Non-Bonus Complaint 3dice chat

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As of roughly 9:30AM GMT this morning -- Tuesday 11 February -- the Casinomeister Forums have lost two days of user activity including forum registrations, forum posts, PMs, PABs, Tickets, Announcements, etc.
All forum content added after roughly 10:40AM Sunday 9th until 09:30 11th February has been lost.
When we have more info to share we will. Until then please bear with us.
Needless to say we apologise deeply for the frustration and inconvenience this will have caused.


Newbie member
Jul 27, 2015
I've been at 3dice for a long time. But lately there are some players who say whatever they want and can be very mean. A lot of us dont talk much any more because of it. Last night I was just playing a free tourney, not saying a word and got called a Mutha F just because i passed one of them. And to make it worse, the rep said it was a miss understanding.. and never even told him it was out of line. That was really upsetting to me and I did nothing to deserve it.
There are chat rules posted and this person broke quite a few of them and had no consequence for his actions. He floods the chat with drunken banter 24/7, has sexual innuendos constantly, and seems to be allowed to call anyone he wants names, which is really messed up. So I'm really having a rough Mothers Day weekend because being called names like that when I did nothing but play in silence really hurt my feelings when I did nothing to deserve it. I pay to play and 3Dice should be making my experience fun, not depressing.

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I was there, i was playing that same tourney, and as often only glancing at chat whilst watching youtube...
I therefore have a pretty good idea who you are, but that is of course not really important. What is maybe important in this scenario however, is that you weren't the one jokingly addressed as one of the 2 mutha F's in the lead, since that applied to only me and the other fellow, on the top in the tourney. The rest were all women. I believe the guy you say is flooding the chat with drunken banter, was just tongue in cheek calling me and the other guy out for basically 'stealing mother's monies' :p

Now, i don't really think this is an issue to post here on the forum, as it's really both a misunderstanding (at least in this specific case), and a personal issue. Or so it seems. We can never like everybody in our circles, or be liked by everybody. I've seen plenty of people complaining like you do now, have a wee bit of a double standard in these matters. Like cruder than normal language, dirty jokes and/or being drunk and stoned and proud of it, is acceptable sometimes, but not when it concerns certain people? If you catch my drift...

Not saying you are like that, or do this - but just an observation over the years, and not only in 3Dice chat. If someone really crosses lines, or people are actually fighting over w/e, support usually handles it fine. They are the ones that generally decide what flies and what doesn't, and i think that's best. Although as said, sometimes even there there seems to be some more leeway for some than others. But it's really hard to see everything, know all the backstories/history some people might have in real life, or private messages etc. So.'s complicated :p

I hope you can step over this, as you really weren't the one addressed, and that you can forgive said guy, for his attempts to make us laugh? I like the whole 3Dice fam, as another lady in chat yesterday said 'my dysfunctional family' is kind of apt :D

If you really don't want to see what some specific person is typing, it would be really good to have the option to completely block them, and it shouldn't be too hard to also have this persons messages be blocked for you alone in main.
I was there, i was playing that same tourney, and as often only glancing at chat whilst watching youtube...
I therefore have a pretty good idea who you are, but that is of course not really important. What is maybe important in this scenario however, is that you weren't the one jokingly addressed as one of the 2 mutha F's in the lead, since that applied to only me and the other fellow, on the top in the tourney. The rest were all women. I believe the guy you say is flooding the chat with drunken banter, was just tongue in cheek calling me and the other guy out for basically 'stealing mother's monies' :p

Now, i don't really think this is an issue to post here on the forum, as it's really both a misunderstanding (at least in this specific case), and a personal issue. Or so it seems. We can never like everybody in our circles, or be liked by everybody. I've seen plenty of people complaining like you do now, have a wee bit of a double standard in these matters. Like cruder than normal language, dirty jokes and/or being drunk and stoned and proud of it, is acceptable sometimes, but not when it concerns certain people? If you catch my drift...

