Dormant account
- Joined
- Apr 15, 2004
- Location
- Orange County, ca
A little background, I recently won $2004.00 playing at Brandy Casino. On April 2, 2004 after winning that money, I contacted customer service and made inquiry about the casino cash out policy as it related to me and my winnings.
Casino support at that time was very pleasant and very helpful. They reviewed my account and advised me that I met all of the cash-in requirements and play thru requirements as well. I then completed the cashout request for an express payment, and my cashout was placed in a waiting status for 4 business days.
On Friday April 9, I checked and found that my cash - in now was designated as "approved" According to the casino help section, once it has the approved designation, a check would be sent out imediately. I called customer service and requested a DHL tracking number for my cash out.
Customer service again was very helpful and pleasant. They informed me that they could not provide me with a tracking number, as my check had not been sent out. When asked why not? they informed me that in their country it was a national holiday (Good Friday)
They further stated that my check would be mailed ou the first thing Monday Morning April 12, 2004. I thanked her for her time and ended the conversation. On Monday evening I again contacted custiomer service for the tracking number. Once the tracking number was issued, they would e-mail the tracking number later in the day.
On Tuesday, i AGIN CALLED Customer service foa trackin number
I am not in the habit of calling people or companys "Cheats and Liars" So to do so, you can be assured that I have been treated extremely bad.
Please do not take my word for it, what you are about to read is two Live Chat transcripts of conversations with an operator named Jennifer, and then later a woman named Lisa Evans, who purports to be Brandy Casino's General Manager.
Transcriot #1
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Jennifer'
Jennifer: Hello ! How may I assist you?
you: Hello, hang on a sec please
you: sorrry about that, I was wondering if you could provide me with a tracking number for my cashout. my account number is BCR26642832
you: I cashed out last week and was told last friday by customer support, that they would have a DHL trcking number on Monday.
Jennifer: Please hold one moment
Jennifer: Let me check, please
you: ok, thanks
Jennifer: the status of your cashout request is "waiting"
Jennifer: you should wait a little bit before you get the money
you: How can that be, I have a screen shot from last week showing that it is approved, and my conversation with customer service on friday said that it was approved and that due to it being Good Friday last week, that it was scheduled to be sent out yesterday.
Jennifer: i see that you made two requests last week
Jennifer: one is approve, the other is waiting
you: I only have one cashout request. I first requested that it be sent by regular mail, and then changed it to express.
Jennifer: i see that the status is waiting
you: the only cashout I have, and the only one approved, was to have been sent out by DHL yesterday, per your customer service.
Jennifer: sorry, i can see only one request and it is waiting
you: There is only one cashout for $2004.00
Jennifer: yes, and the status is waiting
you: I will be happy to send you a copy of the screenshot I took last week, and it shows "APPROVED"
Jennifer: could you send it to
you: Sure, dont go anywhere, it will be sent to you in one sec, by the way, the approved transaction number is 3670696.
Jennifer: ok, waiting for your mail
you: ok, it has been sent
Jennifer: Let me check, please
you: the screenshot was sent as an attached file.
Jennifer: hold on please, i'll consult the finance specialist
you: ok
Jennifer: the money has been sent on 08.04
you: Jennifer, I just checked my casino account online, and the transaction report still shows my withdrawl request as approved. How could it have been sent on 08.04, when customer service told me on 09.04, that it was not sent out and would be sent out on 12.04.
Jennifer: please wait a bit, i'm consulting the tech. support
you: If it was sent out, then please provide me with the DHL tracking number that I was promised.
Jennifer: the support says it may take 15 days
Jennifer: i gave them your ID, waiting for the tracking number
you: This was an express cashout, Customer support told me that all express sashouts are sent by DHL.and arrive within 5 days of being sent. Regular mail cashouts can take 15 days. Why would support telll you 15 days on an express cashout.
Jennifer: sorry, i'm telling you what the tech support told me
Jennifer: They've just told me that because of the easter season it has not been sent out as yet but it should go out today
you: I am starting to think that I am now getting the run around. I was hoping that all of the bad stories concerning cash out problems were wrong, guess they might be true. You have now given me three totally different stories concerning my cashout.
