Casino Action
It was NOT me
Had they kept the original format I had a strategy worked out that should have put me in with an excellent chance. I gave up once they began to mess with the promo, not keep us informed, CS giving out wrong info. All Slots and All Jackpots got the funds earmarked for the 10K, and I did rather well with it too!
VIP Services CAN initiate a Wheel of Cash, although normal CS cannot (I have this in writing via E-mail).
the 25% to 30% target clearly includes "random" bonuses. I have discovered that when the target wanders above percentage the "random" Wheel of Cash seems to dry up, pretty strange for something that is random. There also seems to be something about losing heavily that gets the Wheel of Cash all excited. After that notable pat Royal at Phoenician netted 16K, I did not see a SINGLE Wheel of Cash for around 2 MONTHS, I played at Aztec Riches, where I was down a fair bit, - so how many Wheels did I get?
NO EIGHT!!!!!!!!!! (The maximum permitted per day).
So one month plus of play = NONE at Phoenician,
A few hours play at Aztec = EIGHT,
Well - random it is not; and it makes me wonder what else described as random is determined by management decision rather than true chance.
An interesting experiment - deposit 1K, play Double Magic at 1c per spin and maximum delay for a whole year - how many Wheels of Cash will be given from the "random" draw every 20 minutes of players online and playing in the preceeding 20 mins/ half hour as given in the terms of how it operates. A round figure I expect
If the wheel were truly random, and I received 8 in a day's play by chance (on more than one occasion), this would be a bonus abusers heaven sent opportunity (given 2 computers).
Even with the lucky draw model, the likelihood of winning with large deposits is still greater as such players will have a larger percentage of the total number of tickets in the draw. I think the only thing that is random at Casino Action is the casino software (and I am not always certain of this at times).
Casino Action - you have been rumbled, do the right thing and admit it!