Casinomeister - 32Red Tourney for Sunday April 2nd!

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998
$500 Casinomeister Tourney

Sunday 2nd April, 7.30pm GMT *

Buy-in: $20 + $2

Password: will be sent to those who qualify :D

Check 32Red's "Multi Table Tournament Special" section in the software - you'll find us :D

Qualification: you must have 30 reputation points or higher

* Double check your watches and calendars. Europe is already in Daylight Savings time - the rest of the world may be out of sync. <br>
Gee Bryan, my ass is still sore from the whomping you guys put on me at last weekend's tourney. Sure hope you get more than 10 players this time around. :)
Thanks for another chance Bryan.. :thumbsup:
Hopefully i should be around for it this time..

No guests or visits planned for sunday night..... yet :rolleyes:
Nafanny29 will be in the worlds gaming capital aka Las Vegas for the next 7 nights so you guys have got a real chance of winning this tourney:lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

Seriously I wish everyone the best of luck and look forward to the following tourney guys. Think of me suffering in Sin City flying Upper Class:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
nafanny - did you manage to get a good deal in upper class? Everytime I've looked at the Virgin fares, upperclass fare has been north of 2,000.
Sweet! I'll be there again. Too much fun to miss. :)
Take it easy on them in Vegas, nafanny29, and have fun!
We'll see you again in future tournaments.
Is everyone waiting to sign up at the last minute?? C'mon, let's go!!!
Here are the members who qualify to enter:

User Name Reputation
-z- 30
42ndSSD 60
Agamemnon 32
Aindreas_Daoc 34
amandajm 80
amatrine 41
Andreas 51
andyhinckley 116
bb1webs 40
bellerock 30
benroles 31
BingoT 99
bpb 31
BrianC 44
Bruce Hamilton 92
BubbleG 75
caruso 777
Casinomeister 1,210
chalupa 112
Chatmaster 90
cheekymonkey 124
chuchu59 222
cipher 109
cjb 74
Clayman 31
Cynthia777 225
Daffy 120
Dirk Diggler 40
dominique 70
ECMManager 45
Ed A 30
Ed Ware 108
elscrabinda 30
ergopro 52 37
funeralparty 41
gfkostas 134
gmblpdam 30
GrandMaster 420
greedygirl 200
hhcfreebie 31
iNetBet Promos 35
jetset 1,003
JM-Partouche 30
johnsteed 1,017
jpm 39
jpsartre 35
jsp377 35
jyde 233
KasinoKing 394
kavaman 45
kimss 71
lanidar 30
largeeyes 59
liquidsoap 179
m249a 30
maaster 40
Macgyver 323
managra 209
markizu 30
mary 395
mattysgirl 104
max1mike 40
MeMeMeMeMe 45
mitch 50
Mousey 87
mrracetrack 56
nafanny29 89
nektar4d 68
Palace Group 30
path 90
paul02085 149
paul1 72
Petunia 85
philipfromparis 37
phynqster 180
Pinababy69 561
pokeraddict 157
realwtfsup 63
RobWin 38
rowmare 81
rudepete 45
satori 32
schnozzy 36
scrollock 173
sdaddy 35
silcnlayc 113
silkprint 40
Simmo! 606
SlickWilly 31
slotchik 64
Slotmachine 310
Slotster! 227
Sodax77 153
sorrelltop 47
spearmaster 575
suzecat 171
swampwitch 35
tencardcharlie 40
ternur 73

These members have all been emailed the password! If your name is listed and you never received the email - please PM me before the tourney starts and I'll send it to you. Thanks!
Have Fun!!

Hi guys, hope you have fun. Wouldn't you know I woke up with the flu yesterday...go all winter without getting it, soon as the weather turns nice, I get sick. Par for the course. So I won't be playing today, but Row and Sorrell, hope you gals do well. And just think Row, at least this time maybe you can concentrate on playing instead of listening to me blather, lol.

Hey Mac, have fun and kick some BeetleB butt....don't let that mojo stick of his intimidate you one bit. :)
Well 10 minutes to go and only 5 members have signed up.

If any member PMs me between now 730 GMT, I'll send you the password regarless of rep points. Let's get some players in there, eh?
Hmm, actually there is an hour to go - not a couple of minutes. Looks like someone didn't set their clocks right :thumbsup:

But anyway, my offer still stands - if anyone wants to play, just PM me and I'll send you the password.
Another great tourney! Thanks to all who participated. Too bad the 32red guys were all snug in their beds. :D

Anyway - top three:
1st si1cnlayc
2nd sorreltop
3rd Let it Ride

Honorable mention: 4th Andy HiNckley

Ya'll did an outstanding job! Good going! the 32Red guys should be allocating your prizes when they wake up and go to work tomorrow. :D
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Great game...
but you missed the "n" out :eek:

Thought you where sharing the Mojo stick bryan... but what ever u sprinkled over me wasn't mojo dust :mad:
Oh my gosh! I missed the tournament - I came down with the flu hard early this morning and have been spending the day in bed.

I'll be at the next one!:thumbsup:
rowmare said:
Oh my gosh! I missed the tournament - I came down with the flu hard early this morning and have been spending the day in bed.

I'll be at the next one!:thumbsup:

You too Row? God, it must be a Canadian thing this weekend. Well, they can take it back to wherever the hell it came from. Hope you're feeling better!!
Yup, there's definitely something going around. It's hit 5 of us so far.

I have to appologize :
Since I preregistered I was in the game, but absent. I see I didn't come in last though. lol There's a poker lesson in that somewhere...
rowmare said:
Yup, there's definitely something going around. It's hit 5 of us so far.

I have to appologize :
Since I preregistered I was in the game, but absent. I see I didn't come in last though. lol There's a poker lesson in that somewhere...

I thought there was a bot at the table :D

Bryan was wondering why you were so quiet :p
Let_It_Ride said:
I thought there was a bot at the table :D

Bryan was wondering why you were so quiet :p
Ha ha! I wondered why she kept folding. The worst thing is she beat me, Grandmaster, and Kavaman - and she was sick in bed!! :eek: :D
I thought the tourney was on staturday again, I rushed back from work sunday to find it already complete :( Oh well...... C u there next time :thumbsup:
Great fun! Excellent game si1cnlayc!

Ditto on the fun! :D

Was tense and exciting during the last 3 stages.....:cool: Had my glasses on to hide my moves during play..fooled ya all since you couldn't see my eyes, huh, didn't I!

Thanks much Bryan and all!:thumbsup:
And cussing the monitor everytime you got a bad beat, right? :D Errr....or am I the only one that does that? And I wonder why I go through so many mice.....
Hey Row, I hope you see this, but Happy Birthday my fellow Canuck gal. Hope you get feeling better soon!! :)

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