was infected and wondered if she should ask her Mum about it. I Googled it for a minute or two whilst on the phone to her, and from my rushed speed reading, I got the distinct impression that it seemed that you pretty much get it from sharing needles if you're an intravenous drug user or from sexual contact - which (incorrectly) confirmed what she suspected. Thankfully, I didn't feel the need to share my (incorrect) rushed assumptions with her and just thought I think she shouldn't bring it up with her Mum so soon after his passing.

Reading your story just now, I Googled the issue a great deal more effectively and can't believe I genuinely got the impression the other day that it's a pretty much only drug use / sex mishap - how more wrong could I be? "30% of people...have "community-acquired" infections." (in layman's terms: caused by unknown source, as simple as an exposed cut / wound or hospital infection via needle or w/e) - and this doesn't mean the other 70% are drug users or acquired it from unprotected sex, by any means. There are heaps of ways to get infected.

I'm going to email some links to her which will completely ease her mind (I'm not sure I would care too much either way myself, even if I found out it was from sharing a needle with a hooker in an alley [I'd think his actions were insanely high risk, and somewhat selfish as he has responsibilities - but clearly people only engage in that kind of behaviour to cope with major emotional trauma or w/e - I'd be more likely to just feel sympathy for w/e it was that led him to that point], but it is a HUGE deal for her and will affect her for the rest of her life in terms of how she remembers her father). And her anguish being likely resolved will be thx to you for your comment above. So thank you, on behalf of her - and me, as I feel somewhat guilty as she read my "don't bother your Mother with this" very correctly as "omg you agree with me! you think it's drugs or sex!".....(silence from me in response)....oops.

And while it doesn't solve my problems - it lets me feel ALIVE.

My friend, who is suffering from an existential crisis slightly more severe than mine - has a theory that he's going to just go do about anything he can think of that will make him feel alive. His first idea, and I don't know if he's joking or not, is that he's going to join a crew of guys who are going speed-boating off the coast of Somalia. They are going to be very heavily armed, but will disguise their vessel as "an easy target". If any pirates try to take them, those pirates are going to get the shock of their (prematurely cut short) careers. FWIW, I have no moral problem with this idea - although I realise most people would be horrified. I just don't see the world in those terms. As long as there is 0% chance they can make a mistake - i.e. they must wait until they are actually under attack from pirates, I say lol @ the pirates and wp, gg. Live by the sword, die by it.

I understand the sentiment of wanting to feel ALIVE - but I'm not sure that's what I want. I want to be motivated to do something honourable or create something that has entertainment value or something. I just need to find this motivation from somewhere - just feeling ALIVE, in the sense that my friend just wants to feel sensations like swimming with sharks WITHOUT protective cages or getting into a gunfight with Somalian pirates....I don't think that's what I'm after. FWIW, and I have a feeling you'll disagree with me...I thought "Into The Wild" was the most ridiculous and pointless premise of any movie I've seen (I realise it was a book first, just haven't read it and never will). I don't 'get' Into The Wild and I don't 'get' Thoreau. I don't need to go risk my life or live deliberately to know that I have lived - I know that I have lived.

I can empathise with those that wanting to feel something so bad, they're willing to try almost anything; but it's just not me. I riskily argue that such behaviour is an advanced form of cutting yourself. FWIW, I don't think poorly of kids or adults who would do this, even if it was just attention-seeking or a cry for help - I would just understand it's a (admittedly drastic and somewhat silly, imo) reaction to feeling numb (like I do atm).

ADHD... Not your typical crazy teenager or child type - but SENSORY ADHD.

I know I have sensory ADHD. I cannot meditate. I cannot sit still doing nothing. I cannot just eat without also be watching TV, talking to someone, writing or reading. Standing in a line without a book or w/e is torture for me.

I also self-diagnosed ADHD (I apologise if it's arrogant, and maybe I've had a bad run with the medical industry [admittedly extremely small sample size from which to base an opinion] - but I just think I'm more intelligent than most therapists and even most general practitioners. They may have more education, but I have my own interests at heart, Google and superior IQ - I'll bet on myself in the future unless desperation forces me to wade through the incompetent mess of advanced witch-doctors who call themselves medical specialists.

