Anyone posted this yet? It's Frist's View on the Act (from
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So there you's not about the money after all!! Actually I feel slightly sorry for the Baptists in that they are being used to cover up the real reasons this Bill passed. On the other hand...!
And credit goes to someone at CAP for finding this gem list if contributors to Frist's campaign albeit from a while back. No surprise to see Harrah's on there then!
From Old / Expired Link.
This is outragous when you think about it. Here we are in the 21st century and politicians can still be bought for cash. Unreal.
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The new law passed because members of the pro-family movement -- including a great many Southern Baptists -- brought the issue to the attention of both Democrats and Republicans.
Internet gambling has grown out of control...This hurts families. Although Internet gambling did not have a prominent place on either party’s radar screen just a few years ago, its explosive growth and potential for damaging families made it a very important issue to me and many others in Congress.

So there you's not about the money after all!! Actually I feel slightly sorry for the Baptists in that they are being used to cover up the real reasons this Bill passed. On the other hand...!
And credit goes to someone at CAP for finding this gem list if contributors to Frist's campaign albeit from a while back. No surprise to see Harrah's on there then!
From Old / Expired Link.
This is outragous when you think about it. Here we are in the 21st century and politicians can still be bought for cash. Unreal.
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