32 Red Very Disappointed !

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Well so do I. In his PM Ed the CEO said..

Wednesday, I am afraid - I can guarantee the situation will be rectified immediately and to your satisfaction.

Well here I am Wednesday at 3pm and I am having to prompt them into sending me the email with instructions on how they would like to be paid their own money back. Instructions which I should already have received apparently. Of course there could be a fault with an email server somewhere but I am receiving their other emails perfectly ok so I have to assume this mail was never sent or if it was it was incorrectly addressed.

Personally I wouldn't call that satisfactory or immediate but hey everything is open to interpretation right ?

Well we still have nine hours of Wednesday left but I already feel it hasn't been rectified immediately or satisfactorily so I guess something else went wrong and considering I was told that from the CEO I did kind of hope it would actually be the case.

Ah well it's 3.10pm and I have to go out, perhaps when I return I'll have the email of what they want me to do sitting in my inbox, we'll see.


Footnote: We tabloid-reading English are well known for suddenly hating people the minute they become successful so bear that in mind. It's not our fault - we're just puppets :D


Great, but it doesn't mean they are infallible and it doesn't mean they are beyond criticism.

I think that these two quotes go well together. Although I would have to believe that 32red probably do get a bunch of new customers each time they're the subject of any thread, I can't think of too many casinos at "Casinomeister.com" who've been criticized more often than 32red. That can work to their advantage from time-to-time, because an operation looking to improve it's product will need to know and understand what areas they may be weak in (and perhaps eventually turning those weaknesses into strengths). But are all of the criticisms accurate?

I would agree with "brutaldeluxe" that no operation is above criticism. I think it's hard to jump-in-with-both-feet when you read too many positives about a specified product, and how it's infinitely better than the rest of the competition. Being the way that I am, I'm reluctant to follow the pack. I need to know the good AND the bad. Having said that, if I'm grading 32red against the rest of the competition (and I've done so), they meet all of the major standards that I would expect a great operation to have. A fault of mine is that I tend to go sour on things that can all-of-a-sudden do no wrong, similar to how I may dislike the things that eventually become successful that were once considered esoteric. It's not really a fair evaluation though (on my part), because even if the parade applauds 32red down it's path to success, it's still a great product.


Yeah many threads like this could probably be avoided by a PM to a rep but I think a large reason people post threads like this is to vent anger/frustration (as well as trying to get the thing resolved).

People lose tons of cash online on a daily basis, and I'd imagine that a large portion of the people who play online are pretty private about doing so. These people (myself included) don't really have anywhere else to vent about a bad run that they just had, or bitch about the C/S that gave them total attitude when they just lost 2K w/o putting up a fight. I would think that it's okay for people to get their frustrations off of their chest.

For the life of me, I can't understand why someone should be made to feel stupid and even lower-than-low after going on a bad beat. The only times I don't care for venting though, are when the claims are ill-founded, or seem to be coming with someone who's working another angle altogether. It must suck to be an honest casino operator, and someone goes on a bad run, and your reputation is immediately being put into question. Yes, that sucks. But, I still think forums are a channel to vent. I was always under assumption that it is if it's done right.

If a forum was all about the positive, it would be too sissy, too much brown-nosing, and lose it's appeal. I think that one of the reasons I love coming to this site, is that it's balanced enough while trying to maintain a sense of respectability amongst it's core members. It doesn't always work-out that way, but the feeling is that it strives to be like that.


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They asked you to send documents. They didn't demand them. In fact they said if you were uncomfortable, then just don't do it and the accounts dept would deal with it.

It was honorable of you to bring it to their attention. Now just let them do their thing and get their money back. You don't have to help if you are so upset.

Just let it go.

Calm down.


I'm sure they would be very happy with you and maybe even reward you for your help, but it is not necessary to get all worked up over their simple request and courteous service.
Well here I am Wednesday at 3pm and I am having to prompt them..Well we still have nine hours of Wednesday left...perhaps when I return I'll have the email of what they want me to do sitting in my inbox, we'll see.