And I trust surgeons who tell me I should have surgery about as much as I trust a telemarketer telling me I should buy TimeShare (2x in 7 yrs I was told the only treatment for a condition was urgent surgery [both times by a surgeon] - both times I did NOT have that surgery and am 100% recovered from both chronic (RSI) injuries - this makes me furious, because I only considered surgery after dealing with endless other medical idiots in Australia (first-world country, advanced higher educational system for all high school graduates who wish it, whether they can afford it or not, advanced facilities, etc). They were not idiots because they couldn't diagnose or effectively treat the wrist RSI and tennis elbow complications that were ruining my life as unable to sleep or work; they were idiots because they lacked core intelligence and even, in one case, common-sense. To one doctor, I was like "omg how did you even get into med school, let alone graduate?! How are you not sued into bankruptcy?" [I'll spare the details for brevity, but trust me, my question was valid - the answer, of course, is liability insurance.]

It allows me - for a moment to just "SIT" and "BE".

Cool! Seriously. But I cannot do that. For me, it would be torturous hell. If I was forced to do it, it would be akin to waterboarding me or subjecting me to 24/7 heavy metal music (or John Mayer). For me, it is not possible to just SIT and BE - not possible without insane levels of ridiculous anguish and tilt. And I actually don't really want to ever just SIT and BE. It sounds peaceful, but...I've never really liked 'peaceful'. I like 'stress-free'. But staying active, keeping my mind active, is what I must do - unfortunately for me or some other people who could have probably used the money better, for some time, keeping my mind active meant wagering 1250/spin on Video Poker or 1000/hand on Blackjack. oops.

You can learn EVERYTHING an know how it works... That shouldn't SPOIL the beauty for you.

Instead it should FASCINATE you. Even knowing about it. Even knowing how it works.

Actually, lol, learning how something works completely destroys any possible wonder I had. And now I have very little wonder, if any, about anything, because even if I don't know how something works - I know there's a very logical (boring) process, or set of processes, which explain how that thing works. I was probably the happiest 5 yr old in the world, I think - everything fascinated me, everything was "wow" - and I would love finding out how things worked or what the 'secret' was. BUT, and this is IMPORTANT, I loved finding this stuff out only because of the *brief* satisfaction and feeling of "ahhh, that makes sense" you get when something you can't understand or comprehend is explained to you. That brief feeling is fleeting. The satisfaction I'll get from discovering how one of the million things I don't yet fully understand does not currently equal the corresponding effort of making that discovery. The tiny joy is not worth the tiny pain, i.e. I'm lazy.

You can learn EVERYTHING an know how it works... That shouldn't SPOIL the beauty for you.
Because - there is still something AMAZING about it.

I wish it didn't spoil the beauty. But it does. This is because I'm not amazed by the physics and logic behind the process. I'm fascinated by very little. I'm only fascinated by discovering the secrets behind what appears to be 'magical' or w/e - and I've pretty much ticked off every one of those boxes. Once I find out the inevitably common-sense logic or physics or process behind the 'magic', I'm no longer interested. Like if you see an insane magician's trick that stuns you - then the magician shows you a fake glove or something and explains how he distracted you with such and such - you're like "ah cool!" for 5 sec. Then it holds 0 interest for you, surely? That's me - for EVERYTHING. Except maybe art - which I've never really had that much of an interest in, with the possible exception of prose or creative writing (if you would consider such to be 'art').

Leave the rolex at home it won't do you any good here.

Only because I hate such people and don't want to be mistakenly classed with them, I've never been very materialistic. Everything for me is functional. If I buy a $6000 computer or monitor, it's because I need it for work. If I buy $300 Aasics running shoes, it's because they provide the best protection against shin splints and knee wear/tear. I find paying for labels or brands hilarious, if there is no better reason for buying that product.

I own nothing of material value, apart from some investment assets (part of a boring office building being leased out, currently at a loss lol). I don't own a car or an apartment. Have never owned a watch worth over $50. Do not buy expensive clothes, etc. Those things bring me no enjoyment - and I'm not even remotely envious of those who find enjoyment in them, because I think it's kinda all based on boosting their own ego, which is lol to me and, if I'm being honest, a little nauseating.

People often mistake me for being materialistic when I'm so completely not - and I can understand why, because (admittedly) for so long, I was completely driven to succeed in specifically monetary terms and very open about it. But, as previously stated, this was not for status or ego or anything ghey like that, it was because I came from abject poverty and I mistakenly believed that making millions was the key to happiness. I was dumb - yes, when you are starving or living on the street, happiness truly is food or safe accomodation. Yet you don't need millions for that. You actually need very little for that. Simple logic, but it didn't click for me for a very long time. I wish someone asked me in 2007 why I was working so hard - I don't think I would have been able to tell them, as I'd have to think about why, and realise I actually had no plans what to do with the money once I had it.