Not saying you are like that, or do this - but just an observation over the years, and not only in 3Dice chat. If someone really crosses lines, or people are actually fighting over w/e, support usually handles it fine. They are the ones that generally decide what flies and what doesn't, and i think that's best. Although as said, sometimes even there there seems to be some more leeway for some than others. But it's really hard to see everything, know all the backstories/history some people might have in real life, or private messages etc. So.'s complicated :p

I hope you can step over this, as you really weren't the one addressed, and that you can forgive said guy, for his attempts to make us laugh? I like the whole 3Dice fam, as another lady in chat yesterday said 'my dysfunctional family' is kind of apt :D

If you really don't want to see what some specific person is typing, it would be really good to have the option to completely block them, and it shouldn't be too hard to also have this persons messages be blocked for you alone in main.
I am sorry, but no...I cant. Name calling is funny? There is no reason what so ever for name calling in chat. Anyone else would have been banned. That comment would have been erased and that would be it. But for whatever reason, he gets a free pass? A person who was previously banned for abusing chat?
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Hi macco,

I will say that this particular player may be very “chatty” on occasions and support will step in when or if it is necessary .

However, in this particular instance he was only joking and as it was mentioned above by incrediblestuff , the players he was talking to, or about, weren’t offended.

There is an option called “Ignore” that I really suggest to use when someone “gets on your nerves” so to speak. Simply double click his/her name and choose it. This will insure you cannot see his/ her postings.

While I understand that some jokes aren’t for everyone, please remember that this chat is for adults and just having a “ bubbly" personality isn’t against the rules.

We should also remember that perhaps we all say things at one point or another that may rub someone else the wrong way. If those said jokes are not palatable ,I assure you that our support will step in and there will always be a "time out" or a “ ban” ( if necessary).

But that's for the support team to decide. The reason cannot be that several members really dislike this person.

I hope that we can all be adults and just enjoy the games and have fun.

Kind regards,
Hi macco,

I will say that this particular player may be very “chatty” on occasions and support will step in when or if it is necessary .

However, in this particular instance he was only joking and as it was mentioned above by incrediblestuff , the players he was talking to, or about, weren’t offended.

There is an option called “Ignore” that I really suggest to use when someone “gets on your nerves” so to speak. Simply double click his/her name and choose it. This will insure you cannot see his/ her postings.

While I understand that some jokes aren’t for everyone, please remember that this chat is for adults and just having a “ bubbly" personality isn’t against the rules.

We should also remember that perhaps we all say things at one point or another that may rub someone else the wrong way. If those said jokes are not palatable ,I assure you that our support will step in and there will always be a "time out" or a “ ban” ( if necessary).

But that's for the support team to decide. The reason cannot be that several members really dislike this person.

I hope that we can all be adults and just enjoy the games and have fun.

Kind regards,
The part I wish were true is """
Simply double click his/her name and choose it. This will insure you cannot see his/ her postings.""" it is not true
It only blocks that person from pm'ing you. Believe me Anna, I would use it on several players if it worked the way you say. As is, I just don't read much of chat.
The part I wish were true is """

It only blocks that person from pm'ing you. Believe me Anna, I would use it on several players if it worked the way you say. As is, I just don't read much of chat.
I will check (double -check it) tomorrow and if it isnt working it will be fixed :).
I've been at 3dice for a long time. But lately there are some players who say whatever they want and can be very mean. A lot of us dont talk much any more because of it. Last night I was just playing a free tourney, not saying a word and got called a Mutha F just because i passed one of them. And to make it worse, the rep said it was a miss understanding.. and never even told him it was out of line. That was really upsetting to me and I did nothing to deserve it.
There are chat rules posted and this person broke quite a few of them and had no consequence for his actions. He floods the chat with drunken banter 24/7, has sexual innuendos constantly, and seems to be allowed to call anyone he wants names, which is really messed up. So I'm really having a rough Mothers Day weekend because being called names like that when I did nothing but play in silence really hurt my feelings when I did nothing to deserve it. I pay to play and 3Dice should be making my experience fun, not depressing.
This is exactly what I recently posted about. I have not been playing as much as I use to on there because of this. Hurtful and toixic people. Some of which obviously have Cm accounts and try and bash us here as well. 3dice added an ignore button which makes it way more fun now. I have still been rubbed the wrong way too many times. When you have people saying such mean things it hurts and you can end up losing sleep over it. Just not worth it. I try my best to avoid chat nowadays.
I have seen players banned before. But those same players come back 1 year later and it all starts again.l People also lie and spread rumors about you on there to other players. it is the same players always complaining about losing for the most part.

Anyways,, try the ignore feature. It does make it more enjoyable. But for some reason it does not transfer to all devices. Only the one PC you are using, Don't think it works on cell phone.

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