I support you on your original issue but the guy said Wednesday. All these posts and now this...? Something's starting to sound not quite right here IMO.
I find it amazing how someone exhibiting such an admirable trait of honesty at the start could be lacking so deficiently in other aspects so as to make himself look like such an ass. If they deposited double into your bank, then they already know all the bank information they need to rob you blind, so there's nothing more to worry about there.... and if they gave it to you via Neteller, then all you have to do is make a deposit into Neteller for the amount you owe them minus fees and make a deposit into the casino and tell them to take it from your account. Why is this so difficult?
OK update, btw Simmo I assure you there is nothing untoward here. Right I'll have to cut n paste a few bits of emails to show what has been happening, hopefully 32 Red won't mind.

Right part of the email I got at 12.45 pm wednesday (today)

In the case of your cash-in for 1,125 on the 18th, this was processed by us on the 19th December and the file was transferred to the UK banking system later that day. When it came to processing the cash-ins of the 19th, the incorrect file for Sterling on Delta cards was uplifted to the UK banking system. Rather than the file for the 19th being sent, the file from the 18th was sent again. This meant that all Delta cash-ins on the 18th were paid twice and those made on the 19th were not processed.

This error only came to our attention following your live chat with us on the morning of Xmas Eve. I know Dale has written to the handful of players affected, apologising for the error and you should have received this either late on Xmas Eve or Xmas Day itself. Dale did outline a couple of methods as to how the money can be returned to us; please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help in this area.

I would assume this completely backs up my story and shows you I am in no way trying to do something dodgy ! Now as I said I received no such email from Dale. Also I would be interested to know if any of the other 32 Red players this affected brought it to the attention on the casino. Although this might not have been possible as I let 32 Red know right away and they were probably able to fire off an e mail about this all before anyone even noticed.
My online banking updates every morning at 3.35 am you see and this is when I checked it and realised something was up. So I went on live support and I imagine they were able to fire off emails before most people even had time to realise the double payment had been made.

So I replied back saying I received no such mail. I then got a response saying...

Ill double check as to the reasons why the email has not reached you; Dale, our Payments Manager, says that they were sent from his mailbox at 8:20pm on Sunday 24th December. I know that he was working remotely from the office and that this may have caused a problem with the mail being distributed.

I have enclosed the content of his email for your reference.

I've looked at my inbox and this email arrived at 3.47pm. I went out at 3.10pm and am just back now at 5.20pm. So this email arrived about half an hour after I mailed them saying the one sent out on the 24th never arrived. When it was sent I have no idea. It might well be the one which was sent on the 24th, but either way it never arrived. Also note in a previous post I did mention that email server or something could be the reason I never received it. Whatever the reason was I didn't receive it, it maybe one of those things outwith 32 Reds control which didn't help but hey it's out of my control too !
Considering it did mention he was working remotely from the office perhaps a duplicate email sent directly from the office on Wednesday might have been wise considering it was a rather important matter !

OK so it then had the contents of the mail saying how they would like the money back. Sweet at last. I then read on and they say.....

I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience that may have been caused by this error and I would like to reassure you that we take every effort that all payments are processed both speedily and efficiently. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, in advance, for your assistance in this matter and if I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

As Ed mentioned in his PM to you, we are keen to resolve this to your satisfaction. It has taken a little longer than we would have liked to resolve this, which has not been helped by the problems with the above email, but we wanted to give you as much information as possible so that you could understand as to why the error occurred.

We have made a mistake and dont want to inconvenience you any more than we have already done so; because of your honesty in bringing it to our attention we would like you to keep this overpayment as a gesture of goodwill on our part.

I hope that you can allow us to put this episode behind us and also allow us to show you what 32Red can really deliver.
Please let me know your views on the above.

I've just fired off quite a large email to Pat with a word count which would put many of my university essay efforts to shame. I won't reproduce the whole thing here but I'll cut n paste a few parts which describe my views on a few things...

