Anyone got any inside info on new MG VP games?

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slotchik said:
simmo, you got so excited about the double double bonus poker. I too, played it and lost 50.00 in minutes. what is so great about it? I HATED it!

Good point Slotchik although it was simply "Double Bonus" that excited me more than "Double Double Bonus" :) Actually two things: firstly, i think it'll be more exciting as Power Play when that arrives. Secondly, i played it up to now at Crypto casinos and the paytables there are substantially better - 99.94% as opposed to 99.1% on MG or 98.98% on Double Double Bonus.

Plus on Crypto "power play", you get that slight delay after a win which just seems to make it a bit more exciting than MG power play.

But that said, when Double Bonus comes out in Power Play format on MG i think that will be good. They may hopefuly change the paytables and up the % slightly - maybe...maybe not :)

But its definately a step in the right direction for MG IMHO.

Dont think MG will ever have 99,9367% double bonus. With auto-play and perfect strategy they provide (at least i think its perfect always) assuming 0,1% comp it would make no sense.
BakuPT said:
Dont think MG will ever have 99,9367% double bonus. With auto-play and perfect strategy they provide (at least i think its perfect always) assuming 0,1% comp it would make no sense.

Well in theory thats right...but Crypto do. And i think also you should remember the "law of the gambler" - keep going 'til the cash runs out :) Thats how casinos make such big money of arguably small house edges. Even 100%+ expectation games make the casino a profit.
hey Simmo just wanted to give you a DDB-VP update. I did go back, I know...crazy. I got dealt a 4oak on .25, moved to .50 and got the small aces a few hands later. $400 made up for all my losses. Since then it has been playing much like I would see in Vegas. I would like to see the multi-line version, it is one exciting game. :)
venetian said:
hey Simmo just wanted to give you a DDB-VP update. I did go back, I know...crazy. I got dealt a 4oak on .25, moved to .50 and got the small aces a few hands later. $400 made up for all my losses. Since then it has been playing much like I would see in Vegas. I would like to see the multi-line version, it is one exciting game. :)

Not crazy at all Ventian...after all its a high-variance game thanks to the reduced 2-pair payout so it could always require a bigger bankroll to avoid RoR.

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