Ironically, I enjoyed the competitive nature of school, university, military academy, poker and such - so I was lucky that I was chasing happiness as a goal, and accidentally often found happiness in the process. But that was then - where to now?

Man, these posts we write each other are super long. Screw anyone that complains though - this stuff is very interesting to me, as I sense a super tiny chance that it's positive or has the potential to be positive, in some way.
You really need to set up a Blog and join Blog Catalog.

You'd probably learn a lot - and enjoy the conversations over there.

Anyhow... LOL!

After all that talking yesterday about camping - we put up the tent and went out to Abercrombie - and pitched a spot... While we were there, the camp host walked up to us and asked us if we'd like to camp host the first week of August... because she has to go out of town - and they would give us free camp spots for awhile... YAY!!!!

I'm like - SUUUUUURE...

We'd prolly be there anyway. LOL!

So we're in town briefly cause I had to go pay some bills and take care of some business - shower and get ready for Band Practice tonight - (I sing for a band/write the lyrics, etc. for an original band here... and we have a gig on August 1st at the local fair/hot summer music nights...)

Anyhow - I have to get as much practice in - cause - sigh - we aren't "GREAT" but we aren't in it to get famous - we're in it to make music... (FUNK/PUNK/Hard ROCK/BLUES - think Cindi Lauper crossed with Evanessance with Alanna Myles And cross all those music styles and voice... Add a touch of Alannis Morissette... for darkness - and well - there we are.)

So I sat down and read your reply.


OK - so just sitting and "be"ing.. isn't your bag yet... LMAO - it wasn't mine either.

I'm telling you - this WAS NOT what I expected it to be.

It WAS NOT me... not even 3 months ago.

But something happened while I was out there - hiking the Abercrombie Trails... Something happened as I allowed myself to think while I was walking.

I don't even know how to explain it.

It was a comfortableness with my own skin... that's about as close as I can get to describing the inner feelings.

It was a "Here I am... This is me... This is all I am - this is WHO I am... I am going to be ME... And I can't be anything else. I can strive harder if needed... I can change some things... But basically - THIS IS ME... and I am content with ME... I'm not perfect... I'm not a bad person - in fact I'm a good person and I've let people walk all over me... All those times that I felt worthless - well - too bad - I know I'm not worthless now... And I'm strong... and I can be or do whatever I want to be or whatever I want to do... I can accomplish whatever I want to - and I can do whatever needs to be done. I don't have to do things I don't want to - and I don't have to put myself down to make others happy. I AM WHO I AM... This is ME"

And for some reason that let me relax.

Instead of being frustrated that my mind jumps in 18 different directions at once... Instead of being frustrated that I never did this - or that - or things were difficult... I realized that JUST being who I am IS ENOUGH now.

It's OK that I do things differently.

It's OK that I can think of things - and can't shut my mind down.

It's OK that people aren't ALL around me making noise.

And that was the hardest one...

I don't need all of those distractions any more to make myself feel comfortable.

I don't NEED anything anymore - JUST ME.

And I can do whatever I want... When I want. (Within reason, of course, mind you.)

And that's what I mean - it gave me that... Or maybe it was just THAT time in life that was going to happen - no matter what it was.

Or maybe --- it was the absence of all the hustle and bustle - the fact that I didn't have my cell phone/computer/cards/notepads/etc. with me. That I didn't have ANYTHING to do - except to think and look around.

And for the first time in my life - I realized I didn't need ALL of those CRUTCHES I'd always surrounded myself with in order to keep everything straight.

I don't know if that makes sense to you - but I felt like a kindred spirit in reading the way you wrote things out...

The way you expressed yourself.

So I felt that if I shared some of that with you - it might help you - or give you guidance (advice/wisdom/hints/ideas/etc.) in how to maybe slow down your own thinking.

Instead of putting yourself down - and forcing yourself to BE BETTER... Realizing that YOU ARE BETTER...

Realize that YOU are what you are...

Whether you have or do not have.

Whether you are doing this - or that...

You ARE who YOU are.

Nothing else matters once you realize that you don't NEED anyone or ANY THING to be who you are and to be content with that fact.

Everything else is just extra.

I mean - the statement: If you aren't happy with yourself - then no one else can be. IS SO TRUE.

Or: You must LOVE yourself - before others can love you... That too - is true.

Except I think it's more like this: YOU must LOVE yourself BEFORE YOU LET others love you.