So the end result is I don't have to give the money back. Something I am sure which will quite annoy those in the thread who think I have made a mountain out of a molehill. Am I pleased with that ? Well 1125 is alot of money, I mean yeah sure that's nice but I mean money isn't everything and I think it's important to remember that. If someone gets their right arm chopped off no amount of money is going to ever be enough compensation. Of course I am not trying to liken this to that in any way at all ! I guess what I am saying is money isn't everything.
I'd be lying if I said the thought of getting something for the hassle hadn't crossed my mind. But also many other things cross my mind like killing people and all sorts of other horrid things. The exact same kinds of thing that cross everyones' mind. The difference is 99.99% of people just think about them, you then get the people who actually do them. Argh that probably came across as dodgy sounding, it wasn't meant to. I think it's just a roundabout way of saying it isn't a crime to be tempted, it's whether you give into the temptation or not. There is no sin in being tempted, everyone is tempted.

So should I keep the money ? I've no doubt my own greed will probably get the better of me and considering if I do decide to continue playing at 32 Red you'll end up getting it back anyway so hey. No doubt that is something you probably considered anyway

One thing which I am pleased about however is the situation has been sorted one way or another without any kind of "pressure" or "leverage" from anyone. Well none that I know of anyway. People who defend 32 Red are often accused of being affiliates and are only defending them for their own gains. It may (or may not) surprise you to know that I too am an affiliate of 32 Red. I had of course decided I was never going to
use this as some kind of bargaining chip to add a bit of clout to anything I said though. I would be slightly worried if it did actually have any affect anyway. It maybe useful for the few website owners but what is your average user supposed to do ? He has no website to help add clout to his case and it's this kind of person who my site is going to be referring to 32 Red so I want 32 Red to be good with all customers, not just the ones they think are more important for whatever reasons. Oh the site I am co-owner of is (I won't say what as I know how annoying people trying to spam their website is. Suffice to say it is gambling orientated with a VBulletin forum with over 5000 registered members and thousands more guests and hence quite a hefty whack of traffic) in case you hadn't already sussed it.

I remain philisophical about the whole thing. If I had entered a prize draw and won 1125 I would be like.....SWEEEET I HAVE WON MONEY, YYYYYYIPEEEEEEE !!! I certainly don't feel like that. If that sounds sour and ungreatful I don't mean it to be. I'm sure you maybe thinking hey we have just given this guy over a thousand quid and he's still moaning, haha. I just don't want it to be only about the money if you know what I mean ?

There is a fair bit more to the mail than that but those are the main points really. I am sure I will come under a bit of fire and people will be outraged at how they said just keep it etc cos I am a twat etc but it's only to be expected. So I guess I can bring this to a close now. My thoughts on the whole thing are in the email and I don't really want to write them all out again. I don't really want to post the whole email as I mean it's a communication to Pat Harrison not a forum post. I'm sure I will end up posting a bit more in this thread in response to the replies after I post this. I've certinaly realised that 32 Red and their reputation is a subject many people feel passionately about !

Awaits flak.... :)
Maybe you should consider staying a customer at 32Red. I know of no other casino that would apologize to you and give you over $1,100.00 .
Tim5ny - That isn't difficult but that's not what happened is it ? Noone said to me yeah just deposit money there and that's fine and dandy.They first of all had to check an error had indeed been made and see who it affected. I seemed to be expected to pay for the privelige of sending them a FAX to do this. I was then accused of not wanting to help. Eventually they did send out an e mail asking people to do pretty much what you had described, I never received this email though. It could be that money I deposited straight into the casino could end up being taxed as me losing it to them when it shouldn't be or something.....I am unsure, I don't know how the whole thing works. I was awaiting instructions on what they wanted me to do after they had confirmed a payment error had been made. The instructions never came !

