Club World Casinos - licensed?

...There are positive plans for the future which is looking very rosy and we hope to share them with our partners asap. This company will be around for many years and will continue to grow and all our partners will prosper from the changes that will be implemented...
Well, damn! I'm glad that's settled. I guess I can mark this issue resolved?
If it weren't so serious, that would be the most laughable email I think I have ever read. Crooks - most probably. Mugs - 100%

I was just going to forward it to you. :rolleyes:

I've got mine. :D

the existing Directors brought in a team of consultants to save the business from disaster in early December. Their role was not to disrupt the daily running of the business but to help maintain staff confidence. Their primary aim was to get the payment processors functioning. I am pleased to report that they are now functioning as normal. Marketing was left alone. Affiliates could have lost millions in revenue if it wasn't for the action of the consultants.

LOL :lolup:

I asked them who their consultants were in January. They wouldn't tell me. Sure that was in their right not to, but in order to install trust, it pays to be transparent and upfront. I know a lot of folks in the industry, and there were a number of people I would have recommended. But my questions - and advice for that matter - got the "speak to the hand" action.

And affiliates ARE out of pocket. There is evidence that affiliates were shaved/players were detagged - it's over at the GPWA and elsewhere.

Why doesn't the casino name these "consultants"? If they wanted to save face, that's what they should have done.
5. Forums started to spread malicious gossip about what was going on in the business.
I guess they are referring to Casinomeister and what was posted here in this forum.

There is no rumor about the casino group operating with a crap license. That is the truth.

Is it malicious gossip that Affiliate Edge has detagged players from affiliate accounts? There are scores of affiliates who have this evidence. The record will speak for itself on that one.

Is it malicious gossip that their key employees quit? Without having a backup job - putting their families at risk? That's a fact, not a rumor.

Casinomeister's forum is not some gossipy hen house with bored trolls with nothing else to do. This forum prides itself in protecting players and affiliates with information that concerns their interests. Our reputation is evidence of that.
This email just goes to show how unprofessional the new owners are and if the 'consultants', suggested this email to be sent they need to be fired. What a stupid and childish way to behave!
I would NEVER believe the wonderful and trustworthy JF just up'ed and resigned. If this is an example if the underhanded and shady way the new owners behave, who knows what sort of shenanigans they did in court.

This email did anything to save face IMO, if anything they have made things much worse for themselves!! I predict these brands being sold off in the near future.........
BTW.. The front of Affiliate Edge still advertises CM as well as having references to Stephen and Martyn (mascot images as well), think it is time the 'consultants' have the webpage updated .. Just sayin:confused:
Seems everyone has received this mail. It is really nice of the Executive of CWC to put a name to his email, not! Anyhow here is my response I have sent back via email.

Well they have replied. Well I should say Mr/Mrs Nameless has.

Hi Dave,

Thank you for the email,

to clear this up, the consultants simply helped with the processors and getting money out that would allow us to pay staff and affiliates. Without them the business would have closed. Regarding stats, there is nothing handled differently to what was set up by the last regime and this is being untangled as i write this to understand that.

Regarding your forum, im sorry for you that you judged on this without asking, any stats that had tech issues onve we know what happened of course will be paid. We had an option to close the business and stop paying affiliates and chose not to.

So there you have it guys and gals. It is tech issues and the nameless consultants just ensured players and affiliates got paid, that is all, nothing more and nothing less. :rolleyes:

I feel like they want me to send a thankyou card or something. Alas no. They got this straight back:

Who am I actually writing to? One of the brothers or someone from the rogue AffPower Group?

Firstly, the consultants you have taken on are nothing short of crooks who have been caught ripping off games from Net Ent - Old / Expired Link

Secondly, you have been caught detagging countless number of players from countless affiliates. Tech issues! Do not make me laugh.

Thirdly, your actions that you have taken will ensure no decent full time affiliate will work with Affiliate Edge ever again.

