America the Beautiful - MUST READ

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998
I've started this forum at the request of a number of posters and operators, and I have made this accessible to senior members and above (150 rep points or more). If there is a member you wish to give access to, please let me know and I'll consider them for admission.

The reason for limited access is that there has been a bit of sensitive information discussed throughout the board about payment processing that has alarmed a number of people. Instead of removing threads or censoring these things, I felt it would be better to make this more or less a private conversation. This forum is not privy to the general public or search bots.
Great idea and long overdue! Thanks Bryan!

So they can view it, but not post?
No. It's not viewable to anyone below "Senior Member" and it's not spiderable by the bots. It's like it doesn't exist.

I have given a few members access to this who have either initiated some of these threads, or are participating in them (Reodeathwagon, mgibson99, etc.).
I didn't understand the word privy, never used it here in SA.
In the UK, privy was an old slang word for a toilet - normally an outside one!
I hope that's not a reflection on this section! :D
America the of the free (?) and the home of the ............. chopped liver.:eek:

Yep, feeling like chopped liver. We are still the same happy-clappy gaming fools we were before the Presidency was stolen by a complete idiot years ago! Just counting down the days until we can vote again, knowing that the Reps have f-ed up so thoroughly that not even they will vote for themselves. Can't wait to rejoin the gaming fold soon and see how it has changed while we were away.:thumbsup:
thanks, meister.....this secret forum is a great idea....although i'm sure evil google will soon find a way in.....hopefully some of the lurker operators will feel more comfortable commenting here
So what should we discuss first ? :what:

Thanks for the Private Thread tha man ! :thumbsup:

So this is kinda like the VIP Room huh ! :cool:
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Thank you Bryan! This is a very VERY COOL idea.... :)

Just one suggestion Bryan,
you might want to consider removing the google analytics code from this section, if possible. I know with templates it can be a bitch sometimes. If you remove the google analytics google really won't be able to find these pages.

I know I sound like a paranoid nut case, but what google sees, google catches....:eek:
Thanks CM for the forum. It really helps to have a place to discuss these matters behind closed doors.

Also since it doesn't effect everyone on this forum gives them a break from posts being taken up by US players.

Thanks again Bryan! :notworthy
I've seen alot of stuff claiming that the online ban was inpart based on problem gamblers.
I don't know about that, but I do know that if a person is stupid enough to gamble away everything they own, well, that's on them, live and learn.
I don't know who it was that started brainwashing the public into believing that life was a guarantee, or your well being, and belongings was a guarantee.
If someone is stupid enough to gamble away everything they have, I don't feel sorry for them, live and learn.
Problem gamblers???
Please. No such thing.
Stupid people is the correct term and I'm getting mighty tired of rewarding stupid people.
I've seen alot of stuff claiming that the online ban was inpart based on problem gamblers.
I don't know about that, but I do know that if a person is stupid enough to gamble away everything they own, well, that's on them, live and learn.
I don't know who it was that started brainwashing the public into believing that life was a guarantee, or your well being, and belongings was a guarantee.
If someone is stupid enough to gamble away everything they have, I don't feel sorry for them, live and learn.
Problem gamblers???
Please. No such thing.
Stupid people is the correct term and I'm getting mighty tired of rewarding stupid people.

Have a heart, Dude :) Obsessions and compulsions can wipe out years of hard work in a heartbeat! 'Sick' does not equal stupid, it equals uncontrolled. Not everyone has the self-discipline to be a constant gamer, and some people fall into the 'chase' during their first experience.

But YES, i agree, the law cannot legislate self control any more than it can legislate 'morality' and it's net effect will be far worse than a regulated system with links to gamcare, rational emotive behavioral therapy, CBT or the like.

Prohibitions create underground economies, and the 'losers' have nowhere to turn to stem the rising tide of financial ruin, and all that can follow.

" of the free with laws and rules to keep it that way" uigea just doesn't happen to be one of them.
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Thanks CM, great idea. Now let's get down to it. Anyone know of any sites still allowing any ACH deposits for U.S.? I can still use the debit card here and there, but just looking for some other alternatives. Please impart any info you can if you feel comfortable discussing it here. It sure will feel good to speak freely again. I was starting to think we needed a secret code, or handshake or something to talk about anything in the general forum these days! Also, anyone getting paid in the states???
Netspend, you can fund with paypal online and cashout ach.

Ecocard, peer to peer or western union to fund, eft to your bank to cashout.


Maybe read this behemoth and ask questions for updates.

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