Jennifer: I hope it's just a misunderstanding. Let's wait a few days and see. I'm sure you'll get the money in a few days
you: ou have told me that it was sent on 08.04, you have told me that my cash out request was in the "waiting" status, and then once I sent you a screen shot showing it marked approved, you then give me another story that it is not sent out.
Jennifer: the tech support has just told me that the money hasn't been sent yet, but the plan to send it today
you: Now you tell me that you hope its just a misunderstanding and to wait a few days and your sure I will get the money. The only way that money will arrive in a few days, is if it had been expressed sent. I want a DHL tracking number, and I do not want anymore STORIES!
Jennifer: Please hold one moment
Jennifer: Sorry, i asked the techs once again and they told the following: "it has not been issued as yet so there is no tracking number"
you: You can be assured that If I do not receive a tracking number today, that this chat conversation will be posted in every major gambling forum that I can put it in. I will also file complaints with every regulatory agency that I can.
you: I will expect an email from the casino today with the tracking number, Now I don't think that is being to unreasonable a request, do you?
Jennifer: Sorry, we'll do our best to do it as quickly as possible
you: If it is being sent today, like you just told me a minute ago, then there should be no reason as to why a tracking number couldn't be provided today, right?
you: Its not very good for a casino's reputation, when the casino starts lying to their customers.
Jennifer: the issue s not in my competence. I'm comsulting the support and conveying to you the information they provide
Jennifer: they tell me that the number will be advises to me today or tomorrow and i will send it to you
you: Then be sure that you are conveying to them what I have said. Ok, now we have story number 4. If they are going to send it out today, like you informed me a few paragraphs ago, then you would have the tracking number today. If you lied to me about it them sending it out today, then I could understand why you just said they would provide you with the number "today or tomorrow"
Jennifer: if you have so serious complaints please write an email letter to
you: I would also like to have the name of the support person that is giving you this information. And any letter writing concerning this, won't be to the help desk, and that my dear is not a story!
Jennifer: please write a letter explaining the problem to the adress i gave you.
you: There is no reason for me to write a letter to your help desk, you are very aware of the storys, since you have told me 4 of them yourself. I want the DHL tracking number emailed to me today. I want my cashout sent as promised to me by your finance department on Friday. I want my cashout that is listed as APPROVED" on the casino transaction report, and not in a waiting status as you tried to tell me. I WANT MY MONEY!!
you: And I am still waiting for you to give me the name of the person in support whoi is telling you all of this.
you: I am going to forward a copy of this chat transcript to, CasinoMeister for starters.
you: I am still waiting for supports name.
you: Jennifer, I am still waiting for a response back from you? Ignoring me will not make this problem go away
Jennifer: Hello, Larry! You are chatting with the manager now. Very sorry you have problems with cashing out.
Jennifer: We are dealing with your quiry. It is to be solved in the nearest time.
you: Well Mr. or Mrs Manager, may I have your name please.
Jennifer: Yes, my name is Ms Lisa Evans
you: I am not having problems cashing out...Brandy Casino is the one having problems paying out and sending cashouts. Miss Evans, I would be happy to send you a copy of this entire chat session. I have been subjected not ony to excuses, but to 4 different stories and lies from your customer service department concerning my cashout.
you: I had a very pleasant conversation on Friday 09.04 with your finance department, they informed me that due to good friday, that my cashout would be sent on Monday 12.04, and that a DHL tracking number would be provided that day. Since talking with customer support today, I have been told that 1. it was not sent out, 2. It was in a "waiting" status" wnen in fact it was showing appoved. 3. It was sent out on 12.04, however no DHL number could be provided, to finally the last story that it has not been sent out and will be sent out today. I hope you can understand my ellevated height of anger over this.
you: I am not an unreasonable man, when I am given the truth, when given stories and lies, It raises my concerns about the legitimacy of your casino and its honesty, espiciall given the negative reputation it had in the past.
