Withdrawn: Diceland's conflicting Terms, Players Beware!


Forum & Complaints Team Leader
Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
[withdrawn]Diceland has two sets of Terms & Conditions posted: Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) and Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)

Needless to say these two sets of Terms contradict each other on a few key points, and that's exactly the problem a player encountered when he read the Terms at Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) , had no reason to believe there was anything wrong with them, and proceeded to play accordingly. He won $11,000 on a $50 deposit but was later told that his winnings were denied per the max withdrawal clause of the Terms at Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)

From our point of view this is simply negligence on the casino's part. They claimed the Terms at Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) were old and there "for archive purposes only" but that's not made clear anywhere on the "old" Terms. The casino's claim that the player should have figured it out is a flacid argument at best. Obviously there is a problem here and the casino has done nothing to clear things up. It would take 5 minutes to mod the html for the "old" Terms and add a banner saying "Obsolete: please see the current Terms at http://dicelandcasino.com/dice/terms-conditions" but as of the time of this writing that has not been done, nor anything to similar effect, hence the need for this Warning.

Players Beware: Diceland has multiple sets of Terms & Conditions posted. It is not explicit which Terms are valid and players could easily read the wrong Terms and proceed to risk their money under false pretenses. To the best of our knowledge the Terms at Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) are the most recent and currently applicable. At the very least players need to verify with the casino which Terms they are bound by before they proceed.[/withdrawn]
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FYI this just in from the casino rep:
Diceland moved months ago from an all flash website to a semi-flash website for better google scanning. All old links to the old site have been shut down, however it may be that a few players with old cookies or that clicked on some old links on an old affiliate site could have gone into the old version and looked at the old terms. That is a problem they were not aware of, and is now fixed.

Fair enough, sounds good. As of now both links point to the same -- the current -- set of Terms. Given this the Warning no longer seems appropriate and will be withdrawn.

What they've decided to do about the player who got caught in the middle remains to be seen.

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