Best casino film?


Banned User
Dec 12, 2006
There aren't too many really great casino-based films out there, and with the exception of Croupier in recent years films of this type seem to be pretty thin on the ground

My favourite film is probably either Croupier or Casino (with Robert De Niro) Clive Owen is excellent in Croupier though, if you haven't seen it, it's seriously a great film, nicely understated and very cool. Also, a pretty old 1970s film called 'The Gambler' is terrific, James Caan in his best role ever!

But how realistic are these films? A pesimist would probably say that 'The Gambler' is the most realistic of them all, but I wonder how many films truly capture the mood of the casinos. I suppose gambling in the UK is very different to gambling in the US. Casinos in the states are probably way more glitzy... seems that way on screen, anyway.
I love Casino, actually just watched it a couple of weeks ago (again, lol). I also like "The Cooler" with Alec Baldwin and William H. Macy. And one of my all time favourites...."Owning Mahoney" with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It's a true story based on a very meek and mild mannered bank manager (from Toronto) who proceeded to embezzle millions of dollars from his bank to cover his frequent trips to Atlantic City to gamble. It's really a "must see" for anyone who thinks they may be a compulsive gambler. If you can relate to some of the scenes and feelings of the character, you may want to take a step back. Excellent film!!
Casino is also my favorite, one of the few movies I bought to own and can watch over and over again. The actors, the soundtrack, clothes, and storyline..can't be beat! Scorcese is truly a genius!
I love casino, however, The Cooler has to be one of my favorites, I think its the quirkiness of William Macy.
Croupier, is definitely one of my recent favourites.

My all time favourites include Let it Ride with Richard Dreyfuss - a classic!

Rounders - of course :D

...and watching The Cincinnati Kid lose with a FH - ouch!

Great topic! :)

I certainly love all of those movies mentioned, but if I had to pick an All-Time favorite casino movie, I'm going with "Rain Man". Those 10 minutes is more than enough to make for any other casino movie. Getting the matching suits, getting groomed, to eventually getting the room. Geez, I hope there's a "Rain Man" unedited version out there somewhere, with an extra 5 minutes of footage with Hoffmann card-counting.

Because I'm in that kind of mood, here's my...

Top "10"
Favorite Casino Movies

"Rain Man"​

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It's a great film regardless of the casino scenes, but... those happen to be my favorite scenes (minus the dialog about "K-MART" sucking and the whole "Gotta watch Judge Wapner" episode where Cruise goes to the woman's farm house and claims he's with the "Nielson's Ratings"... classic stuff :thumbsup: ).

Side Note: I could easily add "Swingers" to this list, but I'll just give it a mention here because they make reference to the "Rain Man" room. A great movie, that I had initially seen in the theaters 6 times in a span of 2 weeks! It didn't catch-on until a good year after it came out.

Side Note II: I was watching "Cocktail" the other day, and I couldn't help but notice that one of the scenes where a young Brian Flanagan is hitting the streets in search of a job, that his hair doesn't match-up in certain scenes. I guess the must have done some retakes on this movie, because it's the very hairdo that he's sporting in "Rain Man". :D Not THAT surprising though, they were both filmed around the same time. You've got to think that they filmed "Cocktail" first, and after doing "Rain Man", you'd have to think that he was saying to himself "Had I known I was going to be making movies with Dustin Hoffman, I never would have signed-on to play opposite of Bryan Brown!" I can still watch it though.

Side Note III: It's funny how Tim Robbins had come full circle being Cruise's co-pilot in "Top Gun" to being the crazy guy in the basement in "War of The Worlds", to Bonnie Hunt being in the famous toothpick scene and 10-years later being cast in "Jerry Maguire".