Jennifer: As far as it is understood from your explanation, you were told that your check would be sent on Monday 12.04. Right?
you: Eagerly awaiting your reply Miss Evans
you: yes
you: that was my understanding until my conversation with customer service this morning of 13.04.
you: Beleive me MIss Evans, if the casino treated me right, you would have a loyal freqently depositing customer. I average spending $2,000 to $3,000 a month online gambling.
you: If you check my account recently, I have attempted to make deposits on several different ooccassions.
you: For some reason, your software would not accept my deposit. It is a glitch on your end as I was able to go to Jupiter Club right after your casino decline, and I wa able to make a deposit at Jupiter/.
you: All I want Miss Evans is to be told my check has been sent and provided with the DHL tracking number as promised.
Jennifer: Larry, I appreciate you as our player, and I do understand how you are feeling. Will you wait for the check to be issued today? I also would like to offer you a bonus for any inconvinience caused. Will you accept it?
you: awaiting your reply
you: Miss Evans, what I would like first, is some reasonable explanation as to why your support team out and out lies to me, secondly, I would like to know what time I can expect to receive the tracking number today, and lastly, I would like your word as manager/operator of this casino , that you will personally guarentee me that the check will be sent out today and a tracking number given to me today. If you can do all that, then I would consider accepting the bonus.
Jennifer: First of all, the operator you were talking to is not responsible for financial issues. To have an irrefragable answer on a financial matter the players are supposed to contact financial department or the management. Secondly, I would monitor myself that the check is issued today. As soon as the check is issued you will be sent a DHL tracking number.
you: Miss Evans,your operator may not be responsible for financial issues, she does have a greater responsibility to represent the casino in an honest and responsible manner. She not only represents the casino, she is in fact representing you Miss Evans. As an owner of a succesful business in the United States, I would never tolerate an employee representing myself or my company in such a manner, would you?
you: Your operators are usually the only contact a cusomer has with the casino, what kind of perceptions do you want tpeople to have about Brandy Casino?
Jennifer: You are surely right, Larry.
you: I can tell you that this being my second contact, iit has been less than a desirable experience and has not left a very good taste im my mouth,
you: Miss Evans, I hope that this conversation has not been in vain, and in fact you will do the right thing and keep your word and promise to me. What time can I expect to hear back from you with my tracking number?
Jennifer: As soon as the financial department provides us with it, Larry.
you: You as the manager of the Casino have substantial influence over sll operations, I think that it would be reasonable to assume that you could tell the financial department to expedite this matter and for them to ptrovide yopu with the tracking number when you want it, rather than when they provide it.
Jennifer: Larry, please, believe me, we'll send you the tracking number as soon as it is known. Agreed?
you: Miss Evans, I would like you to give me your personal word and guarentee that this will be handled today, I don't want to hear that you will"monitor yourself"
you: Step up to the plate Miss Evans, put your word and reputation on the line, thats not asking to much from the manager of the #1 voted "Honest" casino.
Jennifer: Larry, th check will be issued today, I promise
you: Ok, Miss Evans, I will be your biggest singer of praises about Brandy, if your word is kept. Lets not think of the Alternative!! I will be awaiting an email from you today 13.04 with the tracking number. Agreed?
Jennifer: Thank you, Larry, hope our relationship is not overclouded by this little incident.
you: That remains to be seen now, dosn't it zmiss Evans, I like to think I am still an Optimist!
Jennifer: OK, Larry, was a pleasure talking to you. Have a nice day!
you: Thank You Miss Evans, My day will be nice when I get your email with my tracking number!
This second transcriot was done aorox. 4 hours later
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Gloria'
Gloria: Welcome to Brandy Casino live chat service!
You: Hello, would you please ask Miss Lisa Evans if she has Mr. Larry Polinsky DHL tracking number. My account number is BCRxxxxx. She will know what this is about.
Gloria: Hello, Larry! Miss Evans is here
you: Hello Miss Evans, it has been several hours and wanted to check status?
Gloria: I have to note that the bank is closed today as well as yesterday
Gloria: Your DHL tracking number will be sent to you tomorrow right after the bank opens.
You: Thats very interesting since financial support made no mention of that. Nor did you make any reference to that, dont you write your own checks, like all businesses do?
Gloria: I hope you understand this is not our fault. Our previous conversation took place at night time and we were not acknowledged of that
you: Since when are banks closed during the business week?
You: I have an idea; lets bypass the need for a check from the bank. I will provide you with my Neteller account number and you can fund it immediately.
