Dragon's Tale


Dormant account
Apr 10, 2013
This is an unusual product that bills itself as a casino, but it has few features that are anything like what you typically find in a casino. It has good points, and other points of 'caution' we'll call it. It is said to be still in Alpha as the site opens. First the good, then the cautions.


*) This is a wildly creative product.... I had not seen anything like it previously. It is an MMORPG, for one thing. The other two MMORPGs that I have tried (WoW and Second Life) were tedious beyond my comprehension. (In the first case, WoW is an instant drag: Who wants to run around killing things? It was also pretty laggy the couple times I tried it. Second Life, also Draggy despite a good rig and decent broadband, has the singular ability to make even a boring life in the real world look interesting.) But this one is: 'fun' in a constantly distracting way. The scenery is one of palm infested hilly islands near the sea. There are literally dozens of different kinds of games to play, each radically different in surface and character from the next. Some are against the house, others are Player vs. Player. You can look at their website to get a feel for some of these games, which are too numerous to mention, but there are a LOT of choices.

*) The currency is in Bitcoin (See the wiki on bitcoin if you don't know about that yet) .... so, that means it is legal to play in the US, or virtually anywhere as far as I know. Deposits and withdrawls are thus lickety-split fast. Instead of waiting weeks to get your money into or out of an operation, it is SO nice to be dealing with the idea of minutes.

*) A very wide betting range is available. You can make bets for as little as 10K sat (BTC), which is in the neighborhood of an American penny, up to the equivalent of thousands of dollars.

*) Being an MMORPG, there is a lot of community support available. When you have questions, there is always someone handy to answer in a community chat box.

*) The owner operator is on site in game much of the time (Watch for a character named 'Di'). He often monitors the chat, and if you have a question or concern, just pipe up with it. It turns out that he also, with, presumably, a team, designed and wrote the game, and knows the code through the whole thing... So that if there is a bug somewhere, he can dive right in and correct it on the spot.

*) Free money. While you are encourage by the site to bring in BTC (bitcoin) from offsite, you really don't need to, especially in the first stages of the game, as there are several ways to scrub up your own right there in the game. You can click on soldier statues, for example, to receive complimentary house btm (thousandths of a bitcoin). Or you can find 'herbs' (I found one in my first few days of play that was worth 400 btm ..... about 40 bucks at today's price). Or you can get 'whiffs' from cigar smoke. Or people might buy you a drink, in which there are btms hidden. Or...

*) Di is something of a "codin' cowboy" that easily shoots from the hip. As noted above, when there is something to be fixed, he just sort of dives in there and codes as he goes. What that means is that sometimes he doesn't think things through all the way and occasionally has been known, I am told, to leave something set in a manner which favors the player bigtime. Keep your eye out for when he is running around changing things!

NOT So Good features:

*) It all does happen in bitcoin.... if you have been following this virtual currency you know the problems it has been weathering. If not, see bitcointalk.org

*) I don't understand the reason for the chat balloons over head... to me they are distracting and cloud the view. Others may be used to them. It is a clever subroutine of a program, but imo it should be used elsewhere. At any rate, you can turn them off by using the utility feature (click on your character to get there)

*) Some of the players really should be banned, but aren't. One, for instance, by the handle of "Supadupa" has serious issues between the ears, imo. It's about like having Charles Manson running through your casino with his cock in his hand screaming obscenities. Why that's tolerated I have no idea.

*) Other characters are outright thieves, blackguards, or bottom feeders such as you might find hanging around in any RW operation. Beware. They can't steal directly out of your account, of course, but some will steal your herbs before you can cash them. Others will tell lies about third parties in the game. Still others will try to hustle you with this that or the other line.

*) It's still in alpha, and once you download it and start it, a choice for two products comes up: ATITD and Dragons Tale. ATITD is another MMORPG that is subscription based, not a casino. Fun enough I expect if you like that sort of thing, and many of the things that occur there are also used in Dragon's Tale. But to have that opening choice is a little confusing.

*) Poorly updated wiki: There is lots of info about Dragons Tale on their extensive wiki, but much is out of date. There are also useful Youtue videos as well... but again some of these are out of date. Other things are poorly explained, or not explained at all. For instance the whole "Mentoring" thing: Players are encouraged early on the 'get a mentor'; This is someone that teaches them the ins and outs of the game (....and there are about a jillion) and that IS somewhat necessary as you proceed to get involved with things. But some of the mentors are predatory assholes, some are hardly ever there, and others are just plain dumb. So you have to get a good one, and there is a somewhat strong social stricture in-game against lightly changing mentors. It DOES take their time to teach you things. They DO however, get a rake from what you gamble. So, take your time selecting one.

*) As I understand it, all the games are set to pay at an average of 95%, the house keeping 5%. So... in the long run, you lose. But you can, on the way there, win big. Do you have enough sense to pull some off the table when you win? (I have tested, at small stakes, hundred, or even thousand-spin runs, and yes, they tend to come pretty close to 95%)

*) Persons with any hint of having addictive personality disorder should avoid this game.

*) There are a couple of other drawbacks that are pesky ... it is easy to mis-click and make a bet that you didn't intend to make, or make a bet at a wager level that you did not intend. This, I understand, is a tactic employed by the big RW casinos as well

Withal, the game is colorful, fun, and has a huge variety of gambles, but time consuming. Since you can raise funds in-game, it is as safe as your own sensibility. There are players from around the world so the chat can be interesting and complex at times. There are some very bright people there, and you will hear of what is going on in Belgium or England or Sweden or Israel or Argentina.... though that is probably true of other MMORPGs as well.

Still not sure of the rule here about posting links directly to a gaming site, but you can find it by googling up "Dragon's Tale" (not to be confused with a Saturday morning cartoon by the same name).
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The best way to get a nice start would be to :

Observe who is the best player and request him to be your mentor.
Read the wiki and watch the youtube videos,
Don’t forget to check all the statues. There are solider that give ksat , so you can try every game
The bar , you can stay next to bar some players may start a party or buy shoot's when they win big :)

My advice make quest and lvl up to 3 + and search for plant . ( u can do that from lvl 1 but you need to ask for someone to collect it )
You can also buy a feather tree licence and harvest every day 1 feather for 30 day's , the cost is 30 btm , but you will collect more in 1 month
And the most important thing try to have fun and make some online friends, and remember this is a real casino You can lose or win !

Best game For me :

Trash , Fence , drinks , berries , but you can try every game maybe you will have some luck and win big !
and is still working, :)

The best way to get a nice start would be to :

Observe who is the best player and request him to be your mentor.
Read the wiki and watch the youtube videos,
Don’t forget to check all the statues. There are solider that give ksat , so you can try every game
The bar , you can stay next to bar some players may start a party or buy shoot's when they win big :)

My advice make quest and lvl up to 3 + and search for plant . ( u can do that from lvl 1 but you need to ask for someone to collect it )
You can also buy a feather tree licence and harvest every day 1 feather for 30 day's , the cost is 30 btm , but you will collect more in 1 month
And the most important thing try to have fun and make some online friends, and remember this is a real casino You can lose or win !

Best game For me :

Trash , Fence , drinks , berries , but you can try every game maybe you will have some luck and win big !

the game is still number 1 :P , i'm only do trash , drink's , tried also the new game's camel is kinda fun , play whit 1 btm get 8 btm in return ,

the drum is also a good game to try, manage some profit on that, the game has new game's have fun !

my advice try your luck , ! cya in the game
I may of had a few too many glasses of wine tonight but I have absolutely no idea what the first three posts in this thread are about :eek:

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