Vesuvio said:
Have you ever played Crypto blackjack?
Here's a little example of how 'streaky' Crypto BJ can be.
First 18 hands of a session - 8 blackjacks. Dealer 6, player 2.
What's the odds of 8/18???
(Mind you, after 68 hands I had made $20 which makes a nice change!

(Also a chance for you to see the WAG system in operation! (especially hand #5)

Hand # 1
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 4 Spades, 9 Diamonds (13)
Dealer's cards showing: 10 Hearts
Dealer's hand: 10 Hearts, Ace Diamonds (BLACKJACK)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 281.70 USD
Hand # 2
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 4 Hearts, 3 Spades (7)
Dealer's cards showing: 7 Hearts
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 4 Hearts, 3 Spades, Jack Hearts (17)
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: 7 Hearts, Queen Hearts (17)
The result was: push
Your new balance: 281.70 USD
Hand # 3
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 10 Clubs, Jack Spades (20)
Dealer's cards showing: King Diamonds
Dealer's hand: King Diamonds, Ace Diamonds (BLACKJACK)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 279.70 USD
Hand # 4
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 10 Hearts, Jack Spades (20)
Dealer's cards showing: Ace Hearts
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: Ace Hearts, 9 Spades (10/20)
The result was: push
Your new balance: 279.70 USD
Hand # 5
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 5 Clubs, 9 Diamonds (14)
Dealer's cards showing: 5 Spades
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 5 Clubs, 9 Diamonds, Ace Clubs (15)
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: 5 Spades, 4 Diamonds, 5 Diamonds, 10 Clubs (BUST)
The result was: you won 2.00 USD
Your new balance: 281.70 USD
Hand # 6
Your bet was: 4 USD
Your cards: 2 Spades, 10 Clubs (12)
Dealer's cards showing: 10 Diamonds
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 2 Spades, 10 Clubs, Ace Hearts (13)
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 2 Spades, 10 Clubs, Ace Hearts, 10 Clubs (BUST)
Dealer's hand: 10 Diamonds, 3 Clubs (13)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 277.70 USD
Hand # 7
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 10 Diamonds, 6 Hearts (16)
Dealer's cards showing: 10 Hearts
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 10 Diamonds, 6 Hearts, 3 Spades (19)
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: 10 Hearts, 10 Clubs (20)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 275.70 USD
Hand # 8
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 2 Clubs, 10 Clubs (12)
Dealer's cards showing: 9 Spades
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 2 Clubs, 10 Clubs, King Hearts (BUST)
Dealer's hand: 9 Spades, Jack Diamonds (19)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 273.70 USD
Hand # 9
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 3 Hearts, 5 Clubs (8)
Dealer's cards showing: 6 Diamonds
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: 3 Hearts, 5 Clubs, King Diamonds (18)
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: 6 Diamonds, 7 Hearts, 2 Spades, Jack Diamonds (BUST)
The result was: you won 2.00 USD
Your new balance: 275.70 USD
Hand # 10
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 4 Spades, Jack Hearts (14)
Dealer's cards showing: 10 Clubs
Dealer's hand: 10 Clubs, Ace Spades (BLACKJACK)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 273.70 USD
Hand # 11
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 8 Hearts, 9 Diamonds (17)
Dealer's cards showing: King Spades
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: King Spades, 7 Hearts (17)
The result was: push
Your new balance: 273.70 USD
Hand # 12
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: Ace Diamonds, King Clubs (BLACKJACK)
Dealer's cards showing: 8 Diamonds
Dealer's hand: 8 Diamonds, 5 Clubs (13)
The result was: you won 3.00 USD
Your new balance: 276.70 USD
Hand # 13
Your bet was: 4 USD
Your cards: Queen Clubs, Ace Spades (BLACKJACK)
Dealer's cards showing: 6 Clubs
Dealer's hand: 6 Clubs, Ace Spades (7/17)
The result was: you won 6.00 USD
Your new balance: 282.70 USD
Hand # 14
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 6 Diamonds, Jack Hearts (16)
Dealer's cards showing: Queen Clubs
Dealer's hand: Queen Clubs, Ace Spades (BLACKJACK)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 280.70 USD
Hand # 15
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: Ace Diamonds, 5 Clubs (6/16)
Dealer's cards showing: Queen Clubs
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: Ace Diamonds, 5 Clubs, Jack Spades (16)
Your response: HIT
Your new hand: Ace Diamonds, 5 Clubs, Jack Spades, 3 Clubs (19)
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: Queen Clubs, 5 Spades, 9 Diamonds (BUST)
The result was: you won 2.00 USD
Your new balance: 282.70 USD
Hand # 16
Your bet was: 4 USD
Your cards: 6 Spades, 8 Spades (14)
Dealer's cards showing: Ace Diamonds
Dealer's hand: Ace Diamonds, Jack Spades (BLACKJACK)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 278.70 USD
Hand # 17
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 9 Diamonds, King Hearts (19)
Dealer's cards showing: 6 Spades
Your response: STAND
Dealer's hand: 6 Spades, 3 Clubs, King Hearts (19)
The result was: push
Your new balance: 278.70 USD
Hand # 18
Your bet was: 2 USD
Your cards: 6 Hearts, 8 Diamonds (14)
Dealer's cards showing: 10 Spades
Dealer's hand: 10 Spades, Ace Clubs (BLACKJACK)
The result was: dealer won
Your new balance: 276.70 USD