I have established that you were not given the sign-up bonus on your Vegas Towers because of bonus abuse on 8 of our other casinos. You have a pattern of registering an account, making the minimum purchase to receive the bonus and then you cash in thereafter. On none of these account have you returned to the casino after cashing in or losing your deposit and bonus.
Our records show that you have purchased a total of $950 and received bonuses to the amount of $1 054. In addition you cashed in $986.
It is interesting that you come into this forum with this complaint (and you have NEVER communicated with us on any of your accounts, directly, to date) and shout that we should be rogued but you have never shown that you have any intent on becoming a bona fide player with us.
You are complaining that we did not send you a mail informing you that you are excluded from bonuses. When you claimed your bonus, you received the following message : "Because of previous activity on Bonus Claims within the Fortune Lounge casino group, you have been excluded from receiving any Casino promotions. Please view our Terms and Conditions for further info or contact Support for assistance." You certainly did not make any effort to contact our Support but instead decided to come straight here with your issue.
In the light of the above, saying that we "label anyone a bonus abuser" is a bit fresh.
On the issue of spamming and receiving offers when you already have an account and do not qualify for the offer, the following.
We DO NOT market offers to players already on our system.
Any mails received by anyone who is already an accountholder with us is from a third party who market from their own lists. We do not supply anyone with our database, under any circumstances. The publisher will not supply us with his database to scrub against ours and we will not do the same either.
As previously stated in a thread dealing with this issue specifically, we are working with this particular publisher to ensure that the unsubscribe function works. To our knowledge and according to our tests it does. So, if you do not wish to receive these offers, just simply unsubscribe. Anyone who has unsubscribed but are still receiving these mails should contact me so we can investigate why and to ensure you are removed from the lists.
VP Operations
Fortune Lounge