It has been an interesting few years for me - and it has coalesced into these thinking patterns - of realizing my own self worth -and my own inner peace.

Maybe it's age.

Maybe it's maturity.

Maybe it's just realizing that truthfully I had thought I was worthless - and no matter what I achieved - it never reached the inner core of happiness or "VALUE" inside of me.

No matter what I did - it wasn't good enough to be satisfying.

No matter where I was - I wanted to be somewhere else.

No matter what I was doing - I wanted to do something else.

Until just very recently.

And that very recently - well - it was interesting. I realized that MY expectations were self destruction.

MY own mind was bent on self destruction.

Like you say gamblers aren't in it for winning - They are in it for LOSING.

Well - my own mind was setting goals that were either NOT achievable - OR - even worse - were NOT gratifying...



But --- realizing that I was doing that to myself was a major eye opener.

And I realized it ONLY because I was taking those hikes - MAKING myself think - BY myself.

And... I realized that every goal that I had set for myself - was:

1) Either TOO simple - and therefore stupid - no challenge and useless
2) Was so far out of reach - it was pathetic and I was setting myself up for failure.

And completely UNFAIR to myself.

I needed to set goals I could reach - with a little challenge - and reach them - AND be happy that I reached them --- and continue on with more goals that I could do.

I needed to be FAIR to myself - and stop making life so miserable...

And STOP liking my life being miserable - because it was the only way I knew that I existed.

Call it an epiphany.

Call it whatever you like.

But for my mind - it took the calm - the serene beauty and the quiet to allow myself to think like that.

Sounds like you're at that same crossroads.

And right now you are at the hell bent on destruction phase.

And that's not a good phase to be in.

And about the HCV - you'd be surprised how most people got HCV.
Most folks think HCV is sexually transmitted - it is NOT. (It can be - if sex is violent and both the infected partner and uninfected partner are OPENLY BLEEDING.) But it is a blood borne virus - that requires infected blood to be introduced ACTIVELY into the bloodstream. It is not overly contagious.

A great example is My ex and I had many sexual encounters during our marriage - after my UNKNOWN infection with HCV and we were also involved in a car accident... I gave birth to my daughter - naturally - and No one else in our family was infected... Over 10 years of my infection without knowledge.

Another is that there have been MULTIPLE studies done on monogamous couples - both hetero and Gay - and no one passed the virus on to the other without needle usage. (In other words - no one passed it through living together or having sex.)

There have been cases of violent rape that MAY be the culprit of an infection - but that again is infection being introduced into the BLOODSTREAM.

It's an interesting topic - I have a lot of knowledge about it - and I am willing to talk to people - if they need information.

I'm not ashamed of it. Nor should ANYONE be.

It's just not information that I share - as it is personal.

I just thought it would help you to understand the full scope of the things that I have faced in the last few years - in order to exemplify the reason why I am saying that I think you just need to give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle --- AND LET YOUR MIND THINK.

And I say this - only because - it worked that way for me.

And I do realize that each person is different and what may work for one - may not work for the other.

But because I felt that you were at such a crossroads at this point in your life - that I would share with you a possible moment of hope.

Because - goodness knows - IF I CAN DO IT - anyone can.

I also think that you write very well.

I think that writing for you could be so damn cathartic that you would be amazed.

.I thought "Into The Wild" was the most ridiculous and pointless premise of any movie I've seen (I realise it was a book first, just haven't read it and never will). I don't 'get' Into The Wild and I don't 'get' Thoreau. I don't need to go risk my life or live deliberately to know that I have lived - I know that I have lived.

Ick Nasty - yuck.

While I do like some writers of the past... I can't stand pompous bastards who only wrote to demand that everyone listen to just them drone on and on about NOTHING that truly matters... LMAO - ok... Yeah - I write tremendously a lot. BUT - still - I'm not ALWAYS boring... For example... Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms - Was pure torture to read... Absolute pain... It had no plot. It had horrible imagery - it was skittish and trite. But people have hailed it as a literary masterpiece... Meh - Personally I just think it's a Literary PIECE of JUNK.

I like modern writers who move with a pace of their own. I enjoy Stephen King in his earlier writing - Tom Clancy in his OWN writing... I enjoy Fantasy and Science Fiction - and a lot of things...

I also write poetry and lyrics, in fact this is where my natural talent lay... and I am exceedingly good at it... Unfortunately - Poetry doesn't pay - and I don't know anyone in the industry who would pay me to write lyrics for them. LMAO! But I'm VERY good at it Naturally - without even trying. And can prove it... Over and Over and Over again.

