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Mousey said:I do wish that we were given the option of what games we download. We have to clog up our hard drives with copies of games like Reel Strike and Golden Geese, etc. for each MG casino whether we ever play them or not.
BrianC said:No. It runs in the background.
It's annoying because it can slow up the graphics of the
game your playing (which is probably why your asking).
managra said:Also wish you could delete games from your Favorites list to make it a more convenient tool.
managra said:It might also be the reason i sometimes have trouble installing MG casinos (that, or Spysweeper interfering). It has happened now a number of times that the installation stopped at around 95%. It means that when you log on to the casino you will have all the games to play. But, when you try to uninstall, you'll find "Uninstall.log" missing and the sw cannot be uninstalled, without going through hoops.