desperatehousewives casino and bingo


Dormant account
Dec 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Has anyone plaed at desperate housewives bingo and casino? I deposited a small amount and won 2k. They only transfer winnings into your online account, no checks. So, okay. First it was the documents, which I sent. Got an e-mail saying they were unable to open it, got another e-mail saying they did open it. Got another e-mail saying they wanted a testimonial..did that... Got another e-mail saying they tried to transfer my money, but e-wallet said my account does not exist. Called e-wallet who said they don't understand that, I have an account in god standing. Sent them an e-mail with account number, just in case I typed it incorrectly or they did. Have heard nothing since, and my money is n limbo, right now. What does anyone think about this? Is it a stall or just ineptness on their end.
I tried to find the site, found a link to bingo only but not casino. No phone number in sight, though they do claim they have Live Chat facility. I wouldn't be tempted to deposit there... but let's see how it works out for you, Elizabeth

P.S. Do you think this casino has a right to call themselves after a TV show - no VERO infringments here? ;)
Ive got to say, I wouldnt feel too confident having money on this site. I wouuldnt be surprised if they got taken offline for copyright infringements. They havent bothered their arse buying the .net version of the site. The domain name was only purchased for 3 years and is due for renewal. Here is a little more information on the ownership

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Everything about the site smells a bit amateurish

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