Anyhow - the whole point of my telling you about myself - was to let you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your dilemma - other people have in fact, been right where you are... And many folks are still there.

It's not a matter of a problem.

It's a matter of PERSPECTIVE.

And whatever it is that allows you to change your perspective - to give you that "ooomph" or "feeling alive" or "motivation" --- that is what you need.

For me - it was camping and hiking - and JUST BEING.

Something I would have laughed at you if you had suggested it to me even 6 months ago.

Something I would have said was IMPOSSIBLE... Not likely - yah right...

Yet - it did.

And it still does.

For me - it was shutting off the external noises and needs and wants.

And listening to myself.

I'm not perfect - and still suffer from moments of self doubt - and worries.

But I know WHO I am... And WHAT I am...

And I'm content with that.

As for my first opening comment - You should write a BLOG.


Go to BLOGSPOT dot com - set up a blog - it's easy.

Just start writing...

Maybe use it as a diary.

Maybe use it as a memoir...

Maybe use it as a Story telling exercise...

Maybe write a bunch of fiction...

Whatever... Doesn't matter - JUST WRITE.

And maybe down the line - go back and look at it --- and pick and choose what you want... rewrite it if you want to... But put pieces together - and make a book - find an agent - or self publish it. Self market it...

Someone WILL read it.

Because you do write well enough.

And if you want to go down the Gambling writing - you already have a built in marketing niche here or online.

So just WRITE...

Stop thinking about what you will get out of it --- and just do it... Just because YOU WANT TO...

Forget about what others will think of it... Think about what you need to put on that page...

Or post.

Make sure you copyright it tho - OK?

And if you need more info on HCV feel free to ask - I'll tell you what I know.

Alright - well I've written a minor novella here - so I have to go get in the shower - and I have to get ready for band... and then we're back out camping for a day or two.

It's raining too - LMAO

Yanno - it's REALLY cool to be in the tent - and listen to the rain tap out on the top - it's very comforting.

My invite is open. Can't promise it will be the epiphany you need... But it is what worked for me.
You really need to set up a Blog and join Blog Catalog.

I had a blog. Partly because I wrote about semi-interesting stuff instead of what most poker bloggers write about, and partly because a friend of mine who has probably the most widely read blog in online poker listed me in his Top 5 Blogs - shit got too crazy. I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I didn't like meeting randoms I'd never met in non-poker situations in cities in overseas countries - who knew more about me than I could ever know about them if I was friends with them for months.

I'll never blog again.

I appreciated all the chats - I *think* we're in little bit different situations though. Definitely shared some of same characteristics, but I'm actually not that unhappy at all. Just not motivated or inspired to do anything - and not that motivated or inspired to stop myself from doing very damaging things. I just don't care basically - i.e. the "numb" feeling I speak of a lot.

I'm concerned about this numbness because of what it allowed to occur and what it might allow to occur in the future - but I'm not unhappy really. I'm just not 'happy'. There is a pretty huge difference.

For example... Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms - Was pure torture to read... Absolute pain... It had no plot. It had horrible imagery - it was skittish and trite. But people have hailed it as a literary masterpiece... Meh - Personally I just think it's a Literary PIECE of JUNK.

OMG you take that back right now!

Farewell to Arms was hot.

Hemingway is untouchable. Actually, I think his worst novel is The Old Man and The Sea - he's untouchable elsewhere imo. But I grant that you have to like his style. FWIW, I think if I ever actually get some technical ability, I would like to write primarily a Fitzgerald rolling prose style, a bit observational - with a heavy Hemingway slant and, if I'm good enough, the brilliant witty style of sarcastic dialogue that Oscar Wilde has littered through his writings.

But maybe I should concentrate on having a shower and finding a school first before fantasing about what kinds of writing styles I like.
I had a blog. Partly because I wrote about semi-interesting stuff instead of what most poker bloggers write about, and partly because a friend of mine who has probably the most widely read blog in online poker listed me in his Top 5 Blogs - shit got too crazy. I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I didn't like meeting randoms I'd never met in non-poker situations in cities in overseas countries - who knew more about me than I could ever know about them if I was friends with them for months.

I'll never blog again.

I appreciated all the chats - I *think* we're in little bit different situations though. Definitely shared some of same characteristics, but I'm actually not that unhappy at all. Just not motivated or inspired to do anything - and not that motivated or inspired to stop myself from doing very damaging things. I just don't care basically - i.e. the "numb" feeling I speak of a lot.

