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These public forums will be made available to posters to read until April 1st. On April 1st, the only place on BW available to read about and discuss casinos, sportsbooks, and their bonuses, will be in a private forum (do note this is not the same as the old private forum which will no longer exist on BW on April 1st.)The fee for this private forum will be $30/month, or you can lock in for three months for a 10% discount ($81 for 3 months) and will be open to anyone who wants to join. If you'd like to join, let XXX know either by PM or email ( He will only be accepting transfers to his Stars account, XXX.
The forums will be moderated to keep the content on topic, gnoming and tax evasion posts out of there, and to keep things civil.
JimMorrison said:Foul mouthed? Really? I've been known to check BW once in a while and I've always thought they were nice chaps.
paul1 said:Seems like anytime someone finds a good deal, they blab it all over the place, and all the "whores" jump on it