[Closed] robbed by Check n Raise poker and Redkings


Dormant account
Nov 25, 2007
hi can anybody help me? i have had an account blocked by check n raise poker and redkings,they have said i am in a gang of chip dumpers:eek: this is untrue and i have tried to get a response from them or to get them to say it in writing so ican take it further but have only had 1 email from them saying that my account has been blocked because of a breach of terms and coditions or a security/breach. i have managed to get them on the phone on 1 occasion and that was when they told me iwas in a gang of chip dumpers and that the game was up pmsl.i have only been playing poker since april this year and was just surfing looking for sites to make my full time site and downloaded both these sites played a handfull of games and then this happened.i dont know what to do now as i can get no response from them but have just heard that they are merging with chan poker.what do i do next? they have stolen my money falsely accused me of cheating and are just blanking me.any ideas or advice would be appreciated thanks.:notworthy
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account gone missing now

hey can anyone help me? as stated before my account has been blocked by check n raise and i can get no response from them apart from that i have allegedly breached the terms and conditions they have set.i have asked if any 1 know what my next plan of action should be and have been given a few contacts but so far have had no response from them.check n raise have now migrated to chan poker and on trying to log into chan poker it says that my username or email does not exist on their data base:eek2:.any phone numbers or links would be appreciated.
Hi 'Ducked, I'm looking into this and will post back here when I have some results.

LATER: I've contacted Chan Poker but they're saying "48 hours". I guess we wait. :rolleyes:
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Click that link to read about Check n Raise. It rang a bell when you posted about them but then I remembered what the deal was. They likely have thw worst reputation of any Prima skin. When they pulled the sleaze in the above link they were on Ongame.
Just heard back from the guys at Chan. They're registering on the forums here more or less as I type this. I've encouraged them to come forward and participate in this thread. As to Check'n'Raise ... that may not be so straightforward.
Hi everyone,

As regards to ChecknRaise, anything that happened before our acquisition is unfortunately out of my hands. I would like to see if we can do anything for you, so send me a PM and we can move on from there.

If you had a CnR account, it should now be migrated over to ChanPoker, and playable.

For CnR players, we are offering you a custom deposit bonus, and a $1000 freeroll hosted by Johnny Chan himself.

If there is anything I can do to assist any of you, please let me know and I would be happy to!

Thanks for posting Brandon, sorry to hear that the problem 'ducked had is beyond your reach. Next step is to try and get CnR to step up to the plate ... hmm, fingers crossed.
what exactly are you saying here? (chan poker) has my account been migrated with the rest to chan poker or not? also guys i have 2 other accounts 1 with redkings and 1 with prime poker my usernames on there are redkings (ivorbiggunm8) and and prima poker (valeuci) when all this happened all 3 of my accounts go suspended and i still have not got any of them back. if you look on sharkscope you will see that i played about 4 sngs between these sites befre i was falsely accused of cheating. i have emailed redkings about 20 times over the last 6 months and just dont get a response from them, so if anyone can help me i would be very grateful.i am very new to this and am not really good with a computer so can i just come on here and see what is going on regarding this?thanks to all who have helpes me so far cheers :notworthy
ok i have just tried to log into chan poker using my check n raise username but it says that my username or password is wrong so i tried my username saying i had forgotten my password and it said that the username and or email address was not found on you records :thumbsup: good 1 that. so i take it that my money has been stolen from these people and that my account has just been swallowed up by these people and they are no longer about to face the music,i had about 4k in this account $1500 i put in and about $2500 that i had won.what an absolute liberty i can not believe that people can open up websites and treat people in this fashion and just get away with..........well.............robbery...come on guys even dick turpin wore a mask.:mad:
sorry about the last post :lolup: when i tried to log in last night it just brought back all the frustrations of the past months and i lost my rag again :o. sorry guys i will be patient and wait to hear from you thanks
Good on ya for saying so, but it is a frustrating situation to be in. Everyone points the finger at the other guy and nothing gets done. Perhaps being a little more specific in the thread title will help a little ... fwiw, done.
Not being into online poker myself, all the stories like this just scare me off. Even rogue casinos usually return the deposit, but there seem to be so many of these poker skins that take everything and run, and then the players' accounts reappear under a different name, but sometimes not their money.
Prima is run by Microgaming, and when CASINOS go bust owing money, the players are covered, but this seems not to extend to the Prima poker skins. I have seen many complaints about Prima, and it seems the players have no-one to go to "officially", but have to take their fight to the forums and outside parties that help with player complaints.
How can the industry convince a non-poker player like myself to try it out, and that my money is safe, whatever happens to the individual skins.
From my point of view, it seems Prima is nearer the rogues than the reputable when it comes to poker, but it is the complete opposite with the Microgaming casinos.
I would certainly be interested in how this turns out, and who really screwed who, and whether it was properly handled by the industry, or was indeed a case of a poker skin selling it's player lists on, but ditching it's liabilities to those same players.
So CNR is now Chan Poker? Your site bought the assets but not the liabilities? They were a mess with a trail of bounced checks and broken promises.

No response to this?

Also to the above post I agree that there are plenty of Prima skins that have had problems. Also the network doesn't seem to have a way to go to them when they lock your account. I've never thought very highly of that network. I'm in a banned state now so it doesn't matter.
You are saying you have multiple nick names at microgaming poker network? Or is this mg (prima) poker network. They only allow one nickname and if they discover multiple they lock your accounts in a heartbeat. Happened to me back in the day, and it took about 2 months to get other nickname disabled and the other opened again....

Have you heard anything back? I assume you've been in touch with Brandon at Chan to see if anything could be done, yes?

I haven't heard anything, still trying to get in touch with someone at CnR.

I am available for contact regarding any issue. Rubberducked PM me or email me (bberndt at chanpoker dot net) your user information for CnR.

Pokeraddict, we acquired the players via OnGame, so no we did acquire their liabilities. I will however do anything I can to assist, as I am in the process of tracking down contact information at CnR for Max.

hi max i was just wondering how this site works? (call me thick if you like) it just seems to me that there are a lot of people helping me with this issue,do any of you get paid for this? anyway thanks again to all who are helping me with this :thumbsup: :notworthy
No problem 'Ducked, good question. Bryan, the main 'meister here, does employ me to handle the Complaints and PABs (Pitch-A-Bitch). I'm pretty new here so I can't speak for anyone or anything else.

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