$500 Free Play Promo - any advice??

It really depends on the details.

Let's say they give you $500 to play with for like 1 hour. And any winnings, you get to keep? Let's also assume that there is a "consolation bonus" that you get if you lose some of this play money.

If that's the case, just play it big, as big as you possibly can. Find the game that allows the largest bets (they're probably capped at very small levels). Perhaps roulette, do it by scattering bets on roughtly every single spot in a one-third area. Your goal by playing big is to either quickly get that bonus amount up to a high level (you decide where) or run out of play money quickly, and get the consolation bonus.

Aterwards, the bonus is probably transferred to your real money account, but locked up until you complete a wagering requirement. Two options are to a) find the lowest-house edge game you can grind it out with, and grind it out, or 2) Bet big again, letting the bonus either multiply your winnings, or subsidize your losses (you'd want to at least try to double-up). This option is not for the faint of heart, because it results in losing your entire deposit at least half the time.
Are you sure max winnings(bonus) is $500. With all those promos it used to be $200 and has been downgraded to $100.
May I ask which Casino?
Are you sure max winnings(bonus) is $500. With all those promos it used to be $200 and has been downgraded to $100.
May I ask which Casino?
I believe it's only the Wagershare/Palace group offers that have a $100 maximum. The Casino Rewards and Fortune Lounge offers still have a $200 maximum.
It is Classic Casino (Casino Rewards Group)
I hope you've not previously joined any other CR casinos - otherwise you've just wasted your time :(

Casino Rewards Group (Last time I checked) = BlackJack Ballroom, Golden Tiger, Lucky Emperor, Virtual City, Yukon Gold, Zodiac, Strike It Lucky, Captain Cooks, Casino Kingdom, Casino Classic, Aztec Riches & Phoenician
Why do you say that?

The terms dont state that you cant have an account at more than one Casino Rewards site. In fact, the only term related to this in the rules was referring to using this promo at another CR casino (which I havent anyway)

I have an account at a few of the others, and have made deposits etc.

I used the promo, made my deposit and followed all the terms as posted so I dont see why I would have a problem. If I do, then Ill certainly be taking further action.

** Found this term:

In the event that you have not made a deposit at this or any other Casino Rewards member casino, you may not redeem more than one sign up bonus within the Casino Rewards network, regardless of the individual casino offering the sign up bonus.

~~~ This doesnt apply to me as Ive made deposits previously at other casinos in the group, so shouldnt be a problem.
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I hope you've not previously joined any other CR casinos - otherwise you've just wasted your time :(
As Nifty29 hinted, bonus suspension can be avoiding by playing without bonuses on an existing account prior to claiming more sign-on bonuses within the group. And even if you have been suspended from receiving CR bonuses, I believe you can receive bonus winnings from Free Play. The only bonuses that you cannot receive are those that require logging into your Casino Rewards (not the casino) account.
I've played at all CR casinos and used bonuses from most of them, including several free spin deals. Only ever had two problems; One had a max of $40 hidden on an obscure page. ie I had already deposited $40 so I ended up with a basic %100 match bonus.
The other one was BJ Ballroom, I believe. I hit on the Loaded slot early in, went back looked at the T&C, made my deposit and tried to cash in for the $200. It said I hadn't wagered enough. I called support and the guy said, I assure sir, it most certainly DOES say you must wager at least $100. I said, whatever dude, went back in and did it, redeemed my bonus, blew through it, the neteller bonus, free spin bonus and deposit. WFT. Next day I click in and there's $200 more bonus money. A phone call got me an apology for the misunderstanding (the was no $100 minimum in the T&C) and a 'keep the change'
I've read a few stories on here about CR service not being so good. I was happy with it. I played at Cap'n Cooks exclusively for 6 or 7 months.
Why do you say that?

** Found this term:

In the event that you have not made a deposit at this or any other Casino Rewards member casino, you may not redeem more than one sign up bonus within the Casino Rewards network, regardless of the individual casino offering the sign up bonus.

~~~ This doesnt apply to me as Ive made deposits previously at other casinos in the group, so shouldnt be a problem.
Yes, that was the term I was referring to.
I previously thought it meant only one SUB across the group.

But now I've read it over & over again, and I just don't get it (mega blond moment? :o )

To shorten it:
If you've never deposited at CR, you can only claim 1 S.U.B. in the group.

To switch the negatives to positives:
If you have deposited at CR, you can claim ALL the S.U.B.'s

So the only way I can interpret that is:
The first time you deposit to a CR casino you can only claim one bonus across the group.
(i.e. you can't open accounts at more than one casino & claim more than one SUB at the same time)
But once you've done one, you can open new accounts & claim S.U.B.s at all the others, all on the same day if you want!

I'm not sure that's right... Help! :eek2:
LOL. I only met them on Thursday and they explained it to me. Should've listened but you know me and bonuses :rolleyes:

Anyway, the impression they gave me was, you can take this once even if you have accounts at other CR casinos already, as long as it's not the one you are signing up for. Unfortunately the guys I met are on a plane on the way home to Oz right now but I'll drop 'em an email pointing to this thread for clarification.
Thanks for all the feedback peeps :)

Ive read this again and have a different spin:

In the event that you have not made a deposit at this or any other Casino Rewards member casino, you may not redeem more than one sign up bonus within the Casino Rewards network, regardless of the individual casino offering the sign up bonus.

I actually had to make a deposit anyway to claim the free spin winnings, so that would count as the 'deposit at this casino' part I would think.

