Do you think that cards of Poker Rooms are really random?


Dormant account
Jun 28, 2007
I have made me this question many times. Do you think that cards are coming out randomly or not?
Random and to this day no room has been caught dealing non random cards. One room was caught with cheating bots and another had their RNG cracked but no room has ever been caught with the "Action RNG" or whatever BS poor losers come up with.
Thank you for your answer :)

Sometimes when I get ot others get some cards or when I see people raising before the river with nothing and then they got the only card that they are searching make me think.
Sometimes when I get ot others get some cards or when I see people raising before the river with nothing and then they got the only card that they are searching make me think.
Well, if the only result of your reasoning is that everything is probably rigged, than you have to think harder.;)
Think if you can have just an account with a cahnge of winnings higher or if you know how the software is built...this gives incredible bigger chances.
Think if you can have just an account with a cahnge of winnings higher or if you know how the software is built...this gives incredible bigger chances.
Yeah, of course it would. Think if I had X-ray eyes to see through your cards in a live game, what a big advantage that would be.:rolleyes:
The only way to circumvent being cheated in online poker is wearing a tin foil hat.
Seriously, you're probably the 10 millionth guy who plays some unlucky hands and then starts whining that everything is rigged.
The trouble is you never remember the time you got called down by trash and you won or all the times people chased flushes and straights that never came and folded. You only remember the times you flopped a set and lost to runner runner garbage.
I believe that the cards are random in live games. The problem I have is in the sit n goes the network/casino has all ready pulled in there money, so they want the tournament to end as quick as possible so players can sign up again. I have seen bizzare things there where when it is down to two people, the guy with the chip lead always wins when both players are all in, no matter how much of an underdog he is. So if they could rig a sit n go to go faster, could they do it in live games. But in live games they do not behifit like they do in a tournament.
I believe that the cards are random in live games. The problem I have is in the sit n goes the network/casino has all ready pulled in there money, so they want the tournament to end as quick as possible so players can sign up again. I have seen bizzare things there where when it is down to two people, the guy with the chip lead always wins when both players are all in, no matter how much of an underdog he is. So if they could rig a sit n go to go faster, could they do it in live games. But in live games they do not behifit like they do in a tournament.

Post some hand histories. I have never seen anything like you describe. The SNG's don't cost them any more money whether they run 1 minute or 120 minutes. Virtually all SNG players are playing multiple games so I don't how how rigging SNG's would od anything for them besides destroy their rep when they got caught. Your conspiracy theory could go the same for MTT's but there again it is going to cost a poker room much more in the long run to get caught then the few dollars they would make on the very few players only playing 1 table at a time.
In the sit n go lets say there was a 1.00 buy in. The casino makes 10.00. if the sit n go lasts 1 hour the casino only raked 10.00 in that hour. If they could cause the tournament to last just 30 minutes, the casino just doubled their profits and everyone is still happy.
In the sit n go lets say there was a 1.00 buy in. The casino makes 10.00. if the sit n go lasts 1 hour the casino only raked 10.00 in that hour. If they could cause the tournament to last just 30 minutes, the casino just doubled their profits and everyone is still happy.

That's why Prima (any other networks too?) has turbo, super turbo, and extreme turbo SnG's. This more than levels out the house rake for SnG's.
But if I'm playing in virtually all if not all SNG's in my limit then how does the house make any more money off me by ending one early? People drop 1 by 1 and find other games. It's not like 1 guy knocks out everybody in the same hand. Believe it or not most SNG players (or anyone for that matter) are not just playing 1 game. Post proof of your conspiracy theory.
Not trying to prove anything. Just a feeling that I have. So lets say you are playing 5 sit n go's at the same time, if you could be playing 10 than the casino doubled their profits.
Lets say comes down to 2 players that have established themselves that they are not just going to jump in. Both players have almost 50/50 on chips and the blinds are relatively small. These 2 players may go head to head for the next hour. Tying up bandwith and such and the casino has all ready made their profit. Now what if on the first hand head to head the guy with 49% of the chips gets AA and the guy with 51% gets KK. They both go all in. If the guy with the KK gets lucky (manipulated/non random) the tournament ends there. The casino opens another sit n go, bandwitdh is free and the casino can make additional profits. If this happens a few hundred times or more per day, the profits would be staggering
The casino opens another sit n go, bandwitdh is free and the casino can make additional profits.

As soon as a SNG gets off the ground a new one opens up for new entrants at any site I have ever played at. The bandwidth on a table is virtually nil. This is why one can 6+ table on dial up. Sorry, your hunch is way off IMO. You have not given any evidence to back it up. Besides, tourneys are not where these rooms make their money. A cash game is going to generate far more rake then a tourney table will in the same time, especially at lower buyins. Mosts sites are not going to have more then 5 SNG's running at any given limit unless they are large and/or it is the most common of limits and games like a $10+$1 NL SNG.

Go run a few tests, gather some evidence and post the tourney summaries.
Sorry, if I made this question, but i'm new in gambling forum and I just would like to know some opinions.
Yes, I would say the cards are randomly generated. Its all about rake. House games like blackjack could be different. playing 10 hands at $10 and winning 5 of them, then switching to 10 games at $1000 then winning 2 of them. Ive had my doubt with blackjack, but as everyone who has played the game at a casino, you can have some horrific beats. The house always make their cut. They have maximum limit to stop players hitting lucky and busting them. Sites caught cheating like this would be blacklisted in a second. It makes no real sense not to have randomly generated cards

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