Yeah, he came across as a decent bloke when he first started posting but his arrogance seen him be so dismissive of his own viewers. "Fuck you all,I know you like watching slotting but I going to blow my time on blackjack".Aye CraigDaniel was his CM name. He became CraigSlots and is with the same place as Jimbo I think....asshatgamblers or something.
Used to like Craig when he started out and watched his vids regularly, but then he went to the dark side and when the money started to roll in, he turned into a completely arrogant and utterly dislikeable fuckface bastard cuntbag wanker lying charlatan piece of shit *
* And that's me giving you the tactful version....if I gave you the honest version, I'd have a swearbox full to the brim in 90 seconds.
Oh yeah, I should mention that he had a habit of getting into the occasional twitter spat with the Bandit, accusing him of being fake, when in fact it is Craig who is the fake. Which I guess makes him a deflecting libtard as well!
So yeah, fuck that guy. Two times. With a blunt pencil and an electric kitchen knife.
The reaction of this croupier when he sat down and notice Craig was at the table.