Gee I wish they would make it a little clearer :confused:
Ok this is the response I got from CR:

Was a looooong flight back home for us, but we landed this morning and the jetlag has started to kick in, so excuse me if the below response is a bit unclear – I’ll do my best.

With the $500 free spins or the one hour free spins you can get each bonus only once per casino under the CR umbrella. However, you do have to purchase at least once (on any casino you wish) to receive the promo more than once.

So for example…

You come through to Blackjack Ballroom sign up for the freespins you win (up to a max of $200) then you have to make a purchase of at least $20 to claim your winnings. You can then sign up for say Captain Cooks and play the free hour there. Then play at Casino Classic and so on for all casinos in the group that offer freespins.

On Blackjack Ballroom (40% up to $400) and Golden Tiger (50% up to $250) you are also entitled to the sign up bonus even if you win or lose. On Casino Classic and Captain Cooks you get the sign up bonus if you lose on the free spins.

If you win the free spins, you have to make a min deposit to receive your bonus (usually $20 except for Cooks which is $50).

If you have an old account with say Blackjack Ballroom and sign up again then obviously you won’t be able to get the freespins (you can only get the sign on deal on joining).

Hope that makes sense – let me know if it’s unclear and I’ll try a better response on a less jetlagged day ;o)

Makes perfect sense to me
Ty for the follow-up Simmo :notworthy

Snow problem :) I actually met with them to discuss the $4k cashout max rule they have in place. That was quite an interesting conversation. They got hit big time by a fraud ring, put the cashout max in place to try and minimise damage in the future, but haven't been clear enough (IMO) on the rules and caveats. Should have that info sorted soon. :thumbsup:

I have to say the fraud was quite subtle and very well organised and it makes you understand a bit more about why the casinos have to be so cautious. Just backs up my opinion that fraudulent players are legit player's worst enemies! It's a bit like insurance scams - we all nod and smile but at the end of the day, it's our rising premiums that end up paying for the cheats.

Am i sounding like a shill yet? :D
A bit of a shill, but me too mate. a casino treats me good, i tell it like it is, don't I? If not, I guess it just goes to show bobs your uncle, donut? There's only one I would have em kick out and it didn't bugger me off enough to remember the name..

As long as the CR people treat every customer like they were GOLD, I'll pipe their name like it was clarion.

Of the best, the only one who ever treated me as less than VIP (not his fault) made it up in a quickness!

My experience. was worthwhile.
Whoa - time to shill out Simmo... :D

Ive had an interesting request from the Casino Rewards Payment Dept - a screenshot of my Moneybookers account...??? Very odd as Ive never been asked for that before anywhere...it had to show my email, name, and address details.

Well I sent it, but it seemed a bit silly really considering I sent them my ID anc utility bill etc.

I will post when I get paid and hopefully give them credit where it is hopefully due....
Was a looooong flight back home for us, but we landed this morning and the jetlag has started to kick in, so excuse me if the below response is a bit unclear Ill do my best.

With the $500 free spins or the one hour free spins you can get each bonus only once per casino under the CR umbrella. However, you do have to purchase at least once (on any casino you wish) to receive the promo more than once.

So for example

You come through to Blackjack Ballroom sign up for the freespins you win (up to a max of $200) then you have to make a purchase of at least $20 to claim your winnings. You can then sign up for say Captain Cooks and play the free hour there. Then play at Casino Classic and so on for all casinos in the group that offer freespins.

On Blackjack Ballroom (40% up to $400) and Golden Tiger (50% up to $250) you are also entitled to the sign up bonus even if you win or lose. On Casino Classic and Captain Cooks you get the sign up bonus if you lose on the free spins.

If you win the free spins, you have to make a min deposit to receive your bonus (usually $20 except for Cooks which is $50).

If you have an old account with say Blackjack Ballroom and sign up again then obviously you wont be able to get the freespins (you can only get the sign on deal on joining).

Hope that makes sense let me know if its unclear and Ill try a better response on a less jetlagged day ;o)
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that just say:-

"Until you have made a deposit into any CR casino, you can only claim one no-deposit, free-spin or free-play bonus across the whole CR group"

... only with 5 times more words... :p
I always play VideoPoker with the highet possible bet size - and double all I can when I have some nice wins.

When you ends up with lets say 200$ in positive - you make a deposit and bet all in one hand of BJ.

If you win you wihdraw all - and if you loose - to bad:-)

GI Joe
Whoa - time to shill out Simmo... :D

Ive had an interesting request from the Casino Rewards Payment Dept - a screenshot of my Moneybookers account...??? Very odd as Ive never been asked for that before anywhere...it had to show my email, name, and address details.

Well I sent it, but it seemed a bit silly really considering I sent them my ID anc utility bill etc.

I will post when I get paid and hopefully give them credit where it is hopefully due....
Casino Rewards once asked for a screenshot of my Neteller account. I previously had dozens of cashouts with the group without issue, then suddenly they wanted to see my Neteller account. It definitely is an odd request, but if you provide it the cashout will be approved.
Just letting you know I got paid just fine no problems within 72 hours (not the fastest but at least I got paid)

Cheers and thanks for the advice!!

They have a (crap) 48hr reverse then are processed next day. However, after you have cashed out you can email in asking for a "manual flush" and assuming you are not a first-time player where ID is required, this will expediate the cashout.
I have participated in one of these $500 free play promotions, the winnings have been transfered as bonus chips to my account after I have made my first deposit. I followed the big bet strategy as described in aka23's :thumbsup: website and made a win :D . Now a little part of my balance is the bonus money that was transfered from the "$500 fee play winning" , should I request a withdrawal now and forfeit the bonus money or is it better to wait until I playthrourgh the bonus ?

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