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tONIGHT WAS A BLOWOUT - DOWN WITH THE LAKERS THE HECK WITH PHIL AND GOOD RIDDENS TO KOBE!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to shout that out to the world!
I was thoroughly surprised by the series. Antoni (the Suns coach) seemed to be thoroughly out-coached, but then seemed to make just the right adjustments (with Diaw and Barbosa especially) to defeat the Lakers.
The Lakers, on the other hand, seem to be dysfunctioning. Kobe takes THREE shots in the second half? Remember at half-time, the Suns were only up by 15 - a very manageable hole to overcome. Was this the equivalent of him pouting?
And the rest of the Lakers simply disappeared. Smush Parker, their point guard, became a non-factor, and Kwame - despite tremendous improvement - didn't emerge enough in the last game. Even Odom - whose inconsistency is legendary here in LA - didn't play to the level he had been during the last part of the season.