Casino Glitches that Make You Money!


Dormant account
May 11, 2006
Hey everyone!

Ive Been in the casino bonus whoring business for about 2 years now, and it been alot of ups and downs!
One of the most profitable things I have found thus far, are casino glitches that make you money, there used to be one on, as well as a rather well know glitch in in which the surrender function would give you 2x the amount it should, this of course resulted in a huge +EV(ABOUT 3-4%). Unfortuantly I found out about this glitch in its last week before it was patched. Well basically I'm looking to see if anyone here know of any other glitches for online casinos, I am willing to give you $$$ in exchange for info as you would probably would not want the whole world to know about these glitches, trust me I would share them with no one. Also would love to hear glitches that were EV+ but have now been patched.:thumbsup:
Hi Tabpicker!

Welcome to the forum. But this isn't the best place to solicit information to participate in possible fraudulent activity. This is not a "bonus whore" forum.
Hey Thanks for the awesome website! I know this website is not about bonus whoring, but bonuses are a big part of the appeal of online casinos. Also I dont agree that casino glitches are fradulent activities since we are not causing the glitches just taking advantage of the ones that are there, I like to compare it to card counting in REAL casinos. It is simply something that can, if used correctly give the player a slight edge! Nothing wrong with that in my opinion!
tabpicker said:
Hey Thanks for the awesome website! I know this website is not about bonus whoring, but bonuses are a big part of the appeal of online casinos. Also I dont agree that casino glitches are fradulent activities since we are not causing the glitches just taking advantage of the ones that are there, I like to compare it to card counting in REAL casinos. It is simply something that can, if used correctly give the player a slight edge! Nothing wrong with that in my opinion!

Dude, you should check out the list of casino operators who are members of this forum. These folks might disagree with you.
Well, i believe that most of us don't want to cheat casinos/etc.

But well.. i don't judge this topic.

So if someone know "Glitches that Make You Money", like tabpicker said.
I use my own style and i will send details to casino/etc, and usually they will give some extra money ;)
Try this.

tabpicker said:
Hey everyone!

Ive Been in the casino bonus whoring business for about 2 years now, and it been alot of ups and downs!
One of the most profitable things I have found thus far, are casino glitches that make you money, there used to be one on, as well as a rather well know glitch in in which the surrender function would give you 2x the amount it should, this of course resulted in a huge +EV(ABOUT 3-4%). Unfortuantly I found out about this glitch in its last week before it was patched. Well basically I'm looking to see if anyone here know of any other glitches for online casinos, I am willing to give you $$$ in exchange for info as you would probably would not want the whole world to know about these glitches, trust me I would share them with no one. Also would love to hear glitches that were EV+ but have now been patched.:thumbsup:

Try looking at, a forum for Fruit Machine players. There are reports of glitches galore on the machines. Often, as soon as it hits the forum it gets fixed (this is referred to as being "chipped"). The operators of the Fruit Machines welcome this exchange as it alerts them to problems, and can even show them exactly what the issue is.
Casinos are simply software gambling games, just as Fruit Machines are. It is not the actual game that provides the problem, it is problems in the calculation of wins and losses, accounting for payouts correctly, and stupid errors in basic calculations that give players a small edge but very often.
Decent casino software should be mostly free of this, but it is operators that do not do their sums properly when setting comping rates (including bonus offers) that cause the problems. Unlike our Fruit Machines, a poorly programmed game will simply keep on overpaying till the casino finds out and fixes it, or it goes bust. Fruit Machines only contain around 250, and will empty, limiting the losses and providing an indication that something is amiss.

When there IS a glitch in casino software, it seems (from reports) to go in the favour of the casino.

There is, however, one MAJOR glitch in the software of one main casino brand that allows players to take a bonus....and... err... wager thingimmywatsit ..... in a full moon.... Oops,....... sorry............

err.... Perhaps I had better stop there before this gets out of hand, this is not, after all, a bonus whoring forum:D
There are 2 very good reasons NOT to take advantage of glitches that are in the players' favor....

One.....It's dishonest. We all expect the casinos to play fair. If they don't, then holy hell rains down on the forums. As well it should. It's goddamned hypocritical to say it's OK for the player not to play fair.

Two.....Check the T&C's of the casinos. If you win due to a so-called glitch in their software and the casino catches the problem, the casino has every right to deny any winnings.

