What can we do? Mount a campaign that we strongly disagree with this action. By "we" i mean the casinos, pokerrooms, Netellers, gambling forums, ISPs, and players.
Last week i sent an email to express my opposition to the Dubai Ports deal. The well-written email was drafted by a website and it allowed me to edit it, i.e. make additional comments. Then, all i had to do was click the "send" button. I did have to furnish some personal info (name and address) but i was assured that it would not result in any spam or used for telemarketing purposes. It was a risk i was happy to take as i wanted to speak out.The email automatically went to the White House and every congressman and senator in my State. CM, if you want a link to this website to get some ideas let me know. I'll be happy to PM you about it. You might want to consider canvassing for volunteers for a task force on this issue. I'll be happy to assist you with any endeavor in any way as well as i'm fed up by the Religious Right trying to take important rights away.
The reason why credit cards are no longer allowed for online gambling is a little more complex, if i'm not mistaken. There was a woman who had worked up $77K in gambling losses and all by using her credit cards. She then successfully sued the credit card companies to have these charges reversed to her account. CC companies not wanting to be burned again, stopped the use of cc for gambling. Since then you can use your own money for online gambling.
This is so hypocrytical!!! You can buy lottery and scratch tickets on every street corner. Now, these are products with horrible odds and purchased mainly by people who can least afford these gambles. This is all heavily promoted by State Gov't.
Frankly, it made me feel good to be able to speak out and voice my opinion without engaging in street protests. I suppose lots of people feel the same but don't know how to go about it and don't want to spend the time finding the appropriate email addresses. In frustration they decide to do nothing. So, doing all the groundwork for them is likely to result in a lot of email action.
Last week i sent an email to express my opposition to the Dubai Ports deal. The well-written email was drafted by a website and it allowed me to edit it, i.e. make additional comments. Then, all i had to do was click the "send" button. I did have to furnish some personal info (name and address) but i was assured that it would not result in any spam or used for telemarketing purposes. It was a risk i was happy to take as i wanted to speak out.The email automatically went to the White House and every congressman and senator in my State. CM, if you want a link to this website to get some ideas let me know. I'll be happy to PM you about it. You might want to consider canvassing for volunteers for a task force on this issue. I'll be happy to assist you with any endeavor in any way as well as i'm fed up by the Religious Right trying to take important rights away.
The reason why credit cards are no longer allowed for online gambling is a little more complex, if i'm not mistaken. There was a woman who had worked up $77K in gambling losses and all by using her credit cards. She then successfully sued the credit card companies to have these charges reversed to her account. CC companies not wanting to be burned again, stopped the use of cc for gambling. Since then you can use your own money for online gambling.
This is so hypocrytical!!! You can buy lottery and scratch tickets on every street corner. Now, these are products with horrible odds and purchased mainly by people who can least afford these gambles. This is all heavily promoted by State Gov't.
Frankly, it made me feel good to be able to speak out and voice my opinion without engaging in street protests. I suppose lots of people feel the same but don't know how to go about it and don't want to spend the time finding the appropriate email addresses. In frustration they decide to do nothing. So, doing all the groundwork for them is likely to result in a lot of email action.