OK update, btw Simmo I assure you there is nothing untoward here. Right I'll have to cut n paste a few bits of emails to show what has been happening, hopefully 32 Red won't mind.
Right part of the email I got at 12.45 pm wednesday (today)
In the case of your cash-in for 1,125 on the 18th, this was processed by us on the 19th December and the file was transferred to the UK banking system later that day. When it came to processing the cash-ins of the 19th, the incorrect file for Sterling on Delta cards was uplifted to the UK banking system. Rather than the file for the 19th being sent, the file from the 18th was sent again. This meant that all Delta cash-ins on the 18th were paid twice and those made on the 19th were not processed.
This error only came to our attention following your live chat with us on the morning of Xmas Eve. I know Dale has written to the handful of players affected, apologising for the error and you should have received this either late on Xmas Eve or Xmas Day itself. Dale did outline a couple of methods as to how the money can be returned to us; please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help in this area.
I would assume this completely backs up my story and shows you I am in no way trying to do something dodgy ! Now as I said I received no such email from Dale. Also I would be interested to know if any of the other 32 Red players this affected brought it to the attention on the casino. Although this might not have been possible as I let 32 Red know right away and they were probably able to fire off an e mail about this all before anyone even noticed.
My online banking updates every morning at 3.35 am you see and this is when I checked it and realised something was up. So I went on live support and I imagine they were able to fire off emails before most people even had time to realise the double payment had been made.
So I replied back saying I received no such mail. I then got a response saying...
Ill double check as to the reasons why the email has not reached you; Dale, our Payments Manager, says that they were sent from his mailbox at 8:20pm on Sunday 24th December. I know that he was working remotely from the office and that this may have caused a problem with the mail being distributed.
I have enclosed the content of his email for your reference.
I've looked at my inbox and this email arrived at 3.47pm. I went out at 3.10pm and am just back now at 5.20pm. So this email arrived about half an hour after I mailed them saying the one sent out on the 24th never arrived. When it was sent I have no idea. It might well be the one which was sent on the 24th, but either way it never arrived. Also note in a previous post I did mention that email server or something could be the reason I never received it. Whatever the reason was I didn't receive it, it maybe one of those things outwith 32 Reds control which didn't help but hey it's out of my control too !
Considering it did mention he was working remotely from the office perhaps a duplicate email sent directly from the office on Wednesday might have been wise considering it was a rather important matter !
OK so it then had the contents of the mail saying how they would like the money back. Sweet at last. I then read on and they say.....
I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience that may have been caused by this error and I would like to reassure you that we take every effort that all payments are processed both speedily and efficiently. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, in advance, for your assistance in this matter and if I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
As Ed mentioned in his PM to you, we are keen to resolve this to your satisfaction. It has taken a little longer than we would have liked to resolve this, which has not been helped by the problems with the above email, but we wanted to give you as much information as possible so that you could understand as to why the error occurred.
We have made a mistake and dont want to inconvenience you any more than we have already done so; because of your honesty in bringing it to our attention we would like you to keep this overpayment as a gesture of goodwill on our part.
I hope that you can allow us to put this episode behind us and also allow us to show you what 32Red can really deliver.
Please let me know your views on the above.
I've just fired off quite a large email to Pat with a word count which would put many of my university essay efforts to shame. I won't reproduce the whole thing here but I'll cut n paste a few parts which describe my views on a few things...
So the end result is I don't have to give the money back. Something I am sure which will quite annoy those in the thread who think I have made a mountain out of a molehill. Am I pleased with that ? Well 1125 is alot of money, I mean yeah sure that's nice but I mean money isn't everything and I think it's important to remember that. If someone gets their right arm chopped off no amount of money is going to ever be enough compensation. Of course I am not trying to liken this to that in any way at all ! I guess what I am saying is money isn't everything.
I'd be lying if I said the thought of getting something for the hassle hadn't crossed my mind. But also many other things cross my mind like killing people and all sorts of other horrid things. The exact same kinds of thing that cross everyones' mind. The difference is 99.99% of people just think about them, you then get the people who actually do them. Argh that probably came across as dodgy sounding, it wasn't meant to. I think it's just a roundabout way of saying it isn't a crime to be tempted, it's whether you give into the temptation or not. There is no sin in being tempted, everyone is tempted.
So should I keep the money ? I've no doubt my own greed will probably get the better of me and considering if I do decide to continue playing at 32 Red you'll end up getting it back anyway so hey. No doubt that is something you probably considered anyway
One thing which I am pleased about however is the situation has been sorted one way or another without any kind of "pressure" or "leverage" from anyone. Well none that I know of anyway. People who defend 32 Red are often accused of being affiliates and are only defending them for their own gains. It may (or may not) surprise you to know that I too am an affiliate of 32 Red. I had of course decided I was never going to
use this as some kind of bargaining chip to add a bit of clout to anything I said though. I would be slightly worried if it did actually have any affect anyway. It maybe useful for the few website owners but what is your average user supposed to do ? He has no website to help add clout to his case and it's this kind of person who my site is going to be referring to 32 Red so I want 32 Red to be good with all customers, not just the ones they think are more important for whatever reasons. Oh the site I am co-owner of is (I won't say what as I know how annoying people trying to spam their website is. Suffice to say it is gambling orientated with a VBulletin forum with over 5000 registered members and thousands more guests and hence quite a hefty whack of traffic) in case you hadn't already sussed it.
I remain philisophical about the whole thing. If I had entered a prize draw and won 1125 I would be like.....SWEEEET I HAVE WON MONEY, YYYYYYIPEEEEEEE !!! I certainly don't feel like that. If that sounds sour and ungreatful I don't mean it to be. I'm sure you maybe thinking hey we have just given this guy over a thousand quid and he's still moaning, haha. I just don't want it to be only about the money if you know what I mean ?
There is a fair bit more to the mail than that but those are the main points really. I am sure I will come under a bit of fire and people will be outraged at how they said just keep it etc cos I am a twat etc but it's only to be expected. So I guess I can bring this to a close now. My thoughts on the whole thing are in the email and I don't really want to write them all out again. I don't really want to post the whole email as I mean it's a communication to Pat Harrison not a forum post. I'm sure I will end up posting a bit more in this thread in response to the replies after I post this. I've certinaly realised that 32 Red and their reputation is a subject many people feel passionately about !
Awaits flak....