Gloria: This is not due to weekend but because of Easter holidays. If it were a normal business week you would be issued the check as you were promised
you: That would solve everybodys problem.
You: and then you would be honoring the promise you made to me and the personal guarantee!!
You: By the way, not that I don't trust what youre telling me, please provide me with the name of your bank.
Gloria: I am sorry, since your withdrawal request has been already approved it's impossible to change the withdraw method
you: Now Lisa, you are the casino manager, I am quite sure that you have it within your powers to change the withdraw and deposit into my Neteller account.
Gloria: Cyprus Popular Bank
you: Now Lisa, you are the casino manager, I am quite sure that you have it within your powers to change the withdraw and deposit into my Neteller account
Gloria: I have to point out that Brandy Casino rules are equal for all players
Gloria: And we cannot change transaction method after your withdrawal request has got an approved status
you: I would probably agree with that, had I not been continually lied to, misled and had personal promises from a Casino Manager broken word. Enough is Enough Lisa, Why don't you do the right thing Lisa, its your casino, I know it pains you to pay winners; you have the ability to change anything or any policy you want to.
You: By the way, I just made an international call, for a bank being closed, they are answering there phones.
You: I can hardly wait for the next story your going to give me.
Gloria: To sum it up it would be possible to issue and send you the check tomorrow when the bank is open. We consider the question closed and have to finish the chat. Good bye.
You: Lisa, I guess all of the rumors and stories I heard about Brandy Casino are true, you have proven to me that you are not even a person of your word, and that you have no credibility. I can assure you that the transcripts of our past two chats are going to make wonderful reading at and the many other gambling forums and regulatory agencies that I intend to forward them to!
You: I can promise you that you have only begun to hear from me!! And that Miss Evans, you can take to the bank!
You: PS. You better call the bank and tell them that they are supposed to be closed today, they can't understand how Ms. Lisa Evans, Casino Manager is now setting operating hours for their Bank. They want to know since they are currently working on what you said was a holiday, if you were going to pay them Holiday Pay!
Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.
nd transcript
I have nevr been lied to more in one conversation, One final closing note: The casino manager Lisa Evans, could not even keep her word about the bonus she wanted to give me for everthin that I had gone thru.
Casino support at that time was very pleasant and very helpful. They reviewed my account and advised me that I met all of the cash-in requirements and play thru requirements as well. I then completed the cashout request for an express payment, and my cashout was placed in a waiting status for 4 business days.
On Friday April 9, I checked and found that my cash - in now was designated as "approved" According to the casino help section, once it has the approved designation, a check would be sent out imediately. I called customer service and requested a DHL tracking number for my cash out.
Customer service again was very helpful and pleasant. They informed me that they could not provide me with a tracking number, as my check had not been sent out. When asked why not? they informed me that in their country it was a national holiday (Good Friday)
They further stated that my check would be mailed ou the first thing Monday Morning April 12, 2004. I thanked her for her time and ended the conversation. On Monday evening I again contacted custiomer service for the tracking number. Once the tracking number was issued, they would e-mail the tracking number later in the day.
On Tuesday, i AGIN CALLED Customer service foa trackin number
I am not in the habit of calling people or companys "Cheats and Liars" So to do so, you can be assured that I have been treated extremely bad.
Please do not take my word for it, what you are about to read is two Live Chat transcripts of conversations with an operator named Jennifer, and then later a woman named Lisa Evans, who purports to be Brandy Casino's General Manager.
Transcriot #1
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Jennifer'
Jennifer: Hello ! How may I assist you?
you: Hello, hang on a sec please
you: sorrry about that, I was wondering if you could provide me with a tracking number for my cashout. my account number is BCR26642832
you: I cashed out last week and was told last friday by customer support, that they would have a DHL trcking number on Monday.
Jennifer: Please hold one moment
Jennifer: Let me check, please
you: ok, thanks
Jennifer: the status of your cashout request is "waiting"
Jennifer: you should wait a little bit before you get the money
you: How can that be, I have a screen shot from last week showing that it is approved, and my conversation with customer service on friday said that it was approved and that due to it being Good Friday last week, that it was scheduled to be sent out yesterday.
