I'm not sure. The level of monitoring for online live dealer games far exceeds anything that land based casino can do, however the roulette wheels produced by TCS John Huxley and Cammargh are used in both, and they come equipped with monitoring software, which I assume can be used by the land based casinos. However one of the roles of the Pit Boss is to monitor results, so if a dealer is hitting the same sections of the wheel or favouring the same range of numbers it will be noticed and a word will be had.
Information regarding John Huxley wheels and their features are freely accessible to anyone on their website.
There is nothing super especial as many would expect. Basically the software is made to help the casino management to do their job more efficiently.
It collects data on winning numbers, dealer miss spins, determines the speed of the ball, tells when to announce no more bets, determines the ball direction and where the ball drops of etc.
In online live dealer studios, I guess everything is much more controlled and that's why I prefer to play in real casinos or online where the game is streamed in real-time from a casino floor.
In real land-based casinos, I don't think Pit Boss can do much about it if a dealer throws the ball into one section. If a dealer brings big loses, In many cases, they just sack a dealer and get a new one.
Often I was playing in Grosvenor casino in Leicester Square and will never forget one Chinese guy who was on the same table with me. He was playing with £25 chips and me with £5.
He always played on the same 4-5 numbers of Voisin's section plus 4-5 numbers on Tiers and his total bet on every round was roughly 1-1.5K - the guy was literally losing on every spin by targeting 12, 7, 35, 29.
On the following spin, he placed £200 on number 7, the dealer threw the ball and in it landed on 7...
The dealer collected chips and paid his winnings but the Chinese guy didn't take the £200 off the number 7 and the dealer landed the ball on 7 again...
On the third time, everything happened exactly as on the 2nd one!!!
And on the 4th time, the dealer landed the ball on the number 12 which was also covered with £200 and is the neighbour of 7.
The where lots of casino staff around including Pit Boss and managers all congratulating him and at the same time panicking...
After that day I never have seen that dealer again.
So it's no matter how hard a dealer tries to avoid hitting a players sector - the result can turn out completely opposite!