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Bitstarz stole 4 btc from me I did not have any bonus or anything I have transcripts of email and pictures and then they disabled my account
Bitstarz stole 4 btc from me I did not have any bonus or anything I have transcripts of email and pictures and then they disabled my account
Hi there,
To give our side of the story.
Upon processing your withdrawal we discovered that you have 3 accounts in total that has been opened
not just from the same IP, but from the same browser, which goes against the terms and conditions of the site.
We're not just talking about opening accounts, but they all have activity on them in terms of bonus uptake and
deposits. This breaches the following rule of the site:
You are allowed to have only one Member Account. Only one Account for each household, IP, PC is allowed. If you attempt to open more than one Member Account, all accounts you try to open may be blocked or closed and any bets may be voided. Also any returns, deposits, winnings or bonuses which you have gained or accrued during such time as the Duplicate Account was active will be forfeited by you and may be reclaimed by us, and you will return to us on demand any such funds which have been withdrawn from the Duplicate Account. If you wish to open another account, you may do so by contacting the Manager at If a new account is opened, the old account will be closed. If you notice that you have more than one registered Member Account you must notify us immediately. Failure to do so may lead to your Member account being blocked for access.
Furthermore, you also admitted to entering fake details to your member account to the live chat agent
upon us making a KYC on your account which we have proof of here:
You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.
This is breaching the following term:
All information that You provide to during the term of validity of this agreement is true, complete, and correct, and that You shall immediately notify of any change of such information.
If you wish to dispute this, please state your side of the argument.
Kind Regards,
Also to add I don't have 3 accounts on your site I have one account and I have been depositing here since January so come on now how u going to say I cheated in any way. U know I didn't cheat I finally won and out of my fifty or so deposit s I finally try to withdraw and then u steal my money and disable my account. Come on now make this right
Submit a PAB - and then STOP posting about this.Also to add I don't have 3 accounts on your site I have one account and I have been depositing here since January so come on now how u going to say I cheated in any way. U know I didn't cheat I finally won and out of my fifty or so deposit s I finally try to withdraw and then u steal my money and disable my account. Come on now make this right
Submit a PAB - and then STOP posting about this.
PAB = Player ArBitration (previously called Pitch-A-Bitch!)
This is CasinoMeister's FREE service to help players with problems at non-rogue casinos.
To submit your PAB, click here: Player Arbitration
Be sure to read ALL the terms for submitting a PAB, including the Frequently Asked Questions here: PAB FAQs
... and welcome to the forum!
No, I wanna see where this goes!
Just kidding, absolutely agree with KasinoKing here. Submit a PAB and go radio silent on the forums about the issue until the PAB is resolved.
Just follow the link that was posted, read instructions on the page and submit it. As mentioned, once done you should wait patiently until it is resolved, so you shouldn't post anymore or rant after you have done that as it could hurt your case.
As it was previously mentioned, we have seen this numerous times and almost always there is irrefutable proof in the casinos favor, I would highly doubt Bitstarz would post that response without that file that PAB so we can all see the truth behind this.
I also have the chat transcript but there is no way for me to upload it on this site notice they cut most of the chat off in there pic I would like for everyone to see it all
How convenient that you do these checks only at withdrawal and not when one tries to register a second account
If they lose in any of the accounts then it's fine, if they win they are fraudster.
why did the casino allow some one to even make 3 accounts from the same ip
How convenient that you do these checks only at withdrawal and not when one tries to register a second account
If they lose in any of the accounts then it's fine, if they win they are fraudster.
If you want justice - use the PAB process (and STOP posting here!). This is honestly your BEST CHANCE.What u post is all lies what 3 accounts did I have I have one account and I don't even use any of your deposit bonuses ever. U guys didn't want to pay me after I won so u lie and try to make it sound like I broke some rule when really your just stealing from anyone that wins big so you can continue to launder your stolen money. I have the transcripts and images of it all if someone can show me how to post it I would be glad to.
What u post is all lies what 3 accounts did I have I have one account and I don't even use any of your deposit bonuses ever. U guys didn't want to pay me after I won so u lie and try to make it sound like I broke some rule when really your just stealing from anyone that wins big so you can continue to launder your stolen money. I have the transcripts and images of it all if someone can show me how to post it I would be glad to.