Jennifer: i see that you made two requests last week
Jennifer: one is approve, the other is waiting
you: I only have one cashout request. I first requested that it be sent by regular mail, and then changed it to express.
Jennifer: i see that the status is waiting
you: the only cashout I have, and the only one approved, was to have been sent out by DHL yesterday, per your customer service.
Jennifer: sorry, i can see only one request and it is waiting
you: There is only one cashout for $2004.00
Jennifer: yes, and the status is waiting
you: I will be happy to send you a copy of the screenshot I took last week, and it shows "APPROVED"
Jennifer: could you send it to
you: Sure, dont go anywhere, it will be sent to you in one sec, by the way, the approved transaction number is 3670696.
Jennifer: ok, waiting for your mail
you: ok, it has been sent
Jennifer: Let me check, please
you: the screenshot was sent as an attached file.
Jennifer: hold on please, i'll consult the finance specialist
you: ok
Jennifer: the money has been sent on 08.04
you: Jennifer, I just checked my casino account online, and the transaction report still shows my withdrawl request as approved. How could it have been sent on 08.04, when customer service told me on 09.04, that it was not sent out and would be sent out on 12.04.
Jennifer: please wait a bit, i'm consulting the tech. support
you: If it was sent out, then please provide me with the DHL tracking number that I was promised.
Jennifer: the support says it may take 15 days
Jennifer: i gave them your ID, waiting for the tracking number
you: This was an express cashout, Customer support told me that all express sashouts are sent by DHL.and arrive within 5 days of being sent. Regular mail cashouts can take 15 days. Why would support telll you 15 days on an express cashout.
Jennifer: sorry, i'm telling you what the tech support told me
Jennifer: They've just told me that because of the easter season it has not been sent out as yet but it should go out today
you: I am starting to think that I am now getting the run around. I was hoping that all of the bad stories concerning cash out problems were wrong, guess they might be true. You have now given me three totally different stories concerning my cashout.
Jennifer: I hope it's just a misunderstanding. Let's wait a few days and see. I'm sure you'll get the money in a few days
you: ou have told me that it was sent on 08.04, you have told me that my cash out request was in the "waiting" status, and then once I sent you a screen shot showing it marked approved, you then give me another story that it is not sent out.
Jennifer: the tech support has just told me that the money hasn't been sent yet, but the plan to send it today
you: Now you tell me that you hope its just a misunderstanding and to wait a few days and your sure I will get the money. The only way that money will arrive in a few days, is if it had been expressed sent. I want a DHL tracking number, and I do not want anymore STORIES!
Jennifer: Please hold one moment
Jennifer: Sorry, i asked the techs once again and they told the following: "it has not been issued as yet so there is no tracking number"
you: You can be assured that If I do not receive a tracking number today, that this chat conversation will be posted in every major gambling forum that I can put it in. I will also file complaints with every regulatory agency that I can.
you: I will expect an email from the casino today with the tracking number, Now I don't think that is being to unreasonable a request, do you?
Jennifer: Sorry, we'll do our best to do it as quickly as possible
you: If it is being sent today, like you just told me a minute ago, then there should be no reason as to why a tracking number couldn't be provided today, right?
you: Its not very good for a casino's reputation, when the casino starts lying to their customers.
Jennifer: the issue s not in my competence. I'm comsulting the support and conveying to you the information they provide
Jennifer: they tell me that the number will be advises to me today or tomorrow and i will send it to you
you: Then be sure that you are conveying to them what I have said. Ok, now we have story number 4. If they are going to send it out today, like you informed me a few paragraphs ago, then you would have the tracking number today. If you lied to me about it them sending it out today, then I could understand why you just said they would provide you with the number "today or tomorrow"
Jennifer: if you have so serious complaints please write an email letter to
you: I would also like to have the name of the support person that is giving you this information. And any letter writing concerning this, won't be to the help desk, and that my dear is not a story!