I'm concerned about this numbness because of what it allowed to occur and what it might allow to occur in the future - but I'm not unhappy really. I'm just not 'happy'. There is a pretty huge difference.

OMG you take that back right now!

Farewell to Arms was hot.

Hemingway is untouchable. Actually, I think his worst novel is The Old Man and The Sea - he's untouchable elsewhere imo. But I grant that you have to like his style. FWIW, I think if I ever actually get some technical ability, I would like to write primarily a Fitzgerald rolling prose style, a bit observational - with a heavy Hemingway slant and, if I'm good enough, the brilliant witty style of sarcastic dialogue that Oscar Wilde has littered through his writings.

But maybe I should concentrate on having a shower and finding a school first before fantasing about what kinds of writing styles I like.

Why on earth would you have to go to school to write?

You write just fine.

(Blog concept was "keep the blog personal" - you don't even have to share it with anyone... You don't have to make it on poker... or anything - just a writing adventure for yourself.)

You could write short fiction stories - or honest life stories.

LMAO - as to Hemingway - I just couldn't do that style... It was sooooo I don't know.... just it didn't GO anywhere. It was reading a thousand billion words that didn't go anywhere. Guy goes Italian Military - Meets messed up Nurse - falls in love - stays drunk with all the army guys - has a Gay friend - although it's not really discussed - but his friend gets all melancholy on him - he disses the army - takes his preggie girlfriend - skips the army - because he gets in a hot situation - then runs away - to another country (albeit 20 miles to the left) - girl dies giving birth and baby dies... Life sucks.

That was my quick narration on it. LMAO - not that I wanted a happy ending - it was just soooooooo soooooooo soooo something that I didn't enjoy.

It's cool though - I have a lot of friends who found that rambling style was great.

Hmmmm not happy means UNHAPPY... (right?)

Numb - could be that you're over stimulated.

And once you get to that over stimulated point nothing seems to get your blood boiling again.

In other words - you've been boiling your blood and staying stimulated sooooo long - that continuing --- is really rather boring - because you're ALREADY always stimulated.


I'd hate to kind of put it like sex with yourself. At first it's great - but then... It's just OK... and then - after awhile - it's kinda boring.

ROFLMAO - sorry, crude but apt explanation - but you get what I mean?

I mean - a person who bungee jumps... When do they stop getting excited about bungee jumping? When they actually hit the ground and splatter? Or... is there a point when jumping off the bridges and buildings all feels the same?

Dude - you've probably hit what's called midlife - or burn out.

(I'm guessing you're in your 40s - 50s --- ONLY because you seem to have experienced so much)

I've also enjoyed the chat.

Band made my ear drums flutter...
I hate camping. I also have quite severe allergies, so that lets me off the hook nicely as well.

But being still is something that needs practice. If it makes you uncomfortable, you really need to acquire that skill.

I've had the privilege of being North of 60 twice. And while I did not camp, I had many days out, and some nights in a trailer as well. There is something truly magical about being out under the Northern Lights. I was fortunate enough to experience them on both trips, despite being out of season. And there is something a little awe inspiring to pull off a road to fish and sit for three hours without a single car going by. Or seeing flocks of sandhill cranes, or more than a little scary being backed off a bridge by a wood bison. If you rent a car up north, don't rent blue. For some reason they charge blue cars more often.

Many people try to empty their minds to meditate. I too am ADHD, and I find it a much more effective technique to fill my mind with something, usually just "blue". Chanting is a very effective technique to fill your mind with something that crowds out our busy minds as well.

I do find being out in the woods, or sitting by a lake or ocean very "centering".

You need to find some peace. It comes from within. It does require both patience and practice to acquire. It is my belief that the harder it is for you, the more you need it. It is a skill well worth acquiring.

I hope you find the capacity for wonder again. I too regard your inablilty as a disability.

I don't like to see anyone head down a path to self-destruction. You are obviously intelligent and I enjoy your writing.

I hope you find a path to follow soon. You remind me more than a little of my kid who will present an argument why any advice offered will not work, but sometimes these things sink in after the fact for just seems crucial for her to argue in the meantime!
I was thinking if he did go camping he could take the customer service rep from Rome casino with him. :eek2:

I think you mean former casino rep:lolup:.

It's getting a little cold up in Alaska, maybe Robert from Gambling Wages could set up an expedition in tropical CostaRica ( for anyone not familiar with his offers to tour their offices.

Of course Scooter, if the others were swallowed by giant anacondas, I expect you return with a full report and Youtube links.:smilewink:

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