Lastly, Casinomeister is not my forum.

Please do not even bother to respond unless you are prepared to let me know who I am actually conversing with.



Seriously, these guys running the show at Club World are some of the most incompetent assholes I have ever encountered in this industry. They can't even lie properly. Tech issues! FML!
They make a fair point why not just close down and not pay anyone?

Call me gullible but they seem to be wanting to fix the issues and if their excuse is true then some on here could end up with egg on their face for reacting so quickly. All though giving the cynical posts on here even if they fix the issues raised they can do no right anyway.
They make a fair point why not just close down and not pay anyone?

Call me gullible but they seem to be wanting to fix the issues and if their excuse is true then some on here could end up with egg on their face for reacting so quickly. All though giving the cynical posts on here even if they fix the issues raised they can do no right anyway.

Have you been reading everything that's been said really?
All those affiliates they already have stolen money from, are you expecting them to say, sure keep them and we start all over again?
Is it ok to try and keep thieves in business?:eek2:

Guess what I would like to do with that egg?
Not trying to single you out here, but i followed the link you posted, and after reading the very well written article, happened to notice your links to the Casino's in question, are still active..

Perhaps an oversight?

That is most probably a caching issue. The site caches some queries for up to 24 hours to reduce load on our server. We have definitely blacklisted all of their casinos which you can see if you go to the individual review pages.
They make a fair point why not just close down and not pay anyone?

Call me gullible but they seem to be wanting to fix the issues and if their excuse is true then some on here could end up with egg on their face for reacting so quickly. All though giving the cynical posts on here even if they fix the issues raised they can do no right anyway.

There is clear proof from more than one affiliate they detagged players. They also said they were paying earlier than they ever have, that is a lie. No one will end up with egg on their face in this thread.

If I HAD to say anything positive at least they haven't stolen all the players like a certain affiliate scheme did (hello foxy bingo) recently.
They make a fair point why not just close down and not pay anyone?

Call me gullible but they seem to be wanting to fix the issues and if their excuse is true then some on here could end up with egg on their face for reacting so quickly. All though giving the cynical posts on here even if they fix the issues raised they can do no right anyway.

Jesus! Because it's an insurance-type model, it will keep many small-time players who lose a few quid here and there happy, pay affiliates for small depositing players and steal from the few big winners and detag any big depositors from affy accounts. When these relatively few but lucrative players/affies are fucked over and leave, in their scumbag minds it doesn't matter as they see the majority as being 'good' accounts. In other words, be prepared to accept small liabilities and not any significant ones = guaranteed high profits relative to their amount of players. It's nothing new Nutnut, it the same scam every rogue casino or affy program runs....

Gullible, I can forgive but there's none so blind as those who don't want to see. Affpower are a criminal organization who use fraud, piracy, theft and launder the money from their safe hidey-hole of Israel. They came out with a similar scripted oh-so-plausible explanation or excuse back when they were caught with bent Netent software. They lie and obfuscate and use smoke and mirrors and have been caught numerous times doing it.

For pity's sake read my previous post about their modus operandi, their large scale confidence trick. They have to be seen responding with a straight face and without affiliates the parasite gets it's blood supply cut-off (money) and dies. Hence they e-mailed affiliates with this garbage we all received. Any new players they can rip-off later, but the affiliates they need onside now.

There is only one thing I'm not quite sure of: who are the bigger c***s - Affpower for being Affpower, or the new operators of Club World for getting into bed with them??
They make a fair point why not just close down and not pay anyone?

Call me gullible but they seem to be wanting to fix the issues and if their excuse is true then some on here could end up with egg on their face for reacting so quickly. All though giving the cynical posts on here even if they fix the issues raised they can do no right anyway.