Prior to moving out here to South Korea, I dated a girl that looked like the actress who played opposite of Matt Damon. They REALLY looked like one another, same hair, same powdery-white skin, same type of goals, and to add to all of that, the same mannerisms. I knew that she was good looking, and everybody around me knew that she was good-looking. She was on the path to becoming a doctor (6-years later... I suspect she's there... or not... I do not know...). Although I really liked that girl, I couldn't stand her either. Nor can I stand that woman's character in Rounders. I was watching Rounders religiously at the time, and the more I watched it, the more I wanted to set myself... free...

A lot of people (after watching Rounders) get on the Mikey McDermott character, but he chose to do what he was good at, which was playing Poker. Had he listened to the girl, he would have finished law school (maybe), probably would have gotten married, and may or may not have been a successful lawyer. His life was mapped-out for him, and all he had to do from that point on was go from A-B. Instead, he cut some classes and a meeting (one that we know of), went to the Taj, and did what he did best.

When he basically decides to call it quits with school, that moment seems most refreshing to me. At that point, he's very sure of himself despite what the world around him thinks about it. I would suspect only those who enjoy gambling or take it very seriously would see his side of why he chose the path he did.

One last note though, what's up with NOT knocking-up the Famke Janssen character?! :mad: That's the only scene in the movie that I really have a problem with (well... I don't care for the pimp kicking the dog either). Like that wouldn't have been an ideal partner? She's like, into what you're into you idiot! :what:

"Ocean's Eleven"​

Only one hand of BJ is played. And he won. And you all know this. I can't wait for "13". "Ocean's Twelve" was fine, but hardly what I was hoping for.


This could be at #1, but there's no scene in the movie where I'm getting all pumped-up to gamble. It's just a great movie. I get more psyched about gambling watching non-gambling movies like "Wall Street","Glengarry Glen Ross" and "Boiler Room". I like the James Woods scenes, especially when Sharon Stone's kid is bothering him while she's on the phone with DeNiro.

"The Color Of Money"​

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I guess that makes back-to-back Scorsese movies...

Although there's no card action in this game, Fast Eddie and Vince do end up facing off against one another in Atlantic City. And there's lots of money being exchanged! Great movie, like Rounders, I can watch it daily and never be bored of it. It must be awesome being on the road, playing the game you love, and getting paid for it... and you have Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as your partner (which THAT alone is good enough for me).

Side Note: That's 2 movies that John Turturro shows up in!

"Hard Eight"

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What's up with Samuel L Jackson's spooky eyes?​

I like how the guy who played "Lt. Bookman" in that episode of "Seinfeld", teaches the John C. Reilly character how to come ahead in Vegas. I recall some "bonus whoring" in there, and I could have used this advice when I used to go to the local B&M back in the late '90s. Why can't I be a casino guru's protégé?

I do believe that this was Paul Thomas Anderson's first film, although it rarely gets mentioned.

"House Of Games"​

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Although I really don't mind Joe Mantegna, and I REALLY love David Mamet's work, I absolutely hate the way this movie was directed. It looks like a straight-to-video release. The acting... horrific! Despite all of that, it's a great story. They should really remake this movie, because the story's too good.

"Indecent Proposal"​

Ignoring the main theme of the movie, I especially like it when they build-up their winnings that first night. Now, how would you like it if some billionaire walked-up to your wife, offered a million, and she would later go away with him? :barf:

"Diamonds Are Forever"​

There are plenty of casinos used in various 007 movies, and I haven't seen the new version of "Casino Royale" yet... but this one WAS located in Vegas. If I wasn't taking this one, I'd probably go with "Octopussy" when they play with the rigged dice. I like how the henchman crushed the dice with him bear-hands. I'd also go with "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", but that's out of favoritism towards the always lovely Dame Diana Rigg! :p :notworthy

"Raw Deal"​

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I could still point out another dozen or so casino movies, but I'll leave the last spot for a movie that has no business being in any Top"10". Arnold Schwarzenegger totals a casino with a bulldozer in this flick. :cool:


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I used to think Rounders was the best, until I saw "High Roller: The Stu Unger story".

