when I hear cap I think of years of outing rogue affiliate programs.
I keep feeling misunderstood, but I understand why that happens.
It's all a big tangled mess, when I feel I am defending my peers, you hear me defending affiliate media while Lou apparently hears me attacking him.
This is all too convoluted.
Exactly my point to you Dom in my PM (via my forum).
But I'll say it again here publicly. Get them out of there. Don't rebuild on faulty foundation.
You're exactly right it IS the community. Why is felt so strongly that they will wither and die if they pick up and move to a different spot?
And like I offered you because I love the people at cap too. Come in and be a full partner and that way there's no way you are in a position to not have a say, and you can't be banned that way.
But if that's not appealing then take the flock and move it to some other spot.
There is still a great possiblity that the legal issues will envelope many of the community who have nothing to do with anything the owners of CAP did that still may end up spending money on legal fees just to ensure they don't take a wrong step.
Bottom line is the community doesn't need the crap. There is no reason to stay on soured ground.
At best case scenario ... (and I can't even guess what that might be?) but at best case scenario you'll be rebuilding on a property owned by someone that has proven to be lying. (Yes they can say what they want pointing fingers at each other but its obvious they all had a very good idea what was going on)
... I believe some blame was even thrown Dom's way but that to do with the "Coup" which still boggles my mind how anybody could think that of Dom after she's fought so hard for CAP.
But truth is that they (owners) were all quite content with the money flowing in and nothing was said nor would have ever been said if not for the falling out between the three shareholders.
So one is as guilty as the other ... when in respect to choosing where you want to rebuild the CAP community. There is undeniable proof every owner is guilty of having lied to the community and isn't that enough right there?
There's just a more likely scenario that CM is actually Ollie North ... than there is that not all the owners of the website CAP and the company EM ... were not aware of the conflict of interest and the laws stating you cannot run or own an online casino when living in the states.
There's nothing at CAP that can't be done again in a short amount of time and this time around it could be done in a more organized manner (in respect to the archives on SEO etc) because that is the only redeeming quality about having to have the community at that spot.
They'd still be the great bunch of people they are now only without the fear of reprisals for speaking out. They'd not have to worry (so much anyway) about what is going to happen or who it will involve when all this crap is given the attention it will most likely get from the DOJ.
There's just little downside and a lot of upside to my logic.
You're the best Dom. You deserve better.
And the programs that have already chosen to leave .. would be then again available to the community and any that are staying will I'm certain be more than happy to add an extra stopping point on their routine to be able to address the quality of affiliates that are the CAP community .. (no matter where they are located).