They are not cynical posts Nutnut they are responses from people who have lost money and have been lied to and that is a fact. I agree they can fix things but sending out unprofessional e-mails and lying to customers is not a good place to start. So yes I will call you gullible.
Seems everyone has received this mail. It is really nice of the Executive of CWC to put a name to his email, not! Anyhow here is my response I have sent back via email.

I didn't.

And why didn't I get one of these emails? :what:

Likely same reason I didn't. Or maybe they can blame the CTO or the 'former owner' for the failure to disseminate the emails. Doesn't really matter. It's 'junk mail' in its purest form. :mad:

Since November 2016, the company has undergone a rapid transformation due to the following factors:-

1. After over 2 years of intense litigation between the directors of the business the existing CEO resigned without notice throwing the business into turmoil. The CEO was found to be in breach of his fiduciary duties, branded a liar and dishonest by a High Court Judge.

2. His plan was to inflict maximum damage on the business in the shortest time in order for the other 2 Directors to call him back into the business to sort the problems out.

Here's the crappiest part with this: The former CEO is under a gag order and cannot speak on any of this. For ten years, he built a solid company with ZERO issues such as this. Due to HIS hard work, this company became the model of what any good online casino operation should be...and he received the admiration and respect of the industry as a result. Seeing him attacked in this way without him being able to respond is unreasonable and unfair. From where I'm sitting, if the former CEO can't speak on these legal issues, the brothers or consultants should not be able to, either. Of course, having the former CEO on a gag order makes it easy for this mob to say whatever the hell they want to. Hopefully, anyone with a brain will see through this.

3. Senior staff handed in their notice, the finance director walked out within a week. The accounts manager left before Xmas. The CTO actually undermined the business by sending an extremely harmful email to our software supplier. He actually said the only way this business will survive is to bring back the CEO. In the short time the CTO was there, he encouraged staff underneath him to look for other jobs because he said the company won't be around in the new year.

As you're throwing much of your key staff under the bus, what is this 'harmful email' you're speaking of? May as well spill it. While you're at it, this 'short time the CTO was there' was actually more than TEN YEARS that I'm aware of. Of course, had you been involved in this business in any meaningful way, you would have known that. Or perhaps you're simply trying to provide 'alternate facts.'

4. Payment Processors held back payments to the business for weeks and in some cases months, starving the company of cash.

I have no solid response to this, but it would not be a surprise if they did, solely based upon the fact that they were unaware of who they now were doing business with. Processors are by nature (understandably) paranoid folks. No doubt, they'd want to have a clear understanding of this new leadership.

5. Forums started to spread malicious gossip about what was going on in the business.

Not gossip. People have a right to question things and what's been questioned has some pretty sharp teeth. Conversely, this very email you've disseminated has far more 'malicious gossip' than anything I've seen posted.

However, the existing Directors brought in a team of consultants to save the business from disaster in early December. Their role was not to disrupt the daily running of the business but to help maintain staff confidence. Their primary aim was to get the payment processors functioning. I am pleased to report that they are now functioning as normal. Marketing was left alone. Affiliates could have lost millions in revenue if it wasn't for the action of the consultants.

So much nonsense. Karolina, likely the most competent and talented casino managers in the industry was there at your fingertips. She could have advised you on every aspect of processing and finance. CWG was a well-oiled machine which is now becoming a quickly distant memory of what it once was. YOUR bad choices have brought us to this point. And this bit about 'affiliates could have lost millions', well, we ARE losing millions. The question is, is this because of the brothers or because of the 'consultants' or collusion of all? Either way, it's criminal and folks WILL get to the bottom of this.

Disappointingly, most of the senior staff have now left. Their positions have now been filled by juniors who have stepped up and are doing an excellent job.

I believe it's fair to say that anyone with any ethics feel pride and respect over the senior staff's departures. It was not an easy decision for these employees, given they have families and financial responsibilities to look after. It's a difficult decision to walk away from financial stability, but they've done so because they have moral compasses. Regarding these 'juniors,' who are they? We have no idea who to contact or who we're working with. Names, please.