Jennifer: please write a letter explaining the problem to the adress i gave you.
you: There is no reason for me to write a letter to your help desk, you are very aware of the storys, since you have told me 4 of them yourself. I want the DHL tracking number emailed to me today. I want my cashout sent as promised to me by your finance department on Friday. I want my cashout that is listed as APPROVED" on the casino transaction report, and not in a waiting status as you tried to tell me. I WANT MY MONEY!!
you: And I am still waiting for you to give me the name of the person in support whoi is telling you all of this.
you: I am going to forward a copy of this chat transcript to, CasinoMeister for starters.
you: I am still waiting for supports name.
you: Jennifer, I am still waiting for a response back from you? Ignoring me will not make this problem go away
Jennifer: Hello, Larry! You are chatting with the manager now. Very sorry you have problems with cashing out.
Jennifer: We are dealing with your quiry. It is to be solved in the nearest time.
you: Well Mr. or Mrs Manager, may I have your name please.
Jennifer: Yes, my name is Ms Lisa Evans
you: I am not having problems cashing out...Brandy Casino is the one having problems paying out and sending cashouts. Miss Evans, I would be happy to send you a copy of this entire chat session. I have been subjected not ony to excuses, but to 4 different stories and lies from your customer service department concerning my cashout.
you: I had a very pleasant conversation on Friday 09.04 with your finance department, they informed me that due to good friday, that my cashout would be sent on Monday 12.04, and that a DHL tracking number would be provided that day. Since talking with customer support today, I have been told that 1. it was not sent out, 2. It was in a "waiting" status" wnen in fact it was showing appoved. 3. It was sent out on 12.04, however no DHL number could be provided, to finally the last story that it has not been sent out and will be sent out today. I hope you can understand my ellevated height of anger over this.
you: I am not an unreasonable man, when I am given the truth, when given stories and lies, It raises my concerns about the legitimacy of your casino and its honesty, espiciall given the negative reputation it had in the past.
Jennifer: As far as it is understood from your explanation, you were told that your check would be sent on Monday 12.04. Right?
you: Eagerly awaiting your reply Miss Evans
you: yes
you: that was my understanding until my conversation with customer service this morning of 13.04.
you: Beleive me MIss Evans, if the casino treated me right, you would have a loyal freqently depositing customer. I average spending $2,000 to $3,000 a month online gambling.
you: If you check my account recently, I have attempted to make deposits on several different ooccassions.
you: For some reason, your software would not accept my deposit. It is a glitch on your end as I was able to go to Jupiter Club right after your casino decline, and I wa able to make a deposit at Jupiter/.
you: All I want Miss Evans is to be told my check has been sent and provided with the DHL tracking number as promised.
Jennifer: Larry, I appreciate you as our player, and I do understand how you are feeling. Will you wait for the check to be issued today? I also would like to offer you a bonus for any inconvinience caused. Will you accept it?
you: awaiting your reply
you: Miss Evans, what I would like first, is some reasonable explanation as to why your support team out and out lies to me, secondly, I would like to know what time I can expect to receive the tracking number today, and lastly, I would like your word as manager/operator of this casino , that you will personally guarentee me that the check will be sent out today and a tracking number given to me today. If you can do all that, then I would consider accepting the bonus.
Jennifer: First of all, the operator you were talking to is not responsible for financial issues. To have an irrefragable answer on a financial matter the players are supposed to contact financial department or the management. Secondly, I would monitor myself that the check is issued today. As soon as the check is issued you will be sent a DHL tracking number.
you: Miss Evans,your operator may not be responsible for financial issues, she does have a greater responsibility to represent the casino in an honest and responsible manner. She not only represents the casino, she is in fact representing you Miss Evans. As an owner of a succesful business in the United States, I would never tolerate an employee representing myself or my company in such a manner, would you?
you: Your operators are usually the only contact a cusomer has with the casino, what kind of perceptions do you want tpeople to have about Brandy Casino?
Jennifer: You are surely right, Larry.
you: I can tell you that this being my second contact, iit has been less than a desirable experience and has not left a very good taste im my mouth,
you: Miss Evans, I hope that this conversation has not been in vain, and in fact you will do the right thing and keep your word and promise to me. What time can I expect to hear back from you with my tracking number?
Jennifer: As soon as the financial department provides us with it, Larry.
you: You as the manager of the Casino have substantial influence over sll operations, I think that it would be reasonable to assume that you could tell the financial department to expedite this matter and for them to ptrovide yopu with the tracking number when you want it, rather than when they provide it.