I'm not going to cheer on any casino OR player that cheats. And say what you want about "the casinos have been screwing us, so it's high time we screwed them back"....Taking unfair advantage by either party is a shitty thing to do.
I think a gray area exists when it comes to glitches.

If a casino's management is so incompetent that it can't quickly identify a software problem that gives an edge to a player, they are in the wrong business and deserve to take a hit.

On the other hand, if a player is actively hacking the software, that player should go straight to jail or a shallow grave in the desert.
tabpicker said:
One of the most profitable things I have found thus far, are casino glitches that make you money, there used to be one on, as well as a rather well know glitch in in which the surrender function would give you 2x the amount it should, this of course resulted in a huge +EV(ABOUT 3-4%).
As I've said before iGlobalMedia deserve everything they get for not caring about fixing bugs in their software. Actually I think that goes generally - there should be huge fines imposed by a regulator for casinos that run buggy software, so in the absence of real regulation players taking advantage of the bugs is the next best way to keep casinos on their toes.

That said, posting about them on a site like Casinomeister, or any popular site, is pretty senseless (and that's a euphemism :) ).
Hey all I can say is that I wouldnt' lose any sleep if I find a casino glitch and make money of minds made up on the subject:) ...that being said I definatly would not approve of someone "hacking" into a casino software to create a glitch...that is illegal and impossible anyway.......but I really doubt that if anyone here would have found out about the double surrender function on they would have NOT used it.....and of course it would be dumb to post one of these working glitches on a public forum but if anyone knows of any glitches feel free to pm me and we can discuss some stuff $$$.....:cool:
Some casinos bring this upon themselves.

Unfortunately, the behaviour of some casinos brings this sort of problem on themselves. A player who has been wrongly denied legitimate winnings by casinos confiscating without explanation, will believe they are due a "wrong" in their favour for once. If casinos were more accountable for their actions there would be more players willing to blow the whistle on these glitches before the casinos suffered. I would expect casinos would be looking for these, but may be unwilling to react as it can expose the fact that the software is NOT the perfect random game they want us to believe it is. While they reserve the right to void winnings if a problem is discovered, they seem to use this as a means to wriggle out of paying. If a bad streak is just bad luck, how are we expected to believe that a really good streak is actually a glitch and we must accept the voiding of the winnings without an explanation of the nature of the glitch other than "it paid out too much".
vinylweatherman said:
Unfortunately, the behaviour of some casinos brings this sort of problem on themselves. A player who has been wrongly denied legitimate winnings by casinos confiscating without explanation, will believe they are due a "wrong" in their favour for once. If casinos were more accountable for their actions there would be more players willing to blow the whistle on these glitches before the casinos suffered. I would expect casinos would be looking for these, but may be unwilling to react as it can expose the fact that the software is NOT the perfect random game they want us to believe it is. While they reserve the right to void winnings if a problem is discovered, they seem to use this as a means to wriggle out of paying. If a bad streak is just bad luck, how are we expected to believe that a really good streak is actually a glitch and we must accept the voiding of the winnings without an explanation of the nature of the glitch other than "it paid out too much".

Your post makes me wonder how casinos even know that a "glitch" caused a game to pay out too much. Were they expecting otherwise, so it must be a glitch that overpaid?
Well for the aces glitch rumor has it that this guy actually reported it to the management but they just brushed him off.....he thought he would get some type of bonus for telling them.......I guess they started noticing that things weren't adding up statistically and found out about the glitch that way
Here is a casio glitch I found on giant vegas casino. I was playing with play money and got some where like a million dollars. So I was tired of playing and next day I open giant vegas casino to play with the play money i had a negative million dollars. That would be funny if it works the same way with real money. Now I know nobody wants this type of glitch happen to them on real money. I was going to contact them about it but too lazy.

Myabe the casinos should start a list of player glitches, and market to those of us who don't play perfectly on blackjack, video poker, etc. Also those who, when ahead, tend to throw big money (90-180 per spin) on those 9 line games trying for the big bonuses. LOL, wouldn't we all raise holy hell! If I found a glitch I would tell the casino and hope for some type of reward from them. Otherwise I think it is cheating. I don't play at a lot of casinos so I am not into all the bonus surfing, maybe I should be, but haven't gotten there yet.
I personally think it'd be in their best interest if Casinos made it known that they'd give a "reward" for any *true* glitch that's reported.

But of course that's not going to happen, as most are looking for ways to void players' winnings. Does that make it right to exploit it? Nope.
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