1. The business is now flourishing and has had excellent results over the past 3 months.

Really? Flourishing for who? Certainly not your affiliates.

2. Affiliates are now being paid earlier than ever in the company's history and will continue to do so.

IF affiliates are being paid earlier, it's only because they are being paid pennies on the dollar (if even that).

3. The existing staff are loyal and are more confident than ever that their future is secure.


4. A handful of affiliates have asked about issues, some of them being payment issues due to closure of accounts. Other issues have been inherited and will be resolved.

A handful? That's a bit like saying there's a few days of rain each year in Manchester. :rolleyes:

There are positive plans for the future which is looking very rosy and we hope to share them with our partners asap. This company will be around for many years and will continue to grow and all our partners will prosper from the changes that will be implemented. We intend to speak to all our affiliates on an individual basis in the near future.

The Executive of CWC

Who ARE you? You're quick to foist blame on anyone/everyone but yourself. At least have the huevos to tell us who you are.

This is the online casino industry version of Trump vs. the world. Blame everyone, divert attention and Steve Bannon is your trusted 'advisor'.
I'm speechless - this anonymous communication from the management of CWG really does nothing but cement the many negative views on their lack of professionalism and integrity, and exacerbates an already bad situation.

The attack on a gagged former executive who cannot defend himself is particularly distasteful imo.
I'm speechless - this anonymous communication from the management of CWG really does nothing but cement the many negative views on their lack of professionalism and integrity, and exacerbates an already bad situation.

The attack on a gagged former executive who cannot defend himself is particularly distasteful imo.

Ditto on that - bear in mind that these were not merely partners, but brothers. For a brother to write "the CEO (my brother) was branded a liar and dishonest by a High Court Judge..." is sickening. And this is the type of persons we are dealing with. They throw family and their employees under the bus.

And to sign-off on this poorly written email with the amateurish "The Executive of CWC" won't give anyone a sense of trust. At this point, the affiliates should know who is addressing them.

Emails like this that try to whitewash a train-wreck is a typical rogue tactic. It's best to be upfront and honest. Acting as if you are chuffed that your brother is "branded" a liar by a high court judge is repulsive IMO. That could have been something left unsaid. No points garnered there.
They make a fair point why not just close down and not pay anyone?

Call me gullible but they seem to be wanting to fix the issues and if their excuse is true then some on here could end up with egg on their face for reacting so quickly. All though giving the cynical posts on here even if they fix the issues raised they can do no right anyway.

Their business relies on affiliates (I imagine circa 85%-90%). If it was my guess, what is happening here is an incredibly callous short term milking of players and affiliates with a view to selling the business with the ability to report an increase in company profits thanks to 'expert' management decisions (shaving affiliates) in the past 6 months and exit with a tidy golden handshake with a rich database of predominantly US players making its way over to a rival operator... AffPower is the obvious choice here, but to be fair all the games at CWG are real, so perhaps not their style.

I am not entirely sure of forum rules here so I'll be as cryptic and as polite as I feel the situation warrants - these guys are quite simply brazen C U Next Tuesdays.
Their business relies on affiliates (I imagine circa 85%-90%). If it was my guess, what is happening here is an incredibly callous short term milking of players and affiliates with a view to selling the business with the ability to report an increase in company profits thanks to 'expert' management decisions (shaving affiliates) in the past 6 months and exit with a tidy golden handshake with a rich database of predominantly US players making its way over to a rival operator... AffPower is the obvious choice here, but to be fair all the games at CWG are real, so perhaps not their style.

I am not entirely sure of forum rules here so I'll be as cryptic and as polite as I feel the situation warrants - these guys are quite simply brazen C U Next Tuesdays.

I hope you aren't spreading more malicious rumors - like they've claimed. :lolup:
I'm trying to figure out exactly what they are claiming is a rumor. I guess I should ask them to clarify.

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