An odd problem!...

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Oct 17, 2004
Location, Location!
Hello there - I've got a bit of a bizarre problem, as was wondering if anyone could help!

I've started using a different laptop for my MG casino's, and something very odd is happening. With every MG casino I've installed, if I 'minimize' the window (full screen), whenever I click to maximize it again - it appears briefly then minimizes again. I.e - Click on the tab at the bottom, up pops the casino, then instantly minimizes!! It'll do this every single time I click on the casino, until I eventually have to right click on it in the task bar to close it, or end the application manually. Then I have to reload the casino from scratch, and remember never to minimize it during my session... Very annoying, and entirely impractical.

Anyone got any ideas?

Running Windows XP and the latest MG downloads... Cheers in advance!
Can you plug in the mouse from a desktop machine and try that? It may be that the one in the laptop is a little touchy...:)

Not sure if that's the problem, but it's definately the first thing I'd try and go from there if that doesn't work.
i had the same problem on my pc a while ago
wish i could remeber how i fixed it

do you use mg casinos as a full screen or only a part?
Had the same problem before and found a permenant fix for it. It involves several steps:

1) Shut the computer down, disconnect all cables, and close up the lap-top.
2) Get dressed and put some shoes on.................. you're goin outside!
3) Bring your car keys!
4) Gently set the computer behind one of the rear wheels of your car. ( a fully-loaded truck works best, but use what you have)
5) Start the engine and throw that baby in reverse. Now back up several yards to ensure that your front wheels also pass over the faulty computer. Come to a complete stop and then put that mother in Drive. Now follow your same tracks in a forward manner and make sure you travel sufficiently forward enough so that both tires pass over the bastard.
6) Repeating this several times while yelling obsceneties at the top of your voice also ensures that the neighbors will never f*ck with you again!! ( and those pesky neighbors who always come over to borrow a cup of sugar will probably never be at your door again. ( especially for anything in white powder form from a maniac like you)
7) This fix will work with many household items and is not limited to computers.

Good luck Slotster!!
liquidsoap said:
i had the same problem on my pc a while ago
wish i could remeber how i fixed it

do you use mg casinos as a full screen or only a part?

I believe I had the same problem and that was the solution. Use the full screen option. Good luck!
Slotster! said:
With every MG casino I've installed, if I 'minimize' the window (full screen)

I think he is running in full-screen, isn't he?
Thanks for your help chaps! Running on full screen, got a mouse plugged in - and tried the alt tab! Weirdest thing, is when you alt-tab, same thing. Quickly appears on screen, then minimized!... I've been flash casino'ing it for the last few days, and it's not the same!

I just thought - I've not tried it in a window though... Although that still isn't really what I'm after.

Thanks again -any further suggestions appreciated!
Slotster! said:
Thanks for your help chaps!

Thanks again -any further suggestions appreciated!

No problem Slotster! I'm always there for ya!

I wouldn't recommend this "fix" with a refridgerator MacGyver unless you're driving a Monster Truck.
Slotster! said:
I've been flash casino'ing it for the last few days, and it's not the same!

Interesting you should say that. I was forced into it when i switched PCs, and for our favourite "Big 3", i actually prefer the Flash now. I just go back to the DL version to play the odd oldie or try the new games :)

MG casinos (download version) also use intergated parts of IE and flash. Obviously it could be any number of issues. But Lets try to get the common ones out of the way first and then work from there.

What brand laptop?
Type of Graphics card? (could be a driver issue).
Hey Trezz - It's a Sony Vaio... Apologies - that's as far as my technical knowledge extends!!

Simmo - It's the amount of time it takes between spins that does my head in. It's ok on Autoplay, but I don't use it that often - and I hate the way it ALWAYS selects all lines when you press 'bet max'. It's only a slight difference, but enough to drive me mad!
Slotster! said:
Simmo - It's the amount of time it takes between spins that does my head in.

Hmmm, just how fast is this computer anyways? MHz, RAM, etc...If you don't know, just post the model # ;)
Slotster! said:
Simmo - It's the amount of time it takes between spins that does my head in. It's ok on Autoplay, but I don't use it that often - and I hate the way it ALWAYS selects all lines when you press 'bet max'. It's only a slight difference, but enough to drive me mad!

It does vary casino to casino, but at 32Red and Roxy 50 spins is approximately one kettle boil or a cigarette for me. Admittedly it makes a difference if you make the window smaller though. Full screen is a leave-it-to-brew job and a fat roll-up, while running half that is a thin one and three dabs of the teabag, a good squeeze (of the teabag!!) and a thin rollie. At Ladbrokes mind, i can also put the rubbish out and on occassions, stop for a p*ss on the way back. Depends on the which way the winds blowing.
Simmo! said:
It does vary casino to casino, but at 32Red and Roxy 50 spins is approximately one kettle boil or a cigarette for me. Admittedly it makes a difference if you make the window smaller though. Full screen is a leave-it-to-brew job and a fat roll-up, while running half that is a thin one and three dabs of the teabag, a good squeeze (of the teabag!!) and a thin rollie. At Ladbrokes mind, i can also put the rubbish out and on occassions, stop for a p*ss on the way back. Depends on the which way the winds blowing.

:lolup: That's far too detailed to not be true. You nutcase!

OK - I typed it into the interweb, and got this back:

Operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microprocessor Intel Pentium M (Centrino technology)
Microprocessor speed 1.5 GHz - Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(TM) technology
Language version English
Main usage Business
Weight range (Kg) 2Kg - 3Kg
Standard memory (MB) 512
Hard disk drive capacity (GB) 60
Display size 14.1" (35.8 cm)
Battery life up to 4.5 Hours
Wireless LAN Integrated Wireless LAN 802.11g

I really don't think it's anything to do with the laptop itself though... far more demanding stuff runs perfectly. Just MG games... Weirdness!!

I'm heading towards it being a graphics card issue.

But without the graphics card type I'm kinda stuck.

If you'd like to do the following least you can tell us what card you got and we can go from there.

Click on Start>>Control Panel>>Display

Open Display and click on the Settings Tab

Under the monitor icon it should say something like this:

blah blah blah on Nvidia GeForce FX 7200
(that's my info your's may very well be different)

Can you post what it says, thanks

Alternatively you can Right Click on MyComputer>>Click Hardware Tab>>Click Device Manager button>> Click on Dipslay Adapters + >>drop down will show graphics card
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or maybe you have other application running in the background slotster?

right click taskbar>click task manager

then see what is processess running at same time

went round a friends house she had 58 :eek: processess running after starting up pc!!! soon had her pc running as smooth and slick as her :D
andyhinckley said:
or maybe you have other application running in the background slotster?

Agreed will slow any PC down (only thing wrong with XP loads to much crap at startup) but don't think it would impair on the graphics issue.
On a more serious note Slotster, I think your problem may lie in your mouse properties within the control panel. Check and see if the double-click speed is set too high (or fast). It may be double-clicking it back to minimize without you realizing it.
Actually i had same kind of problem about year ago.
Then the problem was some disk cleanup program (automatic).
I also read that sometimes Norton "Live Update" may cause this kind of errors

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