Jennifer: Larry, please, believe me, we'll send you the tracking number as soon as it is known. Agreed?
you: Miss Evans, I would like you to give me your personal word and guarentee that this will be handled today, I don't want to hear that you will"monitor yourself"
you: Step up to the plate Miss Evans, put your word and reputation on the line, thats not asking to much from the manager of the #1 voted "Honest" casino.
Jennifer: Larry, th check will be issued today, I promise
you: Ok, Miss Evans, I will be your biggest singer of praises about Brandy, if your word is kept. Lets not think of the Alternative!! I will be awaiting an email from you today 13.04 with the tracking number. Agreed?
Jennifer: Thank you, Larry, hope our relationship is not overclouded by this little incident.
you: That remains to be seen now, dosn't it zmiss Evans, I like to think I am still an Optimist!
Jennifer: OK, Larry, was a pleasure talking to you. Have a nice day!
you: Thank You Miss Evans, My day will be nice when I get your email with my tracking number!
This second transcriot was done aorox. 4 hours later
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Gloria'
Gloria: Welcome to Brandy Casino live chat service!
You: Hello, would you please ask Miss Lisa Evans if she has Mr. Larry Polinsky DHL tracking number. My account number is BCRxxxxx. She will know what this is about.
Gloria: Hello, Larry! Miss Evans is here
you: Hello Miss Evans, it has been several hours and wanted to check status?
Gloria: I have to note that the bank is closed today as well as yesterday
Gloria: Your DHL tracking number will be sent to you tomorrow right after the bank opens.
You: Thats very interesting since financial support made no mention of that. Nor did you make any reference to that, dont you write your own checks, like all businesses do?
Gloria: I hope you understand this is not our fault. Our previous conversation took place at night time and we were not acknowledged of that
you: Since when are banks closed during the business week?
You: I have an idea; lets bypass the need for a check from the bank. I will provide you with my Neteller account number and you can fund it immediately.
Gloria: This is not due to weekend but because of Easter holidays. If it were a normal business week you would be issued the check as you were promised
you: That would solve everybodys problem.
You: and then you would be honoring the promise you made to me and the personal guarantee!!
You: By the way, not that I don't trust what youre telling me, please provide me with the name of your bank.
Gloria: I am sorry, since your withdrawal request has been already approved it's impossible to change the withdraw method
you: Now Lisa, you are the casino manager, I am quite sure that you have it within your powers to change the withdraw and deposit into my Neteller account.
Gloria: Cyprus Popular Bank
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you: Now Lisa, you are the casino manager, I am quite sure that you have it within your powers to change the withdraw and deposit into my Neteller account
Gloria: I have to point out that Brandy Casino rules are equal for all players
Gloria: And we cannot change transaction method after your withdrawal request has got an approved status
you: I would probably agree with that, had I not been continually lied to, misled and had personal promises from a Casino Manager broken word. Enough is Enough Lisa, Why don't you do the right thing Lisa, its your casino, I know it pains you to pay winners; you have the ability to change anything or any policy you want to.
You: By the way, I just made an international call, for a bank being closed, they are answering there phones.
You: I can hardly wait for the next story your going to give me.
Gloria: To sum it up it would be possible to issue and send you the check tomorrow when the bank is open. We consider the question closed and have to finish the chat. Good bye.
You: Lisa, I guess all of the rumors and stories I heard about Brandy Casino are true, you have proven to me that you are not even a person of your word, and that you have no credibility. I can assure you that the transcripts of our past two chats are going to make wonderful reading at and the many other gambling forums and regulatory agencies that I intend to forward them to!
You: I can promise you that you have only begun to hear from me!! And that Miss Evans, you can take to the bank!
You: PS. You better call the bank and tell them that they are supposed to be closed today, they can't understand how Ms. Lisa Evans, Casino Manager is now setting operating hours for their Bank. They want to know since they are currently working on what you said was a holiday, if you were going to pay them Holiday Pay!
Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.
nd transcript
I have nevr been lied to more in one conversation, One final closing note: The casino manager Lisa Evans, could not even keep her word about the bonus she wanted to give me for everthin that I had gone thru.