Casinomeister's Veterans Salute 2011

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998
Casinomeister's annual Veterans salute - to Veterans everywhere:

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My heartfelt thanks to all veterans and their families who endure so much.
God Bless

A heartfelt thank you to all who have unselfishly given themselves to preserve our liberties, freedom and safety.

I am the proud Daughter of a Viet Nam Vet and the even prouder Grandaughter of one of the first Yeoman to serve on the USS Intrepid.

The Intrepid is now a floating museum, docked in New York City. I highly recommend the tour if anyone should get the opportunity. It's very touching. Had the privilege of attending a WWII reunion with my Pop in 2009 aboard his ship. So glad to have that memory.:)

God Bless all who are currently serving and who have served in the past. We are fortunate souls thanks to you.

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