I know it's more of a docudrama than anything, but have to see it. I give it a 9/10 ;)

Steed: You also forgot the remake of "Walking Tall"...good one :)
You know, a few months ago I saw a documentary called "The Hot Shoe", about card counting. It's was done pretty low budget, I only saw it because a friend of a friend worked on it. However, it was really good. The filmmaker manages good interviews most of the big names in the scene, and then turns himself and his movie's sound budget into a guinea pig counting expedition to Vegas!
and sorry pinababy, this title is a reference to a roll in the game of craps.

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Actually tb, I knew what a Hard Eight was. It took me a few minutes to catch the OTHER meaning...ha ha ha. You crack me up. :D
My all time favourites include Let it Ride with Richard Dreyfuss - a classic!

OMG Cheeky, I'd almost forgotten about that one!! Robbie Coltrane is great in that too. I love the part where Dreyfuss runs around the track with his program prior to the race asking everyone which horse they like. As they answer, he crosses those horses off the program until he's left with one, and that's the one he bets on. I swear to God I've had days like that at the track, where that system seems just as good as reading the Racing Form for hours, lol. And what about when he swears the horse "winked" at him? Ha ha, most definitely a classic. I can relate. :thumbsup:
Great thread.

Nobody has mentioned "The Sting"
Ok it is an old movie but it has a fantastic plot and boasts a Star line up that includes Paul Newman and Robert Redford at the height of their powers.
Of all the more recent films mentioned here I would have to agree with most of them and "Casino" is definately a modern classic.
Great thread.

Nobody has mentioned "The Sting"
Ok it is an old movie but it has a fantastic plot and boasts a Star line up that includes Paul Newman and Robert Redford at the height of their powers.
Of all the more recent films mentioned here I would have to agree with most of them and "Casino" is definately a modern classic.

All this = :thumbsup:
Going in Style

something made me think of Old / Expired Link

not really a casino movie, but there is one segment where George Burns and Art Carney go to Vegas and shoot craps that is classic!
something made me think of Old / Expired Link

not really a casino movie, but there is one segment where George Burns and Art Carney go to Vegas and shoot craps that is classic!

I liked the Simpsons where Marge developed an addiction to slots....

And then in Family Guy where Lois lost the car playing VP


And how come Ocean's 11 hasn't been brought up???? Great movie!
There aren't too many really great casino-based films out there, and with the exception of Croupier in recent years films of this type seem to be pretty thin on the ground

My favourite film is probably either Croupier or Casino (with Robert De Niro) Clive Owen is excellent in Croupier though, if you haven't seen it, it's seriously a great film, nicely understated and very cool. Also, a pretty old 1970s film called 'The Gambler' is terrific, James Caan in his best role ever!

But how realistic are these films? A pesimist would probably say that 'The Gambler' is the most realistic of them all, but I wonder how many films truly capture the mood of the casinos. I suppose gambling in the UK is very different to gambling in the US. Casinos in the states are probably way more glitzy... seems that way on screen, anyway.

Just recently saw 'Croupier' listed on the TVguide channel, and missed it. I really want to see it bad now.

Have never heard of the movie 'The Gambler' until now. This is also on my new list of must see movies. ( uh..this isn't the Kenny Rogers movie, is it.)

A big thanks to the OP for pointing these out to me. Guess I am going to be watching some flicks in the future.

Just recently saw 'Croupier' listed on the TVguide channel, and missed it. I really want to see it bad now.

Have never heard of the movie 'The Gambler' until now. This is also on my new list of must see movies. ( uh..this isn't the Kenny Rogers movie, is it.)

A big thanks to the OP for pointing these out to me. Guess I am going to be watching some flicks in the future.


Actually, it is the Kenny Rogers movie :p
winbig reminds me of another famous actor. While I don't know that actor's name, he is famous for the following line: "Zee plane! Zee plane!"

Give us another clue, go on. :D

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