Blackjack experts need help on strategy to a tourney

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Nov 19, 2004
I have qualified for the GMO semi-final at Global Player:

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Any tips on the best strategy (if there is any...) would be wellcome.

Follow this advice and you will win for sure:

Bet big on all the hands you win at and bet small on all your losing hands.

But seriously, the best advice I can give you is to follow basic strategy, you can find a copy here: Outdated URL (Invalid) said:
Follow this advice and you will win for sure:

Bet big on all the hands you win at and bet small on all your losing hands.

But seriously, the best advice I can give you is to follow basic strategy, you can find a copy here: Outdated URL (Invalid)

You can throw basic strategy out the window during a tournament. Splitting face cards and so forth are fair game if the situation calls for it :)

Check out, they'll have some good advice there.
I had a good friend who was a professional BJ player for a little while. Basic strategy is a given. Learn a basic counting system and make your bet size based upon it.

But mainly have fun, these things are based on luck anyway
Holly said:
I had a good friend who was a professional BJ player for a little while. Basic strategy is a given. Learn a basic counting system and make your bet size based upon it.

I'm just wondering.. is it possible to utilize card counting in online BJ? Don't they have multiple decks and reshuffles and stuff?



I'm just wondering.. is it possible to utilize card counting in online BJ? Don't they have multiple decks and reshuffles and stuff?

MG does offer single-deck BJ (Flash Version). I'm not sure about the other software providers though.


Holly said:
Basic strategy is a given. Learn a basic counting system and make your bet size based upon it.

Yes, but if you play the whole tournament based on basic strategy, you're just throwing your money away. There'll be times like I mentioned above that you'll deviate far from it....taking hits so that another player trying to double [edit]has a better chance to[/edit] lose their hand that you normally wouldn't hit, splitting/doubling when you normally wouldn't, etc...Most of the tournaments are multi-deck shoes, so counting is almost useless...this would definately come into play if it was single deck...As far as bet size, that depends more on what the other players chipcount is, and their betsize more than how the cards are running, especially towards the end.
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To echo the other posters, DO NOT use basic strategy exclusively in tournament play. You're not competing against the house, you're competing against other players. I've played in tournaments in Vegas, but never on line. Don't know if you can see how the other players are doing on line, but that is key. Much of the strategy will come into play late in the tournament. If you're down against the other players and it is late, then you have to think about doubling hard cards, splitting 10's etc. Likewise, if its late and you're up, then you should consider playing conservatively, especially knowing that the other players will be taking more chances and playing more aggressively (and thus more likely to bust or get bad hands). There are numerous websites that offer strategy for BJ tournament play. Bottom line is that it really is a different animal than typical BJ play. If you only follow basic strategy, there is virtually no way that you can win a tournament.

By the way, I'm certainly no expert. I have played in 2 BJ tournaments in Vegas, and not done well in either. It was just too hard for me to adjust my style of play when I am so used to playing basic strategy. Mentally, doubling a hard 13 against a dealer 6 doesn't come easy, but sometimes that is what makes sense if you want to have any chance. If I get invited to another tournament, I'm going to study up some more and try to put basic strategy out of my mind, especially if its late and I am behind.
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