I can now add ass to the list of insults I've collected. Ok so I am an ass, a moron, any more ? Just because someone is honest doesn't mean they won't be an annoying c**t. ;) I wouldn't say I've been the been the most patient, understanding person here but I have hardly been the world's most abusive customer have I ? As I have already pointed out not once did I get personal, insult anyone, start typing in bold(ie shouting) or abuse anyone. Things don't always come across in type as well as they do in speech. You lose alot of the communication. Much of communication is non-verbal, facial expression, body posture etc and we lose all of that through this medium and some things can be taken the completely opposite way they were intended. You won't find any record of my sighing disbelief in the chat transcript or my look of disbelief. Nor does any of he sarcasm come across as well as it might in person(my cheeky grin would make it seem far less offensive ;) ) but that's just the way it is on these things.

Anyway, any more insults please ?
Yeah fully expected everyone to jump down my throat now.......you just got over a grand and you are still moaning etc etc. It's not about the money for me which is what I tried to explain in my email. It seems for everyone else it is about the money though. I think you have changed your avatar tennis_balls ? You were the first person to reply to me I believe and you had "Men are pigs" in your avatar. Seeing a transcript of me (a man) and melissa (a woman no doubt) you of course instantly sided with the woman. At least that is how it came across to me. It may not be the case but it's the impression I got. The avatar thing was probably all a light hearted jovial jest etc but if you had something like "Muslims are pigs" or "Jews are pigs" it probably wouldn't be quite so funny would it ? It is of course quite ok to have comedy jokes and make sweeping statements about the entire male race being pigs but not anyone else of course.
That probably set me off on the wrong foot with you but that's the way it goes sometimes. You are still giving me more flak I see so not alot I can do really. I've said my thoughts and you obviously don't agree.
I'm sure I will end up posting a bit more in this thread in response to the replies after I post this.

Awaits flak.... :)

I'm going to switch over to invisible ink here in a second for the remainder of this reply so that I wont get banned from here again.

Dear Brutaldeluxe, What the Fu.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................son of a bi.......................shole...................................................................................................................your mother su............................................................................... and your father.............................balls.................................chin......................................................................... ever again!

Happy New Year, Tim
Well, I hope this thread can now die a quick death. Brutal, I'd say you've been adequately "compensated" for your "aggravation"?

BTW Tim, it's 1125 Pounds, which in Canadian Dollars is about $2,500. In US, it's still over $2,000. Nice Xmas/New Year's present....hey Pat, could I get paid twice next time (if ever) I cashout? ;)
Well, just now caught up with this.....absolutely fucking unbelievable. Henry, what is your problem? Brutaldeluxe has at least maintained some sense throughout his postings. The more I read this board, it's no wonder I post less and less.

Brutal, I never called you a derogatory name, which in my opinion is uncalled for.

Erm, except you did. Calling him a moron for a start.

OK, pinababy, I had this from you before inferring that i personally insult you or others.

That time I apologised if there was any personal offence because I am referring to peoples opinions, posts, etc ... and, sure, I could do better there I know ...but (to my knowledge) have never been personally abusive.

So ;

a) you call the OP a moron
b) ask me "what the fvck my problem is" and then
c) claim to be horrified at peoples rudeness

In fact, I think you (and you alone) are the only peron to have been personally abusive in this thread. And then you complain about it.

This is a forum where people post their experiences, thoughts, etc on casinos ... a guy does and gets comments from you ranging from "I think we should all vote on "most useless and stupid thread of 2006"" down to him being called "a moron".

Lets say, this happened to you at walmart. You returned some of their missing property and got demands to produce documents at your own expense, accused of "being unwilling to help" etc.

Not such a big deal. And if there was a forum you post on about expeiences at shops and you post about it saying it seemed a bit off ... and then along comes someone like yourself calling you a moron and "this thread was totally unneccessary", etc. Now that would seem odd.

You refer to the "top table" of posters and how these "elite" posters are of one mind ... well, that is sometimes the percieved problem ... like with this thread and the King Neptune's one you mentioned I cannot believe anyone who is just a player and has no links to any casinos other than playing at them could be so almost blindly sympathetic to the casino. This then leaves people who are not affiliated to any casinos a bit bewildered.

That is why I talk about affiliates ... when their symapthetic and (in your case) aggressive and abusive defence of them to complaints can seem at odds with normal customer-only opinions.

So, if you are "amazed that people who have interacted very little or not at all on this forum can always find and figure out how to post a complaint" then I think you should bear in mind that (unless I am mistaken) it is supposed to be an open forum and everyones opinion is equal

... and that the name of this section is "casino complaints" ... so if complaints about casinos upset you so much, then maybe avoid this section.

There, no swearing or abusive name calling ... its not hard honestly.

32Red come out of this smelling of rare Orchids!!!!
1100+ compensation with no WR must be a new record for an online casino after a cock-up of this nature. While they didn't notice the overpayment, the issue would have come to light once players who withdrew on the 19th started asking where the money was.

Jackpot Factory overdeposited some 2000 into my account. Because it was in my account, I could not even play with a true balance, and they took a similar length of time to fix the matter. I received "only" 100 credits as compensation despite the fact that on three occasions they assured me the money was really mine and I must have forgotten making the deposit!!
If I had kept it and lost it, they would most likely never found out, but if I had withdrawn it their audit would most likely have noticed it (but too late).

In moral terms, it would have been enough to tell 32Red this error had been made, and that they should contact you once they had determined the cause and wanted the money back. Play in the casino would not be affected as the money was in the bank.

This is not the first time this has happened in the banking system, a recent case lead to customers having debits deducted twice from their debit cards due to a similar duplication of files.
You say its not about the "money". OK, that's great!

Then why don't you take that money and donate it to a charity of your interest!

Can we get the title of this thread changed, perhaps?!

Kudos 32Red :thumbsup:
Erm, except you did. Calling him a moron for a start.

OK, pinababy, I had this from you before inferring that i personally insult you or others.

That time I apologised if there was any personal offence because I am referring to peoples opinions, posts, etc ... and, sure, I could do better there I know ...but (to my knowledge) have never been personally abusive.

So ;

a) you call the OP a moron
b) ask me "what the fvck my problem is" and then
c) claim to be horrified at peoples rudeness

In fact, I think you (and you alone) are the only peron to have been personally abusive in this thread. And then you complain about it.

This is a forum where people post their experiences, thoughts, etc on casinos ... a guy does and gets comments from you ranging from "I think we should all vote on "most useless and stupid thread of 2006"" down to him being called "a moron".

Lets say, this happened to you at walmart. You returned some of their missing property and got demands to produce documents at your own expense, accused of "being unwilling to help" etc.

Not such a big deal. And if there was a forum you post on about expeiences at shops and you post about it saying it seemed a bit off ... and then along comes someone like yourself calling you a moron and "this thread was totally unneccessary", etc. Now that would seem odd.

You refer to the "top table" of posters and how these "elite" posters are of one mind ... well, that is sometimes the percieved problem ... like with this thread and the King Neptune's one you mentioned I cannot believe anyone who is just a player and has no links to any casinos other than playing at them could be so almost blindly sympathetic to the casino. This then leaves people who are not affiliated to any casinos a bit bewildered.

That is why I talk about affiliates ... when their symapthetic and (in your case) aggressive and abusive defence of them to complaints can seem at odds with normal customer-only opinions.

So, if you are "amazed that people who have interacted very little or not at all on this forum can always find and figure out how to post a complaint" then I think you should bear in mind that (unless I am mistaken) it is supposed to be an open forum and everyones opinion is equal

... and that the name of this section is "casino complaints" ... so if complaints about casinos upset you so much, then maybe avoid this section.

There, no swearing or abusive name calling ... its not hard honestly.

Ummmm, number one I NEVER called Brutal a moron....go back and read the posts. I never used any derogatory term to describe him/her.

Second, I never asked you "what the fuck" your problem was. I said the whole thread was "fucking unbelievable". If you're going to quote me, please get it right. I simply asked what your problem was, no adjective included.

Third, believe it or not, no I'm not affiliated with King Neptune's or any other casino, and I don't play there either. Why would you find it so hard to believe that I could just be fed up with people wasting space, time and energy and "using" this forum for a purpose it wasn't meant for. That KN thread was nothing more than blackmail (IMO). And again, I'll ask the question, why do the regulars here never seem to post complaints? Slotster, tennis_balls, winbig, myself, Macgyver (just to name a few)....none of us are affiliates, nor do we "work" for any of these casinos.

I really think you should go back and read the first page again, because I never insulted anyone...I merely alluded to the fact that this was yet another worthless thread, that could have been resolved privately and with a lot less fuss.

Edited to add: I'm done, knock yourselves out. I'm just glad to see that 32Red didn't disappoint..and once again went above and beyond what would normally be expected.
Lets say, this happened to you at walmart. You returned some of their missing property and got demands to produce documents at your own expense, accused of "being unwilling to help" etc.

Accused? Demands???

One thing I learned from this stupid thread is how tough it must be to work as a customer service rep. I mean people will just take anything you say, twist it however they like, and use it to attack you publicly.

I really thought the OP was doing something honorable by bringing the mistake to the casino's attention, but on the other hand I think it is sick to walk all over someone who is just doing a job and apparently trying very hard to accomodate the customer.

I think you should donate half the money to charity, apologize to the customer service rep and donate the other half of the money to her.

And by the way I am not a 32red affiliate and I don't play there.
full disclosure: while I am not an affiliate nor in the employ of 32Red, they do send me a small monthly stipend to cover my faxing expenses.
Why would we need to change the title ? I was disappotined then and I still am. Just because I seem to have come out of this with some money doesn't mean everything is automatically rectified and ok ! The way it was handled was disappointing and that's why I named the thread that title. If someone wants to add in something on the end of the title to indicate they think 32 Red sorted it out properly then yeah I guess that's fair enough.

I think the person originally branding me a moron was Nifty29, not pina. But pina wasn't exactly sympathetic either.

Thanks for that post Henry VIII, I find myself agreeing with alot of that.
It's interesting cos whilst I have several thousand posts on my own forum I am a relative newbie here. The so and so has X thousand posts so his view is more important kind of thing has come up before. Also it's a good point about many people on here perhaps defending people with their own affiliate interests at heart.

I was wondering how long it would take before someone suggest I donate the money to charity. Basically people are keen to see that a twat such as me has in no way gained finanacially from this whole thing, especially considering I have made a big deal over nothing right ? Hey maybe I will. It'll probably be a private charity no doubt. ;) Hey maybe I won't. I'm still kind of just digesting the whole thing at the moment.

Hey call me a moron, call me an ass, I'm quite used to it. I'm been called many worse things which are highly more creative elsewhere. Someone else who perhaps wasn't as experienced in forums however might find it a bit off putting that they dared to criticise the Holy 32 Red and were branded an ass and so on for doing so. Personally I want new people to sign up and post. I don't think that's the kinda thing that will encourage others to do so but hey, run the forum as you see fit.
I was disappotined then and I still am. Just because I seem to have come out of this with some money doesn't mean everything is automatically rectified and ok ! The way it was handled was disappointing and that's why I named the thread that title.

They thanked you, they apologized, and they gave you $2000.

What more do you want that would make you satisfied?

Do you want them to fire the customer service rep?
Why would i need to apologise to the CS rep ? I don't think I was abusive in any way which I have stated numerous times before. Also as I stated previously things in text do not always come out as well as they may do in person. You accuse me there of twisting what she said and using it to suit my own needs. You see you have done the exact same thing yourself.
Look for the word DEMANDS in any of my posts. You won't find it, because I never said it. You lifted that from Henry's post not mine. So please try not to be guilty of the very things you are accusing me of. Remove the log from your own eye before trying to remove the speck of dust from mine yes ?

This sentence.....

if you are not prepared to help us by sending this then i shall just inform the payments dept of your call and they can take this up with you

That to me seems like I am being accused of being unwilling to help and I said just that. It also almost comes over like a threat, if you aren't willing to help then I'm gonna tell the payment team on you and they will deal with you etc ! From that statement I don't think saying I was accused of being unhelpful is twisting words too much.
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