(Warning. This is not inteded has flaming of Interwettens casino, this is me sharing my experience and views aswell as asking if people on here have experienced the same thing.)
I know alot of people out there probably hates these kind of post. "Yet another sore looser complaining" you might think. The fact of loosing money doesnt bother me that much, but the way it is happening is bothering me.
I have probably played blackjack on over 100 casinos amongst the years, as well as a good portion of live blackjack. So I am well avare of both sides of the varriance. I just finished playing on the flash based blackjack at Interwetten, and it was not a funny experience.. Yes, they have good bonuses, but that is about it.
I dont got any hard statistics for you, but I am asking you, have anyone of you done a test if the blackjack game over at Interwettens is a fair game? I have high doubts about it.. As I said, i have played hundreds of sites over the years, and on those sites the dealer busts at 15 and 16. I counted 10x15\16 in a row were the dealer didnt bust.. The bust factor was WAY below average, it came to the point were when he had 16, I would bet my life on a 5 showing up (and what you know, im still alive) The dealer also started with T or A, 9\10 times. I wished that I had run some hard statistics on this..
I have no hard evidence other then my experience of playing hundreds of other casinos, and I never witnessed anything like this on any of them, maybe I was just experiensing some sick bad luck. But I am never playing a single hand again on Interwetten.
So, has anyone experienced the same things I have experienced with this software? It would be great if someone could have some statistics about dealer bust rate ect.
Sorry for my bad english, I write 2 other languages aswell as english, si they cant all be great..
I know alot of people out there probably hates these kind of post. "Yet another sore looser complaining" you might think. The fact of loosing money doesnt bother me that much, but the way it is happening is bothering me.
I have probably played blackjack on over 100 casinos amongst the years, as well as a good portion of live blackjack. So I am well avare of both sides of the varriance. I just finished playing on the flash based blackjack at Interwetten, and it was not a funny experience.. Yes, they have good bonuses, but that is about it.
I dont got any hard statistics for you, but I am asking you, have anyone of you done a test if the blackjack game over at Interwettens is a fair game? I have high doubts about it.. As I said, i have played hundreds of sites over the years, and on those sites the dealer busts at 15 and 16. I counted 10x15\16 in a row were the dealer didnt bust.. The bust factor was WAY below average, it came to the point were when he had 16, I would bet my life on a 5 showing up (and what you know, im still alive) The dealer also started with T or A, 9\10 times. I wished that I had run some hard statistics on this..
I have no hard evidence other then my experience of playing hundreds of other casinos, and I never witnessed anything like this on any of them, maybe I was just experiensing some sick bad luck. But I am never playing a single hand again on Interwetten.
So, has anyone experienced the same things I have experienced with this software? It would be great if someone could have some statistics about dealer bust rate ect.
Sorry for my bad english, I write 2 other languages